23,963 research outputs found

    Equivalent and Approximate Transformations of Deep Neural Networks

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    Two networks are equivalent if they produce the same output for any given input. In this paper, we study the possibility of transforming a deep neural network to another network with a different number of units or layers, which can be either equivalent, a local exact approximation, or a global linear approximation of the original network. On the practical side, we show that certain rectified linear units (ReLUs) can be safely removed from a network if they are always active or inactive for any valid input. If we only need an equivalent network for a smaller domain, then more units can be removed and some layers collapsed. On the theoretical side, we constructively show that for any feed-forward ReLU network, there exists a global linear approximation to a 2-hidden-layer shallow network with a fixed number of units. This result is a balance between the increasing number of units for arbitrary approximation with a single layer and the known upper bound of ⌈log(n0+1)⌉+1\lceil log(n_0+1)\rceil +1 layers for exact representation, where n0n_0 is the input dimension. While the transformed network may require an exponential number of units to capture the activation patterns of the original network, we show that it can be made substantially smaller by only accounting for the patterns that define linear regions. Based on experiments with ReLU networks on the MNIST dataset, we found that l1l_1-regularization and adversarial training reduces the number of linear regions significantly as the number of stable units increases due to weight sparsity. Therefore, we can also intentionally train ReLU networks to allow for effective loss-less compression and approximation

    A Kronecker-factored approximate Fisher matrix for convolution layers

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    Second-order optimization methods such as natural gradient descent have the potential to speed up training of neural networks by correcting for the curvature of the loss function. Unfortunately, the exact natural gradient is impractical to compute for large models, and most approximations either require an expensive iterative procedure or make crude approximations to the curvature. We present Kronecker Factors for Convolution (KFC), a tractable approximation to the Fisher matrix for convolutional networks based on a structured probabilistic model for the distribution over backpropagated derivatives. Similarly to the recently proposed Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature (K-FAC), each block of the approximate Fisher matrix decomposes as the Kronecker product of small matrices, allowing for efficient inversion. KFC captures important curvature information while still yielding comparably efficient updates to stochastic gradient descent (SGD). We show that the updates are invariant to commonly used reparameterizations, such as centering of the activations. In our experiments, approximate natural gradient descent with KFC was able to train convolutional networks several times faster than carefully tuned SGD. Furthermore, it was able to train the networks in 10-20 times fewer iterations than SGD, suggesting its potential applicability in a distributed setting

    A Kernel Theory of Modern Data Augmentation

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    Data augmentation, a technique in which a training set is expanded with class-preserving transformations, is ubiquitous in modern machine learning pipelines. In this paper, we seek to establish a theoretical framework for understanding data augmentation. We approach this from two directions: First, we provide a general model of augmentation as a Markov process, and show that kernels appear naturally with respect to this model, even when we do not employ kernel classification. Next, we analyze more directly the effect of augmentation on kernel classifiers, showing that data augmentation can be approximated by first-order feature averaging and second-order variance regularization components. These frameworks both serve to illustrate the ways in which data augmentation affects the downstream learning model, and the resulting analyses provide novel connections between prior work in invariant kernels, tangent propagation, and robust optimization. Finally, we provide several proof-of-concept applications showing that our theory can be useful for accelerating machine learning workflows, such as reducing the amount of computation needed to train using augmented data, and predicting the utility of a transformation prior to training

    Improving Variational Inference with Inverse Autoregressive Flow

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    The framework of normalizing flows provides a general strategy for flexible variational inference of posteriors over latent variables. We propose a new type of normalizing flow, inverse autoregressive flow (IAF), that, in contrast to earlier published flows, scales well to high-dimensional latent spaces. The proposed flow consists of a chain of invertible transformations, where each transformation is based on an autoregressive neural network. In experiments, we show that IAF significantly improves upon diagonal Gaussian approximate posteriors. In addition, we demonstrate that a novel type of variational autoencoder, coupled with IAF, is competitive with neural autoregressive models in terms of attained log-likelihood on natural images, while allowing significantly faster synthesis

    Sum-of-Squares Polynomial Flow

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    Triangular map is a recent construct in probability theory that allows one to transform any source probability density function to any target density function. Based on triangular maps, we propose a general framework for high-dimensional density estimation, by specifying one-dimensional transformations (equivalently conditional densities) and appropriate conditioner networks. This framework (a) reveals the commonalities and differences of existing autoregressive and flow based methods, (b) allows a unified understanding of the limitations and representation power of these recent approaches and, (c) motivates us to uncover a new Sum-of-Squares (SOS) flow that is interpretable, universal, and easy to train. We perform several synthetic experiments on various density geometries to demonstrate the benefits (and short-comings) of such transformations. SOS flows achieve competitive results in simulations and several real-world datasets.Comment: 13 pages, ICML'201

    A probabilistic framework for multi-view feature learning with many-to-many associations via neural networks

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    A simple framework Probabilistic Multi-view Graph Embedding (PMvGE) is proposed for multi-view feature learning with many-to-many associations so that it generalizes various existing multi-view methods. PMvGE is a probabilistic model for predicting new associations via graph embedding of the nodes of data vectors with links of their associations. Multi-view data vectors with many-to-many associations are transformed by neural networks to feature vectors in a shared space, and the probability of new association between two data vectors is modeled by the inner product of their feature vectors. While existing multi-view feature learning techniques can treat only either of many-to-many association or non-linear transformation, PMvGE can treat both simultaneously. By combining Mercer's theorem and the universal approximation theorem, we prove that PMvGE learns a wide class of similarity measures across views. Our likelihood-based estimator enables efficient computation of non-linear transformations of data vectors in large-scale datasets by minibatch SGD, and numerical experiments illustrate that PMvGE outperforms existing multi-view methods.Comment: 16 pages (with Supplementary Material), 5 figures, ICML201

    Deep Component Analysis via Alternating Direction Neural Networks

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    Despite a lack of theoretical understanding, deep neural networks have achieved unparalleled performance in a wide range of applications. On the other hand, shallow representation learning with component analysis is associated with rich intuition and theory, but smaller capacity often limits its usefulness. To bridge this gap, we introduce Deep Component Analysis (DeepCA), an expressive multilayer model formulation that enforces hierarchical structure through constraints on latent variables in each layer. For inference, we propose a differentiable optimization algorithm implemented using recurrent Alternating Direction Neural Networks (ADNNs) that enable parameter learning using standard backpropagation. By interpreting feed-forward networks as single-iteration approximations of inference in our model, we provide both a novel theoretical perspective for understanding them and a practical technique for constraining predictions with prior knowledge. Experimentally, we demonstrate performance improvements on a variety of tasks, including single-image depth prediction with sparse output constraints

    Data-Dependent Path Normalization in Neural Networks

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    We propose a unified framework for neural net normalization, regularization and optimization, which includes Path-SGD and Batch-Normalization and interpolates between them across two different dimensions. Through this framework we investigate issue of invariance of the optimization, data dependence and the connection with natural gradients.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Optimizing Neural Networks with Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature

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    We propose an efficient method for approximating natural gradient descent in neural networks which we call Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature (K-FAC). K-FAC is based on an efficiently invertible approximation of a neural network's Fisher information matrix which is neither diagonal nor low-rank, and in some cases is completely non-sparse. It is derived by approximating various large blocks of the Fisher (corresponding to entire layers) as being the Kronecker product of two much smaller matrices. While only several times more expensive to compute than the plain stochastic gradient, the updates produced by K-FAC make much more progress optimizing the objective, which results in an algorithm that can be much faster than stochastic gradient descent with momentum in practice. And unlike some previously proposed approximate natural-gradient/Newton methods which use high-quality non-diagonal curvature matrices (such as Hessian-free optimization), K-FAC works very well in highly stochastic optimization regimes. This is because the cost of storing and inverting K-FAC's approximation to the curvature matrix does not depend on the amount of data used to estimate it, which is a feature typically associated only with diagonal or low-rank approximations to the curvature matrix.Comment: Reduction ratio formula corrected. Removed incorrect claim about geodesics in footnot

    Understanding Deep Convolutional Networks

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    Deep convolutional networks provide state of the art classifications and regressions results over many high-dimensional problems. We review their architecture, which scatters data with a cascade of linear filter weights and non-linearities. A mathematical framework is introduced to analyze their properties. Computations of invariants involve multiscale contractions, the linearization of hierarchical symmetries, and sparse separations. Applications are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 4 Figure
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