124,184 research outputs found

    SurfNet: Generating 3D shape surfaces using deep residual networks

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    3D shape models are naturally parameterized using vertices and faces, \ie, composed of polygons forming a surface. However, current 3D learning paradigms for predictive and generative tasks using convolutional neural networks focus on a voxelized representation of the object. Lifting convolution operators from the traditional 2D to 3D results in high computational overhead with little additional benefit as most of the geometry information is contained on the surface boundary. Here we study the problem of directly generating the 3D shape surface of rigid and non-rigid shapes using deep convolutional neural networks. We develop a procedure to create consistent `geometry images' representing the shape surface of a category of 3D objects. We then use this consistent representation for category-specific shape surface generation from a parametric representation or an image by developing novel extensions of deep residual networks for the task of geometry image generation. Our experiments indicate that our network learns a meaningful representation of shape surfaces allowing it to interpolate between shape orientations and poses, invent new shape surfaces and reconstruct 3D shape surfaces from previously unseen images.Comment: CVPR 2017 pape

    A bayesian approach to simultaneously recover camera pose and non-rigid shape from monocular images

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    © . This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/In this paper we bring the tools of the Simultaneous Localization and Map Building (SLAM) problem from a rigid to a deformable domain and use them to simultaneously recover the 3D shape of non-rigid surfaces and the sequence of poses of a moving camera. Under the assumption that the surface shape may be represented as a weighted sum of deformation modes, we show that the problem of estimating the modal weights along with the camera poses, can be probabilistically formulated as a maximum a posteriori estimate and solved using an iterative least squares optimization. In addition, the probabilistic formulation we propose is very general and allows introducing different constraints without requiring any extra complexity. As a proof of concept, we show that local inextensibility constraints that prevent the surface from stretching can be easily integrated. An extensive evaluation on synthetic and real data, demonstrates that our method has several advantages over current non-rigid shape from motion approaches. In particular, we show that our solution is robust to large amounts of noise and outliers and that it does not need to track points over the whole sequence nor to use an initialization close from the ground truth.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A statistical shape model for deformable surface

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    This short paper presents a deformable surface registration scheme which is based on the statistical shape modelling technique. The method consists of two major processing stages, model building and model fitting. A statistical shape model is first built using a set of training data. Then the model is deformed and matched to the new data by a modified iterative closest point (ICP) registration process. The proposed method is tested on real 3-D facial data from BU-3DFE database. It is shown that proposed method can achieve a reasonable result on surface registration, and can be used for patient position monitoring in radiation therapy and potentially can be used for monitoring of the radiation therapy progress for head and neck patients by analysis of facial articulation

    Learning single-image 3D reconstruction by generative modelling of shape, pose and shading

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    We present a unified framework tackling two problems: class-specific 3D reconstruction from a single image, and generation of new 3D shape samples. These tasks have received considerable attention recently; however, most existing approaches rely on 3D supervision, annotation of 2D images with keypoints or poses, and/or training with multiple views of each object instance. Our framework is very general: it can be trained in similar settings to existing approaches, while also supporting weaker supervision. Importantly, it can be trained purely from 2D images, without pose annotations, and with only a single view per instance. We employ meshes as an output representation, instead of voxels used in most prior work. This allows us to reason over lighting parameters and exploit shading information during training, which previous 2D-supervised methods cannot. Thus, our method can learn to generate and reconstruct concave object classes. We evaluate our approach in various settings, showing that: (i) it learns to disentangle shape from pose and lighting; (ii) using shading in the loss improves performance compared to just silhouettes; (iii) when using a standard single white light, our model outperforms state-of-the-art 2D-supervised methods, both with and without pose supervision, thanks to exploiting shading cues; (iv) performance improves further when using multiple coloured lights, even approaching that of state-of-the-art 3D-supervised methods; (v) shapes produced by our model capture smooth surfaces and fine details better than voxel-based approaches; and (vi) our approach supports concave classes such as bathtubs and sofas, which methods based on silhouettes cannot learn.Comment: Extension of arXiv:1807.09259, accepted to IJCV. Differentiable renderer available at https://github.com/pmh47/dir

    Shape basis interpretation for monocular deformable 3D reconstruction

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, we propose a novel interpretable shape model to encode object non-rigidity. We first use the initial frames of a monocular video to recover a rest shape, used later to compute a dissimilarity measure based on a distance matrix measurement. Spectral analysis is then applied to this matrix to obtain a reduced shape basis, that in contrast to existing approaches, can be physically interpreted. In turn, these pre-computed shape bases are used to linearly span the deformation of a wide variety of objects. We introduce the low-rank basis into a sequential approach to recover both camera motion and non-rigid shape from the monocular video, by simply optimizing the weights of the linear combination using bundle adjustment. Since the number of parameters to optimize per frame is relatively small, specially when physical priors are considered, our approach is fast and can potentially run in real time. Validation is done in a wide variety of real-world objects, undergoing both inextensible and extensible deformations. Our approach achieves remarkable robustness to artifacts such as noisy and missing measurements and shows an improved performance to competing methods.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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