626 research outputs found

    Neural Techniques for German Dependency Parsing

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    Syntactic parsing is the task of analyzing the structure of a sentence based on some predefined formal assumption. It is a key component in many natural language processing (NLP) pipelines and is of great benefit for natural language understanding (NLU) tasks such as information retrieval or sentiment analysis. Despite achieving very high results with neural network techniques, most syntactic parsing research pays attention to only a few prominent languages (such as English or Chinese) or language-agnostic settings. Thus, we still lack studies that focus on just one language and design specific parsing strategies for that language with regards to its linguistic properties. In this thesis, we take German as the language of interest and develop more accurate methods for German dependency parsing by combining state-of-the-art neural network methods with techniques that address the specific challenges posed by the language-specific properties of German. Compared to English, German has richer morphology, semi-free word order, and case syncretism. It is the combination of those characteristics that makes parsing German an interesting and challenging task. Because syntactic parsing is a task that requires many levels of language understanding, we propose to study and improve the knowledge of parsing models at each level in order to improve syntactic parsing for German. These levels are: (sub)word level, syntactic level, semantic level, and sentence level. At the (sub)word level, we look into a surge in out-of-vocabulary words in German data caused by compounding. We propose a new type of embeddings for compounds that is a compositional model of the embeddings of individual components. Our experiments show that character-based embeddings are superior to word and compound embeddings in dependency parsing, and compound embeddings only outperform word embeddings when the part-of-speech (POS) information is unavailable. Thus, we conclude that it is the morpho-syntactic information of unknown compounds, not the semantic one, that is crucial for parsing German. At the syntax level, we investigate challenges for local grammatical function labeler that are caused by case syncretism. In detail, we augment the grammatical function labeling component in a neural dependency parser that labels each head-dependent pair independently with a new labeler that includes a decision history, using Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs). All our proposed models significantly outperformed the baseline on three languages: English, German and Czech. However, the impact of the new models is not the same for all languages: the improvement for English is smaller than for the non-configurational languages (German and Czech). Our analysis suggests that the success of the history-based models is not due to better handling of long dependencies but that they are better in dealing with the uncertainty in head direction. We study the interaction of syntactic parsing with the semantic level via the problem of PP attachment disambiguation. Our motivation is to provide a realistic evaluation of the task where gold information is not available and compare the results of disambiguation systems against the output of a strong neural parser. To our best knowledge, this is the first time that PP attachment disambiguation is evaluated and compared against neural dependency parsing on predicted information. In addition, we present a novel approach for PP attachment disambiguation that uses biaffine attention and utilizes pre-trained contextualized word embeddings as semantic knowledge. Our end-to-end system outperformed the previous pipeline approach on German by a large margin simply by avoiding error propagation caused by predicted information. In the end, we show that parsing systems (with the same semantic knowledge) are in general superior to systems specialized for PP attachment disambiguation. Lastly, we improve dependency parsing at the sentence level using reranking techniques. So far, previous work on neural reranking has been evaluated on English and Chinese only, both languages with a configurational word order and poor morphology. We re-assess the potential of successful neural reranking models from the literature on English and on two morphologically rich(er) languages, German and Czech. In addition, we introduce a new variation of a discriminative reranker based on graph convolutional networks (GCNs). Our proposed reranker not only outperforms previous models on English but is the only model that is able to improve results over the baselines on German and Czech. Our analysis points out that the failure is due to the lower quality of the k-best lists, where the gold tree ratio and the diversity of the list play an important role

    PersoNER: Persian named-entity recognition

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    © 1963-2018 ACL. Named-Entity Recognition (NER) is still a challenging task for languages with low digital resources. The main difficulties arise from the scarcity of annotated corpora and the consequent problematic training of an effective NER pipeline. To abridge this gap, in this paper we target the Persian language that is spoken by a population of over a hundred million people world-wide. We first present and provide ArmanPerosNERCorpus, the first manually-annotated Persian NER corpus. Then, we introduce PersoNER, an NER pipeline for Persian that leverages a word embedding and a sequential max-margin classifier. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is capable of achieving interesting MUC7 and CoNNL scores while outperforming two alternatives based on a CRF and a recurrent neural network

    DeepEva: A deep neural network architecture for assessing sentence complexity in Italian and English languages

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    Automatic Text Complexity Evaluation (ATE) is a research field that aims at creating new methodologies to make autonomous the process of the text complexity evaluation, that is the study of the text-linguistic features (e.g., lexical, syntactical, morphological) to measure the grade of comprehensibility of a text. ATE can affect positively several different contexts such as Finance, Health, and Education. Moreover, it can support the research on Automatic Text Simplification (ATS), a research area that deals with the study of new methods for transforming a text by changing its lexicon and structure to meet specific reader needs. In this paper, we illustrate an ATE approach named DeepEva, a Deep Learning based system capable of classifying both Italian and English sentences on the basis of their complexity. The system exploits the Treetagger annotation tool, two Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural unit layers, and a fully connected one. The last layer outputs the probability of a sentence belonging to the easy or complex class. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the approach for both languages, compared with several baselines such as Support Vector Machine, Gradient Boosting, and Random Forest

    Distinguishing Noise and Main Text Content from Web-Sourced Plain Text Documents Using Sequential Neural Networks

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    Boilerplate removal and the identification of the actual textual content is a crucial step in web corpus creation. However, existing methods don’t always filter out the noise perfectly and are often not applicable for plain text corpora. In this thesis, I will develop machine learning methods to identify the main textual content in plain text documents. I will utilize transfer learning and pretrained language models as a base for training monolingual models with French and Swedish data as well as a multilingual model with French, Swedish, English, Finnish, German and Spanish data. I will compare two machine learning architectures based on the XLM-RoBERTa language model: first a classification model built on top of the pretrained XLM-RoBERTa model and a second model using an additional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network layer. I will show that the LSTM layer improves the classification of the XLM-RoBERTa model and the built multilingual model performs well even with data in unseen languages. I will perform a further analysis on the results and show that the results of the boilerplate detection with the trained models differ with text varieties. Certain types of text documents, such as lyrical texts or discussion forum texts pose challenges in boilerplate detection, and it would be beneficial for future research to focus on gathering data that has been difficult to clean

    Scalable syntactic inductive biases for neural language models

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    Natural language has a sequential surface form, although its underlying structure has been argued to be hierarchical and tree-structured in nature, whereby smaller linguistic units like words are recursively composed to form larger ones, such as phrases and sentences. This thesis aims to answer the following open research questions: To what extent---if at all---can more explicit notions of hierarchical syntactic structures further improve the performance of neural models within NLP, even within the context of successful models like BERT that learn from large amounts of data? And where exactly would stronger notions of syntactic structures be beneficial in different types of language understanding tasks? To answer these questions, we explore two approaches for augmenting neural sequence models with an inductive bias that encourages a more explicit modelling of hierarchical syntactic structures. In the first approach, we use existing techniques that design tree-structured neural networks, where the ordering of the computational operations is determined by hierarchical syntax trees. We discover that this approach is indeed effective for designing better and more robust models at various challenging benchmarks of syntactic competence, although these benefits nevertheless come at the expense of scalability: In practice, such tree-structured models are much more challenging to scale to large datasets. Hence, in the second approach, we devise a novel knowledge distillation strategy for combining the best of both syntactic inductive biases and data scale. Our proposed approach is effective across different neural sequence modelling architectures and objective functions: By applying our approach on top of a left-to-right LSTM, we design a distilled syntax-aware (DSA) LSTM that achieves a new state of the art (as of mid-2019) and human-level performance at targeted syntactic evaluations. By applying our approach on top of a Transformer-based BERT masked language model that works well at scale, we outperform a strong BERT baseline on six structured prediction tasks---including those that are not explicitly syntactic in nature---in addition to the corpus of linguistic acceptability. Notably, our approach yields a new state of the art (as of mid-2020)---among models pre-trained on the original BERT dataset---on four structured prediction tasks: In-domain and out-of-domain phrase-structure parsing, dependency parsing, and semantic role labelling. Altogether, our findings and methods in this work: (i) provide an example of how existing linguistic theories (particularly concerning the syntax of language), annotations, and resources can be used both as diagnostic evaluation tools, and also as a source of prior knowledge for crafting inductive biases that can improve the performance of computational models of language; (ii) showcase the continued relevance and benefits of more explicit syntactic inductive biases, even within the context of scalable neural models like BERT that can derive their knowledge from large amounts of data; (iii) contribute to a better understanding of where exactly syntactic biases are most helpful in different types of NLP tasks; and (iv) motivate the broader question of how we can design models that integrate stronger syntactic biases---and yet can be easily scalable at the same time---as a promising (if relatively underexplored) direction of NLP research

    Multi-domain neural network language generation for spoken dialogue systems

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    Moving from limited-domain natural language generation (NLG) to open domain is difficult because the number of semantic input combinations grows exponentially with the number of domains. Therefore, it is important to leverage existing resources and exploit similarities between domains to facilitate domain adaptation. In this paper, we propose a procedure to train multi-domain, Recurrent Neural Network-based (RNN) language generators via multiple adaptation steps. In this procedure, a model is first trained on counterfeited data synthesised from an out-of-domain dataset, and then fine tuned on a small set of in-domain utterances with a discriminative objective function. Corpus-based evaluation results show that the proposed procedure can achieve competitive performance in terms of BLEU score and slot error rate while significantly reducing the data needed to train generators in new, unseen domains. In subjective testing, human judges confirm that the procedure greatly improves generator performance when only a small amount of data is available in the domain.Toshiba Research Europe Ltd.This is the accepted manuscript. It is currently embargoed pending publication
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