544 research outputs found

    Managing and analyzing phylogenetic databases

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    The ever growing availability of phylogenomic data makes it increasingly possible to study and analyze phylogenetic relationships across a wide range of species. Indeed, current phylogenetic analyses are now producing enormous collections of trees that vary greatly in size. Our proposed research addresses the challenges posed by storing, querying, and analyzing such phylogenetic databases. Our first contribution is the further development of STBase, a phylogenetic tree database consisting of a billion trees whose leaf sets range from four to 20000. STBase applies techniques from different areas of computer science for efficient tree storage and retrieval. It also introduces new ideas that are specific to tree databases. STBase provides a unique opportunity to explore innovative ways to analyze the results from queries on large sets of phylogenetic trees. We propose new ways of extracting consensus information from a collection of phylogenetic trees. Specifically, this involves extending the maximum agreement subtree problem. We greatly improve upon an existing approach based on frequent subtrees and, propose two new approaches based on agreement subtrees and frequent subtrees respectively. The final part of our proposed work deals with the problem of simplifying multi-labeled trees and handling rogue taxa. We propose a novel technique to extract conflict-free information from multi-labeled trees as a much smaller single labeled tree. We show that the inherent problem in identifying rogue taxa is NP-hard and give fixed-parameter tractable and integer linear programming solutions

    Enumerating All Maximal Frequent Subtrees

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    Given a collection of leaf-labeled trees on a common leafset and a fraction f in (1/2,1], a frequent subtree (FST) is a subtree isomorphically included in at least fraction f of the input trees. The well-known maximum agreement subtree (MAST) problem identifies FST with f = 1 and having the largest number of leaves. Apart from its intrinsic interest from the algorithmic perspective, MAST has practical applications as a metric for tree similarity, for computing tree congruence, in detection horizontal gene transfer events and as a consensus approach. Enumerating FSTs extend the MAST problem by denition and reveal additional subtrees not displayed by MAST. This can happen in tow ways - such a subtree is included in majority but not all of the input trees or such a subtree though included in all the input trees, does not have the maximum number of leaves. Further, FSTs can be enumerated on collection o ftrees having partially overlapping leafsets. MAST may not be useful here especially if the common overlap among leafsets is very low. Though very useful, the number of FSTs suffer from combinatorial explosion - just a single enumeration of maximal frequent subtrees (MFSTs). A MFST is a FST that is not a subtree to any othe rFST. the set of MFSTs is a compact non-redundant summary of all FSTs and is much smaller in size. Here we tackle the novel problem of enumerating all MFSTs in collections of phylogenetic trees. We demonstrate its utility in returning larger consensus trees in comparison to MAST. The current implementation is available on the web

    EvoMiner: Frequent Subtree Mining in Phylogenetic Databases

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    The problem of mining collections of trees to identify common patterns, called frequent subtrees (FSTs), arises often when trying to interpret the results of phylogenetic analysis. FST mining generalizes the well-known maximum agreement subtree problem. Here we present EvoMiner, a new algorithm for mining frequent subtrees in collections of phylogenetic trees. EvoMiner is an Apriori-like level-wise method, which uses a novel phylogeny-specific constant-time candidate generation scheme, an efficient fingerprinting-based technique for downward closure, and a lowest common ancestor based support counting step that requires neither costly subtree operations nor database traversal. Our algorithm achieves speed-ups of up to 100 times or more over Phylominer, the current state-of-the-art algorithm for mining phylogenetic trees. EvoMiner can also work in depth first enumeration mode, to use less memory at the expense of speed. We demonstrate the utility of FST mining as a way to extract meaningful phylogenetic information from collections of trees when compared to maximum agreement subtrees and majority rule trees --- two commonly used approaches in phylogenetic analysis for extracting consensus information from a collection of trees over a common leaf set