2 research outputs found

    Design-Based Research for Virtual Learning: A Holistic Perspective on the Pedagogical and Contextual Factors of Interactive Mobile Technology on English Learners

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    The purpose of this design-based research study was to provide a holistic perspective on the pedagogical and contextual factors of interactive mobile technology on English learners and investigate the theoretical potential of audio-video software interventions for second language acquisition. Specifically, the study explored current virtual technologies for 2nd through 5th grade English learners designed to model face to-face EL instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic causing prolonged school closures. After evaluating three cycles of interventions founded on Stephen Krashen’s and Lev Vygotsky’s language learning theories and utilizing a teacher survey and researcher observations, the study identified an onslaught of key takeaways including the need for investment to establish necessary infrastructure, ed-tech policies and standards, and comprehensive pedagogical frameworks to effectively operationalize virtual learning curriculum and leverage best practices of interactive mobile technology. The study discusses the impact of the sudden shift to virtual contexts and provides suggestions for overcoming challenges in educational technology to move beyond surface levels of integration within the computer-assisted language learning contexts

    MediaSync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization

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    This book provides an approachable overview of the most recent advances in the fascinating field of media synchronization (mediasync), gathering contributions from the most representative and influential experts. Understanding the challenges of this field in the current multi-sensory, multi-device, and multi-protocol world is not an easy task. The book revisits the foundations of mediasync, including theoretical frameworks and models, highlights ongoing research efforts, like hybrid broadband broadcast (HBB) delivery and users' perception modeling (i.e., Quality of Experience or QoE), and paves the way for the future (e.g., towards the deployment of multi-sensory and ultra-realistic experiences). Although many advances around mediasync have been devised and deployed, this area of research is getting renewed attention to overcome remaining challenges in the next-generation (heterogeneous and ubiquitous) media ecosystem. Given the significant advances in this research area, its current relevance and the multiple disciplines it involves, the availability of a reference book on mediasync becomes necessary. This book fills the gap in this context. In particular, it addresses key aspects and reviews the most relevant contributions within the mediasync research space, from different perspectives. Mediasync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization is the perfect companion for scholars and practitioners that want to acquire strong knowledge about this research area, and also approach the challenges behind ensuring the best mediated experiences, by providing the adequate synchronization between the media elements that constitute these experiences