17 research outputs found

    Number of right ideals and a qq-analogue of indecomposable permutations

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    We prove that the number of right ideals of codimension nn in the algebra of noncommutative Laurent polynomials in two variables over the finite field F_q\mathbb F\_q is equal to (q1)n+1q(n+1)(n2)2_θqinv(θ)(q-1)^{n+1} q^{\frac{(n+1)(n-2)}{2}}\sum\_\theta q^{inv(\theta)}, where the sum is over all indecomposable permutations in S_n+1S\_{n+1} and where inv(θ)inv(\theta)stands for the number of inversions of θ\theta.Comment: submitte

    Chip-firing may be much faster than you think

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    A new bound (Theorem \ref{thm:main}) for the duration of the chip-firing game with NN chips on a nn-vertex graph is obtained, by a careful analysis of the pseudo-inverse of the discrete Laplacian matrix of the graph. This new bound is expressed in terms of the entries of the pseudo-inverse. It is shown (Section 5) to be always better than the classic bound due to Bj{\"o}rner, Lov\'{a}sz and Shor. In some cases the improvement is dramatic. For instance: for strongly regular graphs the classic and the new bounds reduce to O(nN)O(nN) and O(n+N)O(n+N), respectively. For dense regular graphs - d=(12+ϵ)nd=(\frac{1}{2}+\epsilon)n - the classic and the new bounds reduce to O(N)O(N) and O(n)O(n), respectively. This is a snapshot of a work in progress, so further results in this vein are in the works

    Regular Representations of Uniform TC^0

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    The circuit complexity class DLOGTIME-uniform AC^0 is known to be a modest subclass of DLOGTIME-uniform TC^0. The weakness of AC^0 is caused by the fact that AC^0 is not closed under restricting AC^0-computable queries into simple subsequences of the input. Analogously, in descriptive complexity, the logics corresponding to DLOGTIME-uniform AC^0 do not have the relativization property and hence they are not regular. This weakness of DLOGTIME-uniform AC^0 has been elaborated in the line of research on the Crane Beach Conjecture. The conjecture (which was refuted by Barrington, Immerman, Lautemann, Schweikardt and Th{\'e}rien) was that if a language L has a neutral letter, then L can be defined in first-order logic with the collection of all numerical built-in relations, if and only if L can be already defined in FO with order. In the first part of this article we consider logics in the range of AC^0 and TC^0. First we formulate a combinatorial criterion for a cardinality quantifier C_S implying that all languages in DLOGTIME-uniform TC^0 can be defined in FO(C_S). For instance, this criterion is satisfied by C_S if S is the range of some polynomial with positive integer coefficients of degree at least two. In the second part of the paper we first adapt the key properties of abstract logics to accommodate built-in relations. Then we define the regular interior R-int(L) and regular closure R-cl(L), of a logic L, and show that the Crane Beach Conjecture can be interpreted as a statement concerning the regular interior of first-order logic with built-in relations B. We show that if B={+}, or B contains only unary relations besides the order, then R-int(FO_B) collapses to FO with order. In contrast, our results imply that if B contains the order and the range of a polynomial of degree at least two, then R-cl(FO_B) includes all languages in DLOGTIME-uniform TC^0

    Equiangular lines in Euclidean spaces

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    We obtain several new results contributing to the theory of real equiangular line systems. Among other things, we present a new general lower bound on the maximum number of equiangular lines in d dimensional Euclidean space; we describe the two-graphs on 12 vertices; and we investigate Seidel matrices with exactly three distinct eigenvalues. As a result, we improve on two long-standing upper bounds regarding the maximum number of equiangular lines in dimensions d=14, and d=16. Additionally, we prove the nonexistence of certain regular graphs with four eigenvalues, and correct some tables from the literature.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in JCTA. Corrected an entry in Table


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    We propose a new descriptive complexity notion of uniformity for branching programs solving problems defined on structured data. We observe that FO[=]-uniform (n-way) branching programs are unable to solve the tree evaluation problem studied by Cook, McKenzie, Wehr, Braverman and Santhanam [8] because such programs possess a variant of their thriftiness property. Similarly, FO[=]-uniform (n-way) branching programs are unable to solve the P-complete GEN problem because such programs possess the incremental property studied by Gál, Kouck´y and McKenzie [10]. 1

    Ordered Sets in the Calculus of Data Structures

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    Our goal is to identify families of relations that are useful for reasoning about software. We describe such families using decidable quantifier-free classes of logical constraints with a rich set of operations. A key challenge is to define such classes of constraints in a modular way, by combining multiple decidable classes. Working with quantifierfree combinations of constraints makes the combination agenda more realistic and the resulting logics more likely to be tractable than in the presence of quantifiers. Our approach to combination is based on reducing decidable fragments to a common class, Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA). This logic was introduced by Feferman and Vaught in 1959 and can express properties of uninterpreted sets of elements, with set algebra operations and equicardinality relation (consequently, it can also express Presburger arithmetic constraints on cardinalities of sets). Combination by reduction to BAPA allows us to obtain decidable quantifierfree combinations of decidable logics that share BAPA operations. We use the term Calculus of Data Structures to denote a family of decidable constraints that reduce to BAPA. This class includes, for example, combinations of formulas in BAPA, weak monadic second-order logic of k-successors, two-variable logic with counting, and term algebras with certain homomorphisms. The approach of reduction to BAPA generalizes the Nelson-Oppen combination that forms the foundation of constraint solvers used in software verification. BAPA is convenient as a target for reductions because it admits quantifier elimination and its quantifier-free fragment is NP-complete. We describe a new member of the Calculus of Data Structures: a quantifier-free fragment that supports 1) boolean algebra of finite and infinite sets of real numbers, 2) linear arithmetic over real numbers, 3) formulas that can restrict chosen set or element variables to range over integers (providing, among others, the power of mixed integer arithmetic and sets of integers), 4) the cardinality operators, stating whether a given set has a given finite cardinality or is infinite, 5) infimum and supremum operators on sets. Among the applications of this logic are reasoning about the externally observable behavior of data structures such as sorted lists and priority queues, and specifying witness functions for the BAPA synthesis problem. We describe an abstract reduction to BAPA for our logic, proving that the satisfiability of the logic is in NP and that it can be combined with the other fragments of the Calculus of Data Structures