5,603 research outputs found

    Evaluating system performance in Gigabit networks

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    With the current wide deployment of Gigabit Ethernet technology in the backbone and workgroup switches, the network performance bottleneck has shifted for the first time in nearly a decade from the network to the end hosts and servers. This dramatic bandwidth increase calls for optimizations and good design considerations in many key components of the hosts and servers. These key components include network adaptor, operating system, protocol stack, memory, and processing power. More importantly the high bandwidth increase can negatively impact the OS performance due to the interrupt overhead caused by the incoming Gigabit traffic. This paper presents models and analytical techniques for studying such a negative impact. We first present an analytical model for the ideal system when interrupt overhead is ignored. We then present two models which describe the impact of high interrupt rate on system throughput. One model is for network adaptors not equipped with DMA engines, and the other model is for network adaptors equipped with DMA engines. In addition we study the system performance when using different system delivery options of packet data to user applications. Results from both simulations and reported experimental findings show that our analytical models are valid and give a good approximation

    Evaluating System Performance in Gigabit Networks

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    With the current wide deployment of Gigabit Ethernet technology in the backbone and workgroup switches, the network performance bottleneck has shifted for the first time in nearly a decade from the network to the end hosts and servers. This dramatic bandwidth increase calls for optimizations and good design considerations in many key components of the hosts and servers. These key components include network adaptor, operating system, protocol stack, memory, and processing power. More importantly the high bandwidth increase can negatively impact the OS performance due to the interrupt overhead caused by the incoming gigabit traffic. This paper presents models and analytical techniques for studying such a negative impact. We first present an analytical model for the ideal system when interrupt overhead is ignored. We then present two models which describe the impact of high interrupt rate on system throughput. One model is for network adaptors not equipped with DMA engines, and the other model is for network adaptors equipped with DMA engines. In addition we study the system performance when using different system delivery options of packet data to user applications. Results from both simulations and reported experimental findings show that our analytical models are valid and give a good approximation

    Evaluating System Performance in Gigabit Networks

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    With the current wide deployment of Gigabit Ethernet technology in the backbone and workgroup switches, the network performance bottleneck has shifted for the first time in nearly a decade from the network to the end hosts and servers. This dramatic bandwidth increase calls for optimizations and good design considerations in many key components of the hosts and servers. These key components include network adaptor, operating system, protocol stack, memory, and processing power. More importantly the high bandwidth increase can negatively impact the OS performance due to the interrupt overhead caused by the incoming gigabit traffic. This paper presents models and analytical techniques for studying such a negative impact. We first present an analytical model for the ideal system when interrupt overhead is ignored. We then present two models which describe the impact of high interrupt rate on system throughput. One model is for network adaptors not equipped with DMA engines, and the other model is for network adaptors equipped with DMA engines. In addition we study the system performance when using different system delivery options of packet data to user applications. Results from both simulations and reported experimental findings show that our analytical models are valid and give a good approximation

    Evaluating System Performance in Gigabit Networks

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    With the current wide deployment of Gigabit Ethernet technology in the backbone and workgroup switches, the network performance bottleneck has shifted for the first time in nearly a decade from the network to the end hosts and servers. This dramatic bandwidth increase calls for optimizations and good design considerations in many key components of the hosts and servers. These key components include network adaptor, operating system, protocol stack, memory, and processing power. More importantly the high bandwidth increase can negatively impact the OS performance due to the interrupt overhead caused by the incoming gigabit traffic. This paper presents models and analytical techniques for studying such a negative impact. We first present an analytical model for the ideal system when interrupt overhead is ignored. We then present two models which describe the impact of high interrupt rate on system throughput. One model is for network adaptors not equipped with DMA engines, and the other model is for network adaptors equipped with DMA engines. In addition we study the system performance when using different system delivery options of packet data to user applications. Results from both simulations and reported experimental findings show that our analytical models are valid and give a good approximation

    Evaluating System Performance in Gigabit Networks

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    With the current wide deployment of Gigabit Ethernet technology in the backbone and workgroup switches, the network performance bottleneck has shifted for the first time in nearly a decade from the network to the end hosts and servers. This dramatic bandwidth increase calls for optimizations and good design considerations in many key components of the hosts and servers. These key components include network adaptor, operating system, protocol stack, memory, and processing power. More importantly the high bandwidth increase can negatively impact the OS performance due to the interrupt overhead caused by the incoming gigabit traffic. This paper presents models and analytical techniques for studying such a negative impact. We first present an analytical model for the ideal system when interrupt overhead is ignored. We then present two models which describe the impact of high interrupt rate on system throughput. One model is for network adaptors not equipped with DMA engines, and the other model is for network adaptors equipped with DMA engines. In addition we study the system performance when using different system delivery options of packet data to user applications. Results from both simulations and reported experimental findings show that our analytical models are valid and give a good approximation

    Ethernet Networks for Real-Time Use in the ATLAS Experiment

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    Ethernet became today's de-facto standard technology for local area networks. Defined by the IEEE 802.3 and 802.1 working groups, the Ethernet standards cover technologies deployed at the first two layers of the OSI protocol stack. The architecture of modern Ethernet networks is based on switches. The switches are devices usually built using a store-and-forward concept. At the highest level, they can be seen as a collection of queues and mathematically modelled by means of queuing theory. However, the traffic profiles on modern Ethernet networks are rather different from those assumed in classical queuing theory. The standard recommendations for evaluating the performance of network devices define the values that should be measured but do not specify a way of reconciling these values with the internal architecture of the switches. The introduction of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet standard provided a direct gateway from the LAN to the WAN by the means of the WAN PHY. Certain aspects related to the actual use of WAN PHY technology were vaguely defined by the standard. The ATLAS experiment at CERN is scheduled to start operation at CERN in 2007. The communication infrastructure of the Trigger and Data Acquisition System will be built using Ethernet networks. The real-time operational needs impose a requirement for predictable performance on the network part. In view of the diversity of the architectures of Ethernet devices, testing and modelling is required in order to make sure the full system will operate predictably. This thesis focuses on the testing part of the problem and addresses issues in determining the performance for both LAN and WAN connections. The problem of reconciling results from measurements to architectural details of the switches will also be tackled. We developed a scalable traffic generator system based on commercial-off-the-shelf Gigabit Ethernet network interface cards. The generator was able to transmit traffic at the nominal Gigabit Ethernet line rate for all frame sizes specified in the Ethernet standard. The calculation of latency was performed with accuracy in the range of +/- 200 ns. We indicate how certain features of switch architectures may be identified through accurate throughput and latency values measured for specific traffic distributions. At this stage, we present a detailed analysis of Ethernet broadcast support in modern switches. We use a similar hands-on approach to address the problem of extending Ethernet networks over long distances. Based on the 1 Gbit/s traffic generator used in the LAN, we develop a methodology to characterise point-to-point connections over long distance networks. At higher speeds, a combination of commercial traffic generators and high-end servers is employed to determine the performance of the connection. We demonstrate that the new 10 Gigabit Ethernet technology can interoperate with the installed base of SONET/SDH equipment through a series of experiments on point-to-point circuits deployed over long-distance network infrastructure in a multi-operator domain. In this process, we provide a holistic view of the end-to-end performance of 10 Gigabit Ethernet WAN PHY connections through a sequence of measurements starting at the physical transmission layer and continuing up to the transport layer of the OSI protocol stack

    Full-Service MAC Protocol for Metro-Reach GPONs

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.”An advanced medium access control protocol is presented demonstrating dynamic bandwidth allocation for long-reach gigabit-capable passive optical networks (GPONs). The protocol enables the optical line terminal to overlap the idle time slots in each packet transmission cycle with a virtual polling cycle to increase the effective transmission bandwidth. Contrasting the new scheme with developed algorithms, network modeling has exhibited significant improvement in channel throughput, mean packet delay, and packet loss rate in the presence of class-of-service and service-level differentiation. In particular, the displayed 34% increase in the overall channel throughput and 30 times reduction in mean packet delay for service-level 1 and service-level 2 optical network units (ONUs) at accustomed 50% ONU load constitutes the highest extended-reach GPON performance reported up to date.Peer reviewe