200 research outputs found

    Robust pre-processing techniques for non-ideal iris images

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    The human iris has been demonstrated to be a very accurate, non-invasive and easy-to-use biometric for personal identification. Most of the current state-of-the-art iris recognition systems require the iris acquisition to be ideal. A lot of constraints are hence put on the user and the acquisition process.;Our aim in this research is to relax these conditions and to develop a pre-processing algorithm, which can be used in conjunction with any matching algorithm to handle the so-called non-ideal iris images. In this thesis we present a few robust techniques to process the non-ideal iris images so as to give a segmented iris image to the matching algorithm. The motivation behind this work is to reduce the false reject rates of the current recognition systems and to reduce the intra-class variability. A new technique for estimating and compensating the angle in non-frontal iris images is presented. We have also developed a novel segmentation algorithm, which uses an ellipse-fitting approach for localizing the pupil. A fast and simple limbus boundary segmentation algorithm is also presented

    Reconstruction of fingerprints from minutiae points

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    Most fingerprint authentication systems utilize minutiae information to compare fingerprint images. During enrollment, the minutiae template of a user\u27s fingerprint is extracted and stored in the database. In this work, we concern ourselves with the amount of fingerprint information that can be elicited from the minutiae template of a user\u27s fingerprint. We demonstrate that minutiae information can reveal substantial details such as the orientation field and class of the (unseen) parent fingerprint that can potentially be used to reconstruct the original fingerprint image.;Given a minutiae template, the proposed method first estimates the orientation map of the parent fingerprint by constructing minutiae triplets. The estimated orientation map is observed to be remarkably consistent with the underlying ridge flow of the unseen parent fingerprint. We also discuss a fingerprint classification technique that utilizes only the minutiae information to determine the class of the fingerprint (Arch, Left loop, Right loop and Whorl). The proposed classifier utilizes various properties of the minutiae distribution such as angular histograms, density, relationship between minutiae pairs, etc. A classification accuracy of 82% is obtained on a subset of the NIST-4 database. This indicates that the seemingly random minutiae distribution of a fingerprint can reveal important class information. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Unobtrusive and pervasive video-based eye-gaze tracking

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    Eye-gaze tracking has long been considered a desktop technology that finds its use inside the traditional office setting, where the operating conditions may be controlled. Nonetheless, recent advancements in mobile technology and a growing interest in capturing natural human behaviour have motivated an emerging interest in tracking eye movements within unconstrained real-life conditions, referred to as pervasive eye-gaze tracking. This critical review focuses on emerging passive and unobtrusive video-based eye-gaze tracking methods in recent literature, with the aim to identify different research avenues that are being followed in response to the challenges of pervasive eye-gaze tracking. Different eye-gaze tracking approaches are discussed in order to bring out their strengths and weaknesses, and to identify any limitations, within the context of pervasive eye-gaze tracking, that have yet to be considered by the computer vision community.peer-reviewe

    Handbook of Vascular Biometrics

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    Privacy protecting biometric authentication systems

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    As biometrics gains popularity and proliferates into the daily life, there is an increased concern over the loss of privacy and potential misuse of biometric data held in central repositories. The major concerns are about i) the use of biometrics to track people, ii) non-revocability of biometrics (eg. if a fingerprint is compromised it can not be canceled or reissued), and iii) disclosure of sensitive information such as race, gender and health problems which may be revealed by biometric traits. The straightforward suggestion of keeping the biometric data in a user owned token (eg. smart cards) does not completely solve the problem, since malicious users can claim that their token is broken to avoid biometric verification altogether. Put together, these concerns brought the need for privacy preserving biometric authentication methods in the recent years. In this dissertation, we survey existing privacy preserving biometric systems and implement and analyze fuzzy vault in particular; we propose a new privacy preserving approach; and we study the discriminative capability of online signatures as it relates to the success of using online signatures in the available privacy preserving biometric verification systems. Our privacy preserving authentication scheme combines multiple biometric traits to obtain a multi-biometric template that hides the constituent biometrics and allows the possibility of creating non-unique identifiers for a person, such that linking separate template databases is impossible. We provide two separate realizations of the framework: one uses two separate fingerprints of the same individual to obtain a combined biometric template, while the other one combines a fingerprint with a vocal pass-phrase. We show that both realizations of the framework are successful in verifying a person's identity given both biometric traits, while preserving privacy (i.e. biometric data is protected and the combined identifier can not be used to track people). The Fuzzy Vault emerged as a promising construct which can be used in protecting biometric templates. It combines biometrics and cryptography in order to get the benefits of both fields; while biometrics provides non-repudiation and convenience, cryptography guarantees privacy and adjustable levels of security. On the other hand, the fuzzy vault is a general construct for unordered data, and as such, it is not straightforward how it can be used with different biometric traits. In the scope of this thesis, we demonstrate realizations of the fuzzy vault using fingerprints and online signatures such that authentication can be done while biometric templates are protected. We then demonstrate how to use the fuzzy vault for secret sharing, using biometrics. Secret sharing schemes are cryptographic constructs where a secret is split into shares and distributed amongst the participants in such a way that it is constructed/revealed only when a necessary number of share holders come together (e.g. in joint bank accounts). The revealed secret can then be used for encryption or authentication. Finally, we implemented how correlation attacks can be used to unlock the vault; showing that further measures are needed to protect the fuzzy vault against such attacks. The discriminative capability of a biometric modality is based on its uniqueness/entropy and is an important factor in choosing a biometric for a large-scale deployment or a cryptographic application. We present an individuality model for online signatures in order to substantiate their applicability in biometric authentication. In order to build our model, we adopt the Fourier domain representation of the signature and propose a matching algorithm. The signature individuality is measured as the probability of a coincidental match between two arbitrary signatures, where model parameters are estimated using a large signature database. Based on this preliminary model and estimated parameters, we conclude that an average online signature provides a high level of security for authentication purposes. Finally, we provide a public online signature database along with associated testing protocols that can be used for testing signature verification system

    Multimodal Biometrics Enhancement Recognition System based on Fusion of Fingerprint and PalmPrint: A Review

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    This article is an overview of a current multimodal biometrics research based on fingerprint and palm-print. It explains the pervious study for each modal separately and its fusion technique with another biometric modal. The basic biometric system consists of four stages: firstly, the sensor which is used for enrolmen

    Handbook of Vascular Biometrics

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    This open access handbook provides the first comprehensive overview of biometrics exploiting the shape of human blood vessels for biometric recognition, i.e. vascular biometrics, including finger vein recognition, hand/palm vein recognition, retina recognition, and sclera recognition. After an introductory chapter summarizing the state of the art in and availability of commercial systems and open datasets/open source software, individual chapters focus on specific aspects of one of the biometric modalities, including questions of usability, security, and privacy. The book features contributions from both academia and major industrial manufacturers

    Palmprint Identification Based on Generalization of IrisCode

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    The development of accurate and reliable security systems is a matter of wide interest, and in this context biometrics is seen as a highly effective automatic mechanism for personal identification. Among biometric technologies, IrisCode developed by Daugman in 1993 is regarded as a highly accurate approach, being able to support real-time personal identification of large databases. Since 1993, on the top of IrisCode, different coding methods have been proposed for iris and fingerprint identification. In this research, I extend and generalize IrisCode for real-time secure palmprint identification. PalmCode, the first coding method for palmprint identification developed by me in 2002, directly applied IrisCode to extract phase information of palmprints as features. However, I observe that the PalmCodes from the different palms are similar, having many 45o streaks. Such structural similarities in the PalmCodes of different palms would reduce the individuality of PalmCodes and the performance of palmprint identification systems. To reduce the correlation between PalmCodes, in this thesis, I employ multiple elliptical Gabor filters with different orientations to compute different PalmCodes and merge them to produce a single feature, called Fusion Code. Experimental results demonstrate that Fusion Code performs better than PalmCode. Based on the results of Fusion Code, I further identify that the orientation fields of palmprints are powerful features. Consequently, Competitive Code, which uses real parts of six Gabor filters to estimate the orientation fields, is developed. To embed the properties of IrisCode, such as high speed matching, in Competitive Code, a novel coding scheme and a bitwise angular distance are proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that Competitive Code is much more effective than other palmprint algorithms. Although many coding methods have been developed based on IrisCode for iris and palmprint identification, we lack a detailed analysis of IrisCode. One of the aims of this research is to provide such analysis as a way of better understanding IrisCode, extending the coarse phase representation to a precise phase representation, and uncovering the relationship between IrisCode and other coding methods. This analysis demonstrates that IrisCode is a clustering process with four prototypes; the locus of a Gabor function is a two-dimensional ellipse with respect to a phase parameter and the bitwise hamming distance can be regarded as a bitwise angular distance. In this analysis, I also point out that the theoretical evidence of the imposter binomial distribution of IrisCode is incomplete. I use this analysis to develop a precise phase representation which can enhance iris recognition accuracy and to relate IrisCode and other coding methods. By making use of this analysis, principal component analysis and simulated annealing, near optimal filters for palmprint identification are sought. The near optimal filters perform better than Competitive Code in term of d’ index. Identical twins having the closest genetics-based relationship are expected to have maximum similarity in their biometrics. Classifying identical twins is a challenging problem for some automatic biometric systems. Palmprint has been studied for personal identification for many years. However, genetically identical palmprints have not been studied. I systemically examine Competitive Code on genetically identical palmprints for automatic personal identification and to uncover the genetically related palmprint features. The experimental results show that the three principal lines and some portions of weak lines are genetically related features but our palms still contain rich genetically unrelated features for classifying identical twins. As biometric systems are vulnerable to replay, database and brute-force attacks, such potential attacks must be analyzed before they are massively deployed in security systems. I propose projected multinomial distribution for studying the probability of successfully using brute-force attacks to break into a palmprint system based on Competitive Code. The proposed model indicates that it is computationally infeasible to break into the palmprint system using brute-force attacks. In addition to brute-force attacks, I address the other three security issues: template re-issuances, also called cancellable biometrics, replay attacks, and database attacks. A random orientation filter bank (ROFB) is used to generate cancellable Competitive Codes for templates re-issuances. Secret messages are hidden in templates to prevent replay and database attacks. This technique can be regarded as template watermarking. A series of analyses is provided to evaluate the security levels of the measures

    Palmprint Identification Based on Generalization of IrisCode

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    The development of accurate and reliable security systems is a matter of wide interest, and in this context biometrics is seen as a highly effective automatic mechanism for personal identification. Among biometric technologies, IrisCode developed by Daugman in 1993 is regarded as a highly accurate approach, being able to support real-time personal identification of large databases. Since 1993, on the top of IrisCode, different coding methods have been proposed for iris and fingerprint identification. In this research, I extend and generalize IrisCode for real-time secure palmprint identification. PalmCode, the first coding method for palmprint identification developed by me in 2002, directly applied IrisCode to extract phase information of palmprints as features. However, I observe that the PalmCodes from the different palms are similar, having many 45o streaks. Such structural similarities in the PalmCodes of different palms would reduce the individuality of PalmCodes and the performance of palmprint identification systems. To reduce the correlation between PalmCodes, in this thesis, I employ multiple elliptical Gabor filters with different orientations to compute different PalmCodes and merge them to produce a single feature, called Fusion Code. Experimental results demonstrate that Fusion Code performs better than PalmCode. Based on the results of Fusion Code, I further identify that the orientation fields of palmprints are powerful features. Consequently, Competitive Code, which uses real parts of six Gabor filters to estimate the orientation fields, is developed. To embed the properties of IrisCode, such as high speed matching, in Competitive Code, a novel coding scheme and a bitwise angular distance are proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that Competitive Code is much more effective than other palmprint algorithms. Although many coding methods have been developed based on IrisCode for iris and palmprint identification, we lack a detailed analysis of IrisCode. One of the aims of this research is to provide such analysis as a way of better understanding IrisCode, extending the coarse phase representation to a precise phase representation, and uncovering the relationship between IrisCode and other coding methods. This analysis demonstrates that IrisCode is a clustering process with four prototypes; the locus of a Gabor function is a two-dimensional ellipse with respect to a phase parameter and the bitwise hamming distance can be regarded as a bitwise angular distance. In this analysis, I also point out that the theoretical evidence of the imposter binomial distribution of IrisCode is incomplete. I use this analysis to develop a precise phase representation which can enhance iris recognition accuracy and to relate IrisCode and other coding methods. By making use of this analysis, principal component analysis and simulated annealing, near optimal filters for palmprint identification are sought. The near optimal filters perform better than Competitive Code in term of d’ index. Identical twins having the closest genetics-based relationship are expected to have maximum similarity in their biometrics. Classifying identical twins is a challenging problem for some automatic biometric systems. Palmprint has been studied for personal identification for many years. However, genetically identical palmprints have not been studied. I systemically examine Competitive Code on genetically identical palmprints for automatic personal identification and to uncover the genetically related palmprint features. The experimental results show that the three principal lines and some portions of weak lines are genetically related features but our palms still contain rich genetically unrelated features for classifying identical twins. As biometric systems are vulnerable to replay, database and brute-force attacks, such potential attacks must be analyzed before they are massively deployed in security systems. I propose projected multinomial distribution for studying the probability of successfully using brute-force attacks to break into a palmprint system based on Competitive Code. The proposed model indicates that it is computationally infeasible to break into the palmprint system using brute-force attacks. In addition to brute-force attacks, I address the other three security issues: template re-issuances, also called cancellable biometrics, replay attacks, and database attacks. A random orientation filter bank (ROFB) is used to generate cancellable Competitive Codes for templates re-issuances. Secret messages are hidden in templates to prevent replay and database attacks. This technique can be regarded as template watermarking. A series of analyses is provided to evaluate the security levels of the measures

    Human gait identification and analysis

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Human gait identification has become an active area of research due to increased security requirements. Human gait identification is a potential new tool for identifying individuals beyond traditional methods. The emergence of motion capture techniques provided a chance of high accuracy in identification because completely recorded gait information can be recorded compared with security cameras. The aim of this research was to build a practical method of gait identification and investigate the individual characteristics of gait. For this purpose, a gait identification approach was proposed, identification results were compared by different methods, and several studies about the individual characteristics of gait were performed. This research included the following: (1) a novel, effective set of gait features were proposed; (2) gait signatures were extracted by three different methods: statistical method, principal component analysis, and Fourier expansion method; (3) gait identification results were compared by these different methods; (4) two indicators were proposed to evaluate gait features for identification; (5) novel and clear definitions of gait phases and gait cycle were proposed; (6) gait features were investigated by gait phases; (7) principal component analysis and the fixing root method were used to elucidate which features were used to represent gait and why; (8) gait similarity was investigated; (9) gait attractiveness was investigated. This research proposed an efficient framework for identifying individuals from gait via a novel feature set based on 3D motion capture data. A novel evaluating method of gait signatures for identification was proposed. Three different gait signature extraction methods were applied and compared. The average identification rate was over 93%, with the best result close to 100%. This research also proposed a novel dividing method of gait phases, and the different appearances of gait features in eight gait phases were investigated. This research identified the similarities and asymmetric appearances between left body movement and right body movement in gait based on the proposed gait phase dividing method. This research also initiated an analysing method for gait features extraction by the fixing root method. A prediction model of gait attractiveness was built with reasonable accuracy by principal component analysis and linear regression of natural logarithm of parameters. A systematic relationship was observed between the motions of individual markers and the attractiveness ratings. The lower legs and feet were extracted as features of attractiveness by the fixing root method. As an extension of gait research, human seated motion was also investigated.This study is funded by the Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards and Beijing East Gallery Co. Ltd