1 research outputs found

    On r-equitable chromatic threshold of Kronecker products of complete graphs

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    A graph GG is rr-equitably kk-colorable if its vertex set can be partitioned into kk independent sets, any two of which differ in size by at most rr. The rr-equitable chromatic threshold of a graph GG, denoted by Ο‡r=βˆ—(G)\chi_{r=}^*(G), is the minimum kk such that GG is rr-equitably kβ€²k'-colorable for all kβ€²β‰₯kk'\ge k. Let GΓ—HG\times H denote the Kronecker product of graphs GG and HH. In this paper, we completely determine the exact value of Ο‡r=βˆ—(KmΓ—Kn)\chi_{r=}^*(K_m\times K_n) for general m,nm,n and rr. As a consequence, we show that for rβ‰₯2r\ge 2, if nβ‰₯1rβˆ’1(m+r)(m+2rβˆ’1)n\ge \frac{1}{r-1}(m+r)(m+2r-1) then KmΓ—KnK_m\times K_n and its spanning supergraph Km(n)K_{m(n)} have the same rr-equitable colorability, and in particular Ο‡r=βˆ—(KmΓ—Kn)=Ο‡r=βˆ—(Km(n))\chi_{r=}^*(K_m\times K_n)=\chi_{r=}^*(K_{m(n)}), where Km(n)K_{m(n)} is the complete mm-partite graph with nn vertices in each part