410 research outputs found

    Backpropagating through Structured Argmax using a SPIGOT

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    We introduce the structured projection of intermediate gradients optimization technique (SPIGOT), a new method for backpropagating through neural networks that include hard-decision structured predictions (e.g., parsing) in intermediate layers. SPIGOT requires no marginal inference, unlike structured attention networks (Kim et al., 2017) and some reinforcement learning-inspired solutions (Yogatama et al., 2017). Like so-called straight-through estimators (Hinton, 2012), SPIGOT defines gradient-like quantities associated with intermediate nondifferentiable operations, allowing backpropagation before and after them; SPIGOT's proxy aims to ensure that, after a parameter update, the intermediate structure will remain well-formed. We experiment on two structured NLP pipelines: syntactic-then-semantic dependency parsing, and semantic parsing followed by sentiment classification. We show that training with SPIGOT leads to a larger improvement on the downstream task than a modularly-trained pipeline, the straight-through estimator, and structured attention, reaching a new state of the art on semantic dependency parsing.Comment: ACL 201

    Massive Choice, Ample Tasks (MaChAmp): A Toolkit for Multi-task Learning in NLP

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    Transfer learning, particularly approaches that combine multi-task learning with pre-trained contextualized embeddings and fine-tuning, have advanced the field of Natural Language Processing tremendously in recent years. In this paper we present MaChAmp, a toolkit for easy fine-tuning of contextualized embeddings in multi-task settings. The benefits of MaChAmp are its flexible configuration options, and the support of a variety of natural language processing tasks in a uniform toolkit, from text classification and sequence labeling to dependency parsing, masked language modeling, and text generation.Comment: https://machamp-nlp.github.io

    Linguistically-Informed Neural Architectures for Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic Tasks in Sanskrit

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    The primary focus of this thesis is to make Sanskrit manuscripts more accessible to the end-users through natural language technologies. The morphological richness, compounding, free word orderliness, and low-resource nature of Sanskrit pose significant challenges for developing deep learning solutions. We identify four fundamental tasks, which are crucial for developing a robust NLP technology for Sanskrit: word segmentation, dependency parsing, compound type identification, and poetry analysis. The first task, Sanskrit Word Segmentation (SWS), is a fundamental text processing task for any other downstream applications. However, it is challenging due to the sandhi phenomenon that modifies characters at word boundaries. Similarly, the existing dependency parsing approaches struggle with morphologically rich and low-resource languages like Sanskrit. Compound type identification is also challenging for Sanskrit due to the context-sensitive semantic relation between components. All these challenges result in sub-optimal performance in NLP applications like question answering and machine translation. Finally, Sanskrit poetry has not been extensively studied in computational linguistics. While addressing these challenges, this thesis makes various contributions: (1) The thesis proposes linguistically-informed neural architectures for these tasks. (2) We showcase the interpretability and multilingual extension of the proposed systems. (3) Our proposed systems report state-of-the-art performance. (4) Finally, we present a neural toolkit named SanskritShala, a web-based application that provides real-time analysis of input for various NLP tasks. Overall, this thesis contributes to making Sanskrit manuscripts more accessible by developing robust NLP technology and releasing various resources, datasets, and web-based toolkit.Comment: Ph.D. dissertatio

    Distributed Representations for Compositional Semantics

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    The mathematical representation of semantics is a key issue for Natural Language Processing (NLP). A lot of research has been devoted to finding ways of representing the semantics of individual words in vector spaces. Distributional approaches --- meaning distributed representations that exploit co-occurrence statistics of large corpora --- have proved popular and successful across a number of tasks. However, natural language usually comes in structures beyond the word level, with meaning arising not only from the individual words but also the structure they are contained in at the phrasal or sentential level. Modelling the compositional process by which the meaning of an utterance arises from the meaning of its parts is an equally fundamental task of NLP. This dissertation explores methods for learning distributed semantic representations and models for composing these into representations for larger linguistic units. Our underlying hypothesis is that neural models are a suitable vehicle for learning semantically rich representations and that such representations in turn are suitable vehicles for solving important tasks in natural language processing. The contribution of this thesis is a thorough evaluation of our hypothesis, as part of which we introduce several new approaches to representation learning and compositional semantics, as well as multiple state-of-the-art models which apply distributed semantic representations to various tasks in NLP.Comment: DPhil Thesis, University of Oxford, Submitted and accepted in 201