155,959 research outputs found

    Frame Permutation Quantization

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    Frame permutation quantization (FPQ) is a new vector quantization technique using finite frames. In FPQ, a vector is encoded using a permutation source code to quantize its frame expansion. This means that the encoding is a partial ordering of the frame expansion coefficients. Compared to ordinary permutation source coding, FPQ produces a greater number of possible quantization rates and a higher maximum rate. Various representations for the partitions induced by FPQ are presented, and reconstruction algorithms based on linear programming, quadratic programming, and recursive orthogonal projection are derived. Implementations of the linear and quadratic programming algorithms for uniform and Gaussian sources show performance improvements over entropy-constrained scalar quantization for certain combinations of vector dimension and coding rate. Monte Carlo evaluation of the recursive algorithm shows that mean-squared error (MSE) decays as 1/M^4 for an M-element frame, which is consistent with previous results on optimal decay of MSE. Reconstruction using the canonical dual frame is also studied, and several results relate properties of the analysis frame to whether linear reconstruction techniques provide consistent reconstructions.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures; detailed added to proof of Theorem 4.3 and a few minor correction

    Decomposition Methods for Large Scale LP Decoding

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    When binary linear error-correcting codes are used over symmetric channels, a relaxed version of the maximum likelihood decoding problem can be stated as a linear program (LP). This LP decoder can be used to decode error-correcting codes at bit-error-rates comparable to state-of-the-art belief propagation (BP) decoders, but with significantly stronger theoretical guarantees. However, LP decoding when implemented with standard LP solvers does not easily scale to the block lengths of modern error correcting codes. In this paper we draw on decomposition methods from optimization theory, specifically the Alternating Directions Method of Multipliers (ADMM), to develop efficient distributed algorithms for LP decoding. The key enabling technical result is a "two-slice" characterization of the geometry of the parity polytope, which is the convex hull of all codewords of a single parity check code. This new characterization simplifies the representation of points in the polytope. Using this simplification, we develop an efficient algorithm for Euclidean norm projection onto the parity polytope. This projection is required by ADMM and allows us to use LP decoding, with all its theoretical guarantees, to decode large-scale error correcting codes efficiently. We present numerical results for LDPC codes of lengths more than 1000. The waterfall region of LP decoding is seen to initiate at a slightly higher signal-to-noise ratio than for sum-product BP, however an error floor is not observed for LP decoding, which is not the case for BP. Our implementation of LP decoding using ADMM executes as fast as our baseline sum-product BP decoder, is fully parallelizable, and can be seen to implement a type of message-passing with a particularly simple schedule.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures. An early version of this work appeared at the 49th Annual Allerton Conference, September 2011. This version to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    A linear approach for sparse coding by a two-layer neural network

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    Many approaches to transform classification problems from non-linear to linear by feature transformation have been recently presented in the literature. These notably include sparse coding methods and deep neural networks. However, many of these approaches require the repeated application of a learning process upon the presentation of unseen data input vectors, or else involve the use of large numbers of parameters and hyper-parameters, which must be chosen through cross-validation, thus increasing running time dramatically. In this paper, we propose and experimentally investigate a new approach for the purpose of overcoming limitations of both kinds. The proposed approach makes use of a linear auto-associative network (called SCNN) with just one hidden layer. The combination of this architecture with a specific error function to be minimized enables one to learn a linear encoder computing a sparse code which turns out to be as similar as possible to the sparse coding that one obtains by re-training the neural network. Importantly, the linearity of SCNN and the choice of the error function allow one to achieve reduced running time in the learning phase. The proposed architecture is evaluated on the basis of two standard machine learning tasks. Its performances are compared with those of recently proposed non-linear auto-associative neural networks. The overall results suggest that linear encoders can be profitably used to obtain sparse data representations in the context of machine learning problems, provided that an appropriate error function is used during the learning phase

    Density Evolution for Asymmetric Memoryless Channels

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    Density evolution is one of the most powerful analytical tools for low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and graph codes with message passing decoding algorithms. With channel symmetry as one of its fundamental assumptions, density evolution (DE) has been widely and successfully applied to different channels, including binary erasure channels, binary symmetric channels, binary additive white Gaussian noise channels, etc. This paper generalizes density evolution for non-symmetric memoryless channels, which in turn broadens the applications to general memoryless channels, e.g. z-channels, composite white Gaussian noise channels, etc. The central theorem underpinning this generalization is the convergence to perfect projection for any fixed size supporting tree. A new iterative formula of the same complexity is then presented and the necessary theorems for the performance concentration theorems are developed. Several properties of the new density evolution method are explored, including stability results for general asymmetric memoryless channels. Simulations, code optimizations, and possible new applications suggested by this new density evolution method are also provided. This result is also used to prove the typicality of linear LDPC codes among the coset code ensemble when the minimum check node degree is sufficiently large. It is shown that the convergence to perfect projection is essential to the belief propagation algorithm even when only symmetric channels are considered. Hence the proof of the convergence to perfect projection serves also as a completion of the theory of classical density evolution for symmetric memoryless channels.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Towards practical minimum-entropy universal decoding

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    Minimum-entropy decoding is a universal decoding algorithm used in decoding block compression of discrete memoryless sources as well as block transmission of information across discrete memoryless channels. Extensions can also be applied for multiterminal decoding problems, such as the Slepian-Wolf source coding problem. The 'method of types' has been used to show that there exist linear codes for which minimum-entropy decoders achieve the same error exponent as maximum-likelihood decoders. Since minimum-entropy decoding is NP-hard in general, minimum-entropy decoders have existed primarily in the theory literature. We introduce practical approximation algorithms for minimum-entropy decoding. Our approach, which relies on ideas from linear programming, exploits two key observations. First, the 'method of types' shows that that the number of distinct types grows polynomially in n. Second, recent results in the optimization literature have illustrated polytope projection algorithms with complexity that is a function of the number of vertices of the projected polytope. Combining these two ideas, we leverage recent results on linear programming relaxations for error correcting codes to construct polynomial complexity algorithms for this setting. In the binary case, we explicitly demonstrate linear code constructions that admit provably good performance

    MacWilliams Identities for Terminated Convolutional Codes

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    Shearer and McEliece [1977] showed that there is no MacWilliams identity for the free distance spectra of orthogonal linear convolutional codes. We show that on the other hand there does exist a MacWilliams identity between the generating functions of the weight distributions per unit time of a linear convolutional code C and its orthogonal code C^\perp, and that this distribution is as useful as the free distance spectrum for estimating code performance. These observations are similar to those made recently by Bocharova, Hug, Johannesson and Kudryashov; however, we focus on terminating by tail-biting rather than by truncation.Comment: 5 pages; accepted for 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Austin, TX, June 13-1