2 research outputs found

    Analysing Wiki Quality using Probabilistic Model Checking

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    Abstract-Wikis delineate a new work tool in enterprises and they are spreading everywhere. Indeed, they are often used as internal documentation for various in-house systems and applications as well as powerful tools for collaboration and knowledge sharing. As occurs with software, the fundamental growth of a wiki may lead to its degradation. The quality of wikis, especially in enterprise contexts, should not play a trivial role. Software quality is a very discussed topic, but there are not many studies regarding the quality of wikis. We propose a probabilistic model to represent wikis and to investigate their quality. Due to the similarity with the World Wide Web it is natural to consider the popular Google PageRank (with minor modifications) to calculate probabilities between pages. Each wiki category, a set of wiki pages, is modelled using the PRISM language in order to verify specific properties in PCTL*. Experiments conducted on a adequate number of (enterprise) wikis assess the validity of our methodology