5 research outputs found

    Method for dynamic power monitoring on FPGAs

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    International audienceThe ever-increasing integration densities make it possible to configure multi-core systems composed of hundreds of blocks on existing FPGAs that may influence overall consumption differently. Observing total consumption is not sufficient to accurately assess internal circuit activity to be able to deploy effective adaptation strategies. In this case monitoring techniques are required. This paper presents a CAD flow for high-level dynamic power estimation on FPGAs. The method is based on the monitoring of toggling activity for relevant signals by introducing event counters. The appropriate signals are selected using the Greedy Stepwise filter. Our approach is based on a generic method that is able to produce a power model for any block-based circuit. We evaluated our contribution on a SoC RTL model implemented on Spartan3, Virtex5, and Spartan6 FPGAs. A power model and monitors are automatically generated to achieve the best tradeoff between accuracy and overhead

    Optimisation des mémoires dans le flot de conception des systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puces pour des applications de type multimédia

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    RÉSUMÉ Les systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce (MPSoC) constituent l'un des principaux moteurs de la révolution industrielle des semi-conducteurs. Les MPSoCs jouissent d’une popularité grandissante dans le domaine des systèmes embarqués. Leur grande capacité de parallélisation à un très haut niveau d'intégration, en font de bons candidats pour les systèmes et les applications telles que les applications multimédia. La consommation d’énergie, la capacité de calcul et l’espace de conception sont les éléments dont dépendent les performances de ce type d’applications. La mémoire est le facteur clé permettant d’améliorer de façon substantielle leurs performances. Avec l’arrivée des applications multimédias embarquées dans l’industrie, le problème des gains de performances est vital. La masse de données traitées par ces applications requiert une grande capacité de calcul et de mémoire. Dernièrement, de nouveaux modèles de programmation ont fait leur apparition. Ces modèles offrent une programmation de plus haut niveau pour répondre aux besoins croissants des MPSoCs, d’où la nécessité de nouvelles approches d'optimisation et de placement pour les systèmes embarqués et leurs modèles de programmation. La conception niveau système des architectures MPSoCs pour les applications de type multimédia constitue un véritable défi technique. L’objectif général de cette thèse est de relever ce défi en trouvant des solutions. Plus spécifiquement, cette thèse se propose d’introduire le concept d’optimisation mémoire dans le flot de conception niveau système et d’observer leur impact sur différents modèles de programmation utilisés lors de la conception de MPSoCs. Il s’agit, autrement dit, de réaliser l’unification du domaine de la compilation avec celui de la conception niveau système pour une meilleure conception globale. La contribution de cette thèse est de proposer de nouvelles approches pour les techniques d'optimisation mémoire pour la conception MPSoCs avec différents modèles de programmation. Nos travaux de recherche concernent l'intégration des techniques d’optimisation mémoire dans le flot de conception de MPSoCs pour différents types de modèle de programmation. Ces travaux ont été exécutés en collaboration avec STMicroelectronics.----------ABSTRACT Multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoC) are defined as one of the main drivers of the industrial semiconductors revolution. MPSoCs are gaining popularity in the field of embedded systems. Pursuant to their great ability to parallelize at a very high integration level, they are good candidates for systems and applications such as multimedia. Memory is becoming a key player for significant improvements in these applications (i.e. power, performance and area). With the emergence of more embedded multimedia applications in the industry, this issue becomes increasingly vital. The large amount of data manipulated by these applications requires high-capacity calculation and memory. Lately, new programming models have been introduced. These programming models offer a higher programming level to answer the increasing needs of MPSoCs. This leads to the need of new optimization and mapping approaches suitable for embedded systems and their programming models. The overall objective of this research is to find solutions to the challenges of system level design of applications such as multimedia. This entails the development of new approaches and new optimization techniques. The specific objective of this research is to introduce the concept of memory optimization in the system level conception flow and study its impact on different programming models used for MPSoCs’ design. In other words, it is the unification of the compilation and system level design domains. The contribution of this research is to propose new approaches for memory optimization techniques for MPSoCs’ design in different programming models. This thesis relates to the integration of memory optimization to varying programming model types in the MPSoCs conception flow. Our research was done in collaboration with STMicroelectronics

    Estimating Energy Consumption for an MPSoC Architectural Exploration

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    Estimating Energy Consumption for an MPSoC Architectural Exploration

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    Abstract. Early energy estimation is increasingly important in MultiProcessor System-On-Chip (MPSoC) design. Applying traditional approaches, which consist in delaying the estimation until the architectural layout has been produced, is inefficient and prevents the rapid exploration of alternative architectures. In this paper, we present a framework for architectural exploration as part of MPSoC design. Our framework allows configurations that offer a good performance/energy tradeoffs to be found early in the design flow. The hardware components, described at the Cycle-Accurate Bit-Accurate (CABA) level of SystemC, were taken from the SoCLib library. For each component in the library, we developed an energy model using both physical measurements and analytical models of energy consumption. These models indicate a good accuracy/speed tradeoffs. Plugging the energy models into the SoCLib architectural simulator makes it easy to estimate the application’s performance and energy consumption. The effectiveness of our method is illustrated through design space exploration (DSE) for a parallel signal processing application.