27,613 research outputs found

    On Minimum Maximal Distance-k Matchings

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    We study the computational complexity of several problems connected with finding a maximal distance-kk matching of minimum cardinality or minimum weight in a given graph. We introduce the class of kk-equimatchable graphs which is an edge analogue of kk-equipackable graphs. We prove that the recognition of kk-equimatchable graphs is co-NP-complete for any fixed k≥2k \ge 2. We provide a simple characterization for the class of strongly chordal graphs with equal kk-packing and kk-domination numbers. We also prove that for any fixed integer ℓ≥1\ell \ge 1 the problem of finding a minimum weight maximal distance-2ℓ2\ell matching and the problem of finding a minimum weight (2ℓ−1)(2 \ell - 1)-independent dominating set cannot be approximated in polynomial time in chordal graphs within a factor of δln⁡∣V(G)∣\delta \ln |V(G)| unless P=NP\mathrm{P} = \mathrm{NP}, where δ\delta is a fixed constant (thereby improving the NP-hardness result of Chang for the independent domination case). Finally, we show the NP-hardness of the minimum maximal induced matching and independent dominating set problems in large-girth planar graphs.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Interleaving schemes for multidimensional cluster errors

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    We present two-dimensional and three-dimensional interleaving techniques for correcting two- and three-dimensional bursts (or clusters) of errors, where a cluster of errors is characterized by its area or volume. Correction of multidimensional error clusters is required in holographic storage, an emerging application of considerable importance. Our main contribution is the construction of efficient two-dimensional and three-dimensional interleaving schemes. The proposed schemes are based on t-interleaved arrays of integers, defined by the property that every connected component of area or volume t consists of distinct integers. In the two-dimensional case, our constructions are optimal: they have the lowest possible interleaving degree. That is, the resulting t-interleaved arrays contain the smallest possible number of distinct integers, hence minimizing the number of codewords required in an interleaving scheme. In general, we observe that the interleaving problem can be interpreted as a graph-coloring problem, and introduce the useful special class of lattice interleavers. We employ a result of Minkowski, dating back to 1904, to establish both upper and lower bounds on the interleaving degree of lattice interleavers in three dimensions. For the case t≡0 mod 6, the upper and lower bounds coincide, and the Minkowski lattice directly yields an optimal lattice interleaver. For t≠0 mod 6, we construct efficient lattice interleavers using approximations of the Minkowski lattice

    Coherence Optimization and Best Complex Antipodal Spherical Codes

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    Vector sets with optimal coherence according to the Welch bound cannot exist for all pairs of dimension and cardinality. If such an optimal vector set exists, it is an equiangular tight frame and represents the solution to a Grassmannian line packing problem. Best Complex Antipodal Spherical Codes (BCASCs) are the best vector sets with respect to the coherence. By extending methods used to find best spherical codes in the real-valued Euclidean space, the proposed approach aims to find BCASCs, and thereby, a complex-valued vector set with minimal coherence. There are many applications demanding vector sets with low coherence. Examples are not limited to several techniques in wireless communication or to the field of compressed sensing. Within this contribution, existing analytical and numerical approaches for coherence optimization of complex-valued vector spaces are summarized and compared to the proposed approach. The numerically obtained coherence values improve previously reported results. The drawback of increased computational effort is addressed and a faster approximation is proposed which may be an alternative for time critical cases
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