6,908 research outputs found

    Unitary representations of nilpotent super Lie groups

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    We show that irreducible unitary representations of nilpotent super Lie groups can be obtained by induction from a distinguished class of sub super Lie groups. These sub super Lie groups are natural analogues of polarizing subgroups that appear in classical Kirillov theory. We obtain a concrete geometric parametrization of irreducible unitary representations by nonnegative definite coadjoint orbits. As an application, we prove an analytic generalization of the Stone-von Neumann theorem for Heisenberg-Clifford super Lie groups

    Microlocal KZ functors and rational Cherednik algebras

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    Following the work of Kashiwara-Rouquier and Gan-Ginzburg, we define a family of exact functors from category O\mathcal O for the rational Cherednik algebra in type AA to representations of certain "coloured braid groups" and calculate the dimensions of the representations thus obtained from standard modules. To show that our constructions also make sense in a more general context, we also briefly study the case of the rational Cherednik algebra corresponding to complex reflection group Z/lZ\mathbb Z/l\mathbb Z.Comment: Revised to improve exposition, giving more details on the construction of the microlocal local systems and providing background information on twisted D-modules in an appendi

    Realizations of Real Low-Dimensional Lie Algebras

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    Using a new powerful technique based on the notion of megaideal, we construct a complete set of inequivalent realizations of real Lie algebras of dimension no greater than four in vector fields on a space of an arbitrary (finite) number of variables. Our classification amends and essentially generalizes earlier works on the subject. Known results on classification of low-dimensional real Lie algebras, their automorphisms, differentiations, ideals, subalgebras and realizations are reviewed.Comment: LaTeX2e, 39 pages. Essentially exetended version. Misprints in Appendix are correcte

    Equivariant local cyclic homology and the equivariant Chern-Connes character

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    We define and study equivariant analytic and local cyclic homology for smooth actions of totally disconnected groups on bornological algebras. Our approach contains equivariant entire cyclic cohomology in the sense of Klimek, Kondracki and Lesniewski as a special case and provides an equivariant extension of the local cyclic theory developped by Puschnigg. As a main result we construct a multiplicative Chern-Connes character for equivariant KK-theory with values in equivariant local cyclic homology.Comment: 38 page

    A Physical Origin for Singular Support Conditions in Geometric Langlands Theory

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    We explain how the nilpotent singular support condition introduced into the geometric Langlands conjecture by Arinkin and Gaitsgory arises naturally from the point of view of N = 4 supersymmetric gauge theory. We define what it means in topological quantum field theory to restrict a category of boundary conditions to the full subcategory of objects compatible with a fixed choice of vacuum, both in functorial field theory and in the language of factorization algebras. For B-twisted N = 4 gauge theory with gauge group G, the moduli space of vacua is equivalent to h*/W , and the nilpotent singular support condition arises by restricting to the vacuum 0 in h*/W. We then investigate the categories obtained by restricting to points in larger strata, and conjecture that these categories are equivalent to the geometric Langlands categories with gauge symmetry broken to a Levi subgroup, and furthermore that by assembling such for the groups GL_n for all positive integers n one finds a hidden factorization structure for the geometric Langlands theory.Comment: 55 pages, 5 figures, more improvements to the expositio