1 research outputs found

    Entropy Complexity and Stability of a Nonlinear Dynamic Game Model with Two Delays

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    In this paper, a duopoly game model with double delays in hydropower market is established, and the research focus on the influence of time delay parameter on the complexity of the system. Firstly, we established a game model for the enterprises considering both the current and the historical output when making decisions. Secondly, the existence and stability of Hopf bifurcation are analyzed, and the conditions and main conclusions of Hopf bifurcation are given. Thirdly, numerical simulation and analysis are carried out to verify the conclusions of the theoretical analysis. The effect of delay parameter on the stability of the system is simulated by a bifurcation diagram, the Lyapunov exponent, and an entropic diagram; in addition, the stability region of the system is given by a 2D parameter bifurcation diagram and a 3D parameter bifurcation diagram. Finally, the method of delayed feedback control is used to control the chaotic system. The research results can provide a guideline for enterprise decision-making