17,114 research outputs found

    Revolvable Indoor Panoramas Using a Rectified Azimuthal Projection

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    We present an algorithm for converting an indoor spherical panorama into a photograph with a simulated overhead view. The resulting image will have an extremely wide field of view covering up to 4{\pi} steradians of the spherical panorama. We argue that our method complements the stereographic projection commonly used in the "little planet" effect. The stereographic projection works well in creating little planets of outdoor scenes; whereas our method is a well-suited counterpart for indoor scenes. The main innovation of our method is the introduction of a novel azimuthal map projection that can smoothly blend between the stereographic projection and the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection. Our projection has an adjustable parameter that allows one to control and compromise between distortions in shape and distortions in size within the projected panorama. This extra control parameter gives our projection the ability to produce superior results over the stereographic projection.Comment: expanded version of "An Indoor Alternative to Stereographic Spherical Panoramas" (Bridges 2014

    LMap: Shape-Preserving Local Mappings for Biomedical Visualization

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    Visualization of medical organs and biological structures is a challenging task because of their complex geometry and the resultant occlusions. Global spherical and planar mapping techniques simplify the complex geometry and resolve the occlusions to aid in visualization. However, while resolving the occlusions these techniques do not preserve the geometric context, making them less suitable for mission-critical biomedical visualization tasks. In this paper, we present a shape-preserving local mapping technique for resolving occlusions locally while preserving the overall geometric context. More specifically, we present a novel visualization algorithm, LMap, for conformally parameterizing and deforming a selected local region-of-interest (ROI) on an arbitrary surface. The resultant shape-preserving local mappings help to visualize complex surfaces while preserving the overall geometric context. The algorithm is based on the robust and efficient extrinsic Ricci flow technique, and uses the dynamic Ricci flow algorithm to guarantee the existence of a local map for a selected ROI on an arbitrary surface. We show the effectiveness and efficacy of our method in three challenging use cases: (1) multimodal brain visualization, (2) optimal coverage of virtual colonoscopy centerline flythrough, and (3) molecular surface visualization.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(12): 3111-3122, 2018 (12 pages, 11 figures

    Fast Disk Conformal Parameterization of Simply-connected Open Surfaces

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    Surface parameterizations have been widely used in computer graphics and geometry processing. In particular, as simply-connected open surfaces are conformally equivalent to the unit disk, it is desirable to compute the disk conformal parameterizations of the surfaces. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for the conformal parameterization of a simply-connected open surface onto the unit disk, which significantly speeds up the computation, enhances the conformality and stability, and guarantees the bijectivity. The conformality distortions at the inner region and on the boundary are corrected by two steps, with the aid of an iterative scheme using quasi-conformal theories. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method

    Non-Linear Phase-Shifting of Haar Wavelets for Run-Time All-Frequency Lighting

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    This paper focuses on real-time all-frequency image-based rendering using an innovative solution for run-time computation of light transport. The approach is based on new results derived for non-linear phase shifting in the Haar wavelet domain. Although image-based methods for real-time rendering of dynamic glossy objects have been proposed, they do not truly scale to all possible frequencies and high sampling rates without trading storage, glossiness, or computational time, while varying both lighting and viewpoint. This is due to the fact that current approaches are limited to precomputed radiance transfer (PRT), which is prohibitively expensive in terms of memory requirements and real-time rendering when both varying light and viewpoint changes are required together with high sampling rates for high frequency lighting of glossy material. On the other hand, current methods cannot handle object rotation, which is one of the paramount issues for all PRT methods using wavelets. This latter problem arises because the precomputed data are defined in a global coordinate system and encoded in the wavelet domain, while the object is rotated in a local coordinate system. At the root of all the above problems is the lack of efficient run-time solution to the nontrivial problem of rotating wavelets (a non-linear phase-shift), which we solve in this paper

    Deep Lighting Environment Map Estimation from Spherical Panoramas

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    Estimating a scene's lighting is a very important task when compositing synthetic content within real environments, with applications in mixed reality and post-production. In this work we present a data-driven model that estimates an HDR lighting environment map from a single LDR monocular spherical panorama. In addition to being a challenging and ill-posed problem, the lighting estimation task also suffers from a lack of facile illumination ground truth data, a fact that hinders the applicability of data-driven methods. We approach this problem differently, exploiting the availability of surface geometry to employ image-based relighting as a data generator and supervision mechanism. This relies on a global Lambertian assumption that helps us overcome issues related to pre-baked lighting. We relight our training data and complement the model's supervision with a photometric loss, enabled by a differentiable image-based relighting technique. Finally, since we predict spherical spectral coefficients, we show that by imposing a distribution prior on the predicted coefficients, we can greatly boost performance. Code and models available at https://vcl3d.github.io/DeepPanoramaLighting.Comment: Code and models available at https://vcl3d.github.io/DeepPanoramaLightin

    OmniDepth: Dense Depth Estimation for Indoors Spherical Panoramas

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    Recent work on depth estimation up to now has only focused on projective images ignoring 360 content which is now increasingly and more easily produced. We show that monocular depth estimation models trained on traditional images produce sub-optimal results on omnidirectional images, showcasing the need for training directly on 360 datasets, which however, are hard to acquire. In this work, we circumvent the challenges associated with acquiring high quality 360 datasets with ground truth depth annotations, by re-using recently released large scale 3D datasets and re-purposing them to 360 via rendering. This dataset, which is considerably larger than similar projective datasets, is publicly offered to the community to enable future research in this direction. We use this dataset to learn in an end-to-end fashion the task of depth estimation from 360 images. We show promising results in our synthesized data as well as in unseen realistic images.Comment: Pre-print to appear in ECCV1

    Compactified Cosmological Simulations of the Infinite Universe

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    We present a novel NN-body simulation method that compactifies the infinite spatial extent of the Universe into a finite sphere with isotropic boundary conditions to follow the evolution of the large-scale structure. Our approach eliminates the need for periodic boundary conditions, a mere numerical convenience which is not supported by observation and which modifies the law of force on large scales in an unrealistic fashion. We demonstrate that our method outclasses standard simulations executed on workstation-scale hardware in dynamic range, it is balanced in following a comparable number of high and low kk modes and, its fundamental geometry and topology match observations. Our approach is also capable of simulating an expanding, infinite universe in static coordinates with Newtonian dynamics. The price of these achievements is that most of the simulated volume has smoothly varying mass and spatial resolution, an approximation that carries different systematics than periodic simulations. Our initial implementation of the method is called StePS which stands for Stereographically Projected Cosmological Simulations. It uses stereographic projection for space compactification and naive O(N2)\mathcal{O}(N^2) force calculation which is nevertheless faster to arrive at a correlation function of the same quality than any standard (tree or P3^3M) algorithm with similar spatial and mass resolution. The N2N^2 force calculation is easy to adapt to modern graphics cards, hence our code can function as a high-speed prediction tool for modern large-scale surveys. To learn about the limits of the respective methods, we compare StePS with GADGET-2 \citep{Gadget2_2005MNRAS.364.1105S} running matching initial conditions

    Warping Peirce Quincuncial Panoramas

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    The Peirce quincuncial projection is a mapping of the surface of a sphere to the interior of a square. It is a conformal map except for four points on the equator. These points of non-conformality cause significant artifacts in photographic applications. In this paper, we propose an algorithm and user-interface to mitigate these artifacts. Moreover, in order to facilitate an interactive user-interface, we present a fast algorithm for calculating the Peirce quincuncial projection of spherical imagery. We then promote the Peirce quincuncial projection as a viable alternative to the more popular stereographic projection in some scenarios.Comment: updated source code with figures and explanation of the software implementatio

    Measuring the Effects of Scalar and Spherical Colormaps on Ensembles of DMRI Tubes

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    We report empirical study results on the color encoding of ensemble scalar and orientation to visualize diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (DMRI) tubes. The experiment tested six scalar colormaps for average fractional anisotropy (FA) tasks (grayscale, blackbody, diverging, isoluminant-rainbow, extended-blackbody, and coolwarm) and four three-dimensional (3D) directional encodings for tract tracing tasks (uniform gray, absolute, eigenmap, and Boy's surface embedding). We found that extended-blackbody, coolwarm, and blackbody remain the best three approaches for identifying ensemble average in 3D. Isoluminant-rainbow coloring led to the same ensemble mean accuracy as other colormaps. However, more than 50% of the answers consistently had higher estimates of the ensemble average, independent of the mean values. Hue, not luminance, influences ensemble estimates of mean values. For ensemble orientation-tracing tasks, we found that the Boy's surface embedding (greatest spatial resolution and contrast) and absolute color (lowest spatial resolution and contrast) schemes led to more accurate answers than the eigenmaps scheme (medium resolution and contrast), acting as the uncanny-valley phenomenon of visualization design in terms of accuracy
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