75 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Consumerism is part of contemporary post of modern world. It has most commonly been examined in terms of its collective effects, positive or negative, on an economy and its constituents. Few perspectives have incorporated the negative effects of consumerism on an individual. Managing the negative effects of consumerism in terms of identity conflicts is a key issue that has not received much attention in existing literature. Consumerism is increased consumption of goods and services by people above the commonly established level of basic need good for the society and economy .ethics are needed not only for sustained growth of a business but also have overall well being of the economic structure which is again linked to the long term suitability of the business

    Deviancy as social problem: the answers of psychology [La devianza come problema sociale: le risposte della psicologia]

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    Scopo: Il comportamento deviante è tale in quanto infrange una serie di norme sociali più o meno consapevolmente riconosciute dai più. Scopo dello studio è descrivere e analizzare le caratteristiche di tale comportamento. Materiali e metodi: Si è tentato di individuare le cause della devianza in un rapporto complesso con le figure genitoriali, con l’Autorità generalmente intesa, con i Gruppi sociali che detengono il Potere ecc. valutando teorie a partire dalla psicoanalisi fino alla più recente sociologia. Risultati e conclusioni: Pur ammettendo la possibile presenza di un certo tipo di disturbi di personalità nella struttura psichica del deviante, non si può non puntare l’attenzione sulle metodiche che le varie società utilizzano per l’integrazione dei cittadini, soprattutto nelle agenzie fondamentali preposte all’educazione del minore: famiglia e scuola. Metodi didattici all’avanguardia, che senz’altro forniscano al discente griglie comportamentali e regole di condotta, che però al tempo stesso non dimentichino la dimensione fondamentale del gioco, dello svago e della ricerca personale, sono da incentivare fortemente. Con la consapevolezza che, nel bambino e nell’adolescente, “trasgredire” determinate regole con coscienza critica e capacità di discernimento, aiuta a formare un cittadino consapevole, responsabile e rivolto all’innovazione di paradigmi comportamentali spesso datati e inadeguati, anche se comunemente accettati con passività dai più.Scope: Deviant behaviour is the one that breaks those rules most people regard as social. The study describes and analyzes the characteristics of this behavior. Materials and Methods: Psychology and also the latest Sociological Theories have tried to find the causes of deviance in the complex and difficult relationship with parental figures, with Authority in general, with the Part of society that holds Power etc. Results and Conclusions: While admitting the possible presence of some kinds of personality disorders in the deviant’s psychic structure we cannot avoid focusing on the methodologies used for the integration of citizen above all in those fundamental units in charge of minors’ education: Family and School. Advanced teaching methods which can provide behavioural models and rules are to be strongly encouraged, without forgetting the essential dimension of playing, of research and also of individual personal growth. Nevertheless we must be aware that ‘breaking’ the rules with a sense of responsibility and discernment helps a young man to grow informed and responsible, able to renew his behavioural patterns often dated and deficient albeit mainly passively accepted

    Book Review: Imagining Consumers: Design and Innovation from Wedgewood to Corning by Regina Lee Blaszczyk

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    Book review of Imagining Consumers: Design and Innovation from Wedgewood to Corning by Regina Lee Blaszczyk 2000, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 368 pages, $39.95 (hardcover)

    BioVice: a survival tool company

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    This fictional dystopian society is the background of my work: In the year 2057, Earth’s environment has been deeply polluted, humanity has come to rely on external survival tools to live. BioVice as one of the largest bioengineering company in the world, committing themselves to the production of the most advanced survival tools. There are two production lines in the BioVice Company. One is the economy line which targets the majority, especially the middle class; while the luxury line targets the wealthy and the elite. The designs of both production lines have futuristic appearances, combining forms from clinical devices and elements of the human body. The imitations of body parts relate to the function of the devices, which refer to the Bionic techniques. The polished surface and mechanical components refer to the quality of massproduced products. To some extent, the luxury line products offer more advanced functions to ensure a better life quality and longer lifespan. BioVice also provided extra VIP services for their luxury line clients, for instance, free weekly health report and free maintenance. At the same time, the luxury line products have more streamlined design with nonfunctioning features to emphasize the social status by creating an exquisite look. Through my works, I hope raise questions from the gap between the two lines through different materials, different products durations and extra services behind the luxury lines. By showing the contrast between two production lines and highlighting on the paradox in our life, I question the quality of life in postmodernist society, how consumerism affects our values, and how wealth relates to the right to live

    Study of Consumer Perception about Organic Food Labels

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    One of the fundamental human rights include the right to healthy, affordable and sustainable food. Following the increase in environmental concerns, people especially in urban areas are looking for healthier, sustainable lifestyle alternatives. While the increase in demand for organic food might seem like an up-market fad, for most consumers of organic foods, the market place offers dilemma. There is an almost lack of information about what do organic labels signify, how to interpret these and which organic food actually deliver safety. This paper is a pilot study to understand consumer perception about organic food labels. The study is carried out on sample respondents belonging to different regions of Maharashtra State, India. Results obtained from this study will be used for a bigger study in this regard. It seems to be in line with the consumer behaviour model presented by Kotler and Keller (2012). Consumers’ psychological characteristics influences the way they perceive organic labels. The study focuses only on the fact that, how perception about labels of organic food products, as a standalone factor, influences buying decision of consumers, irrespective of changes in other factors. We consider how personal, cultural and social factors influence integration of label’s meaning for consumers


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    Grande parte da conscientização da sociedade em relação aos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável foi fomentada pelos programas das Nações Unidas (ONU), organizações não-governamentais e movimentos sociais que eles inspiraram. Dentro do fluxo de mudanças sociais ocorridas após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a iniciativa de comércio justo inovou como movimento social, oferecendo um modelo de comércio internacional para fazer a diferença na vida dos produtores. As principais organizações de comércio justo trouxeram valores de responsabilidade social ao abordar metas como o alívio da pobreza; redução das desigualdades de mercado Norte-Sul; proteção do meio ambiente; condições justas de trabalho; promoção do consumo e produção responsáveis; e segurança alimentar. Atendendo a esses objetivos, o movimento de comércio justo pode ser alinhado aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) estabelecidos pela ONU em 2015; e com as três dimensões da sustentabilidade. Essas sinergias podem ser demonstradas nos relatórios de responsabilidade social e sustentabilidade das organizações de comércio justo. Os materiais e métodos deste artigo incluíram uma revisão dos relatórios de responsabilidade social corporativa e sustentabilidade das principais organizações de comércio justo desde 2000 até a presente data. Os resultados mostram uma consistência entre os termos comuns aos objetivos relatados sobre o comércio justo e os ODS. Uma análise comparativa indica o espectro de tópicos de sustentabilidade abordados progressivamente pelo movimento de comércio justo desde pelo menos o ano 2000. Esta revisão pode contribuir para orientar políticas governamentais e empresas com foco social para promover metas de sustentabilidade por meio de inovações nos sistemas alimentares, contribuindo para uma agricultura sustentável e o desenvolvimento rural.

    Technological city and cultural criticism: challenges, limits, politics

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    Background Technology has become a ‘life companion’ in our cities. Thanks to its fascinating power and the huge economic interest behind it, technology has recently reached an ‘epic’ role in our expectations for exiting the profound crisis we are in. The city represents the perfect place for such a marvel. Even if we really cannot get along without it, nevertheless technology has a ‘dark side’ that needs to be known. Methods In this, paper we try to understand if and why we have to protect the place of the critical debate starting from our cities. Do the problems of our cities really have to do with the lack of technologies? Results Critical thinking makes us understand that we need to enforce the tools that people can use to recognize the benefits and menaces of technologies, avoiding the illusion of embracing the idea of a city that is good just because it is ‘smart’. Innovation and equity are not two spontaneously cooperating issues. Conclusions Urbanism and urban politics have new challenges ahead that are harder than we think. This paper presents five proposals to open a discussion suggesting some first steps

    Ethical consumerism and apparel industry - towards a new factor model

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    Ethical issues with offshore manufacturing plants in the ready-made garment industry is a regular affair, particularly for factories located in lesser developed nations. Despite efforts by non-government agencies around the globe pressurizing both governments and multinational corporations to adopt ethical practices, disastrous accidents and loss of lives continue to haunt the industry. This paper reviews existing literature to develop an understanding of consumers as pressure groups, and proposes a factor model that may influence consumers\u27 willingness to pay for ethical garments