15 research outputs found

    Link Quality Based Power Efficient Routing Protocol (LQ-PERP)

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    Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in deploying infrastructure-less, self configurable, distributed networks such as Mobile AdHoc Networks (MANET) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for applications like emergency management and physical variables monitoring respectively. However, nodes in these networks are susceptible to high failure rate due to battery depletion, environmental changes and malicious destruction. Since each node operates with limited sources of power, energy efficiency is an important metric to be considered for designing communication schemes for MANET and WSN. Energy consumed by nodes in MANET or WSN can be reduced by optimizing the internode transmission power which is uniform even with dynamic routing protocols like AODV. However, the transmission power required for internode communication depends on the wireless link quality which inturn depends on various factors like received signal power, propagation path loss, fading, multi-user interference and topological changes. In this paper, link quality based power efficient routing protocol (LQ-PERP) is proposed which saves the battery power of nodes by optimizing the power during data transmission. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using QualNet network simulator by considering metrics like total energy consumed in nodes, throughput, packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay and jitter

    Energy Optimal Transmission Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    One of the main issues in the design of sensor networks is energy efficient communication of time-critical data. Energy wastage can be caused by failed packet transmission attempts at each node due to channel dynamics and interference. Therefore transmission control techniques that are unaware of the channel dynamics can lead to suboptimal channel use patterns. In this paper we propose a transmission controller that utilizes different "grades" of channel side information to schedule packet transmissions in an optimal way, while meeting a deadline constraint for all packets waiting in the transmission queue. The wireless channel is modeled as a finite-state Markov channel. We are specifically interested in the case where the transmitter has low-grade channel side information that can be obtained based solely on the ACK/NAK sequence for the previous transmissions. Our scheduler is readily implementable and it is based on the dynamic programming solution to the finite-horizon transmission control problem. We also calculate the information theoretic capacity of the finite state Markov channel with feedback containing different grades of channel side information including that, obtained through the ACK/NAK sequence. We illustrate that our scheduler achieves a given throughput at a power level that is fairly close to the fundamental limit achievable over the channel.Comment: Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Design techniques for low-power systems

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    Portable products are being used increasingly. Because these systems are battery powered, reducing power consumption is vital. In this report we give the properties of low-power design and techniques to exploit them on the architecture of the system. We focus on: minimizing capacitance, avoiding unnecessary and wasteful activity, and reducing voltage and frequency. We review energy reduction techniques in the architecture and design of a hand-held computer and the wireless communication system including error control, system decomposition, communication and MAC protocols, and low-power short range networks

    Adaptive Transmission Power for Optimal Energy Reliable Multi-hop Wireless Communication

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    Abstract — We define a transmission power adaptation-based routing technique that finds optimal paths for minimum energy reliable data transfer in multi-hop wireless networks. This optimal choice of the transmission power depends on the link distance between the two nodes and the channel characteristics. Typical energy efficient routing techniques use a transmission power such that the received signal power at the destination minimally exceeds a desired threshold signal strength level. In this paper we argue that such a choice of the transmission power does not always lead to optimal energy routes, since it does not consider differences in the receiver noise levels. We first analyze the optimal transmission power choices for both the ideal case from an information-theoretic perspective, and for realistic modulation schemes. Subsequently we define our technique for transmission power adaptation that can be used in existin

    Power Adaptation Based Optimization for Energy Efficient Reliable Wireless Paths

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    Abstract. We define a transmission power adaptation-based routing technique that finds optimal paths for minimum energy reliable data transfer in multi-hop wireless networks. This optimal choice of the transmission power depends on the link distance between the two nodes and the channel characteristics. Typical energy efficient routing techniques use a transmission power such that the received signal power at the destination minimally exceeds a desired threshold signal strength level. In this paper we argue that such a choice of the transmission power does not always lead to optimal energy routes, since it does not consider differences in the receiver noise levels. We first analyze the optimal transmission power choices for both the ideal case from an information-theoretic perspective, and for realistic modulation schemes. Subsequently we define our technique for transmission power adaptation that can be used in existing routing protocols for multi-hop wireless networks. Our simulations show that current best-known schemes incur upto 10 % more energy costs in low noise environments, and upto 6.67 times the energy costs in high noise environments compared to our proposed scheme.

    Channel-predictive link layer ARQ protocols in wireless networks

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    Communication performance over a wireless channel should be considered according to two main parameters: energy and throughput. The reliable data transfer is a key to these goals. The reliable node-to-node data transfer is performed by link layer protocols. One prominent approach is Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) protocol. The traditional ARQ protocols attempt to recover the erroneously transmitted frames by retransmitting those frames, regardless of the channel state. Since this channel state unaware behaviour may cause unnecessary retransmissions, traditional ARQ protocols are expected to be energy inefficient. Some ideas have been proposed such as stochastic learning automaton based ARQ, and channel probing based ARQ. However, these algorithms do not attempt to estimate the channel\u27s existing condition. Instead, the retransmission decision is made according to a simple feedback, on whether the previous frame was successful. This thesis presents four proposed algorithms, which incorporates the channel state estimate in the feedback process to judiciously select a frame (re)transmission timing instant. Algorithms have been applied on Stop-and-Wait (S-W) ARQ, and the performance have been compared with respect to simple S-W ARQ, and probing based S-W ARQ. In probing based ARQ, when the channel deteriorates, transmitter starts probing channel periodically, but the periodicity is chosen arbitrarily, regardless of the fading state. In contrast, the proposed algorithms estimate the channel\u27s existing condition by using feedbacks, and the probing interval is chosen according to the Average Fading Duration (AFD) of received signal. Simulations are performed with Rayleigh Fading Channel. The performance results show that at the cost of some additional delay, significiant gain on energy saving and throughput performance can be achieved when AFD based intelligent probing is done

    Energy-efficient wireless communication

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    In this chapter we present an energy-efficient highly adaptive network interface architecture and a novel data link layer protocol for wireless networks that provides Quality of Service (QoS) support for diverse traffic types. Due to the dynamic nature of wireless networks, adaptations in bandwidth scheduling and error control are necessary to achieve energy efficiency and an acceptable quality of service. In our approach we apply adaptability through all layers of the protocol stack, and provide feedback to the applications. In this way the applications can adapt the data streams, and the network protocols can adapt the communication parameters