4 research outputs found

    Evaluating Automatic Summaries of Meeting Recordings

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    The research below explores schemes for evaluating automatic summaries of business meetings, using the ICSI Meeting Corpus. Both automatic and subjective evaluations were carried out, with a central interest being whether or not the two types of evaluations correlate with each other. The evaluation metrics were used to compare and contrast differing approaches to automatic summarization, the deterioration of summary quality on ASR output versus manual transcripts, and to determine whether manual extracts are rated significantly higher than automatic extracts

    Automatic keyword extraction for the meeting corpus using supervised approach and bigram expansion

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    Generating automated meeting summaries

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    The thesis at hand introduces a novel approach for the generation of abstractive summaries of meetings. While the automatic generation of document summaries has been studied for some decades now, the novelty of this thesis is mainly the application to the meeting domain (instead of text documents) as well as the use of a lexicalized representation formalism on the basis of Frame Semantics. This allows us to generate summaries abstractively (instead of extractively).Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt einen neuartigen Ansatz zur Generierung abstraktiver Zusammenfassungen von Gruppenbesprechungen vor. WĂ€hrend automatische Textzusammenfassungen bereits seit einigen Jahrzehnten erforscht werden, liegt die Neuheit dieser Arbeit vor allem in der AnwendungsdomĂ€ne (Gruppenbesprechungen statt Textdokumenten), sowie der Verwendung eines lexikalisierten ReprĂ€sentationsformulism auf der Basis von Frame-Semantiken, der es erlaubt, Zusammenfassungen abstraktiv (statt extraktiv) zu generieren. Wir argumentieren, dass abstraktive AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die Zusammenfassung spontansprachlicher Interaktionen besser geeignet sind als extraktive