574 research outputs found

    Entanglement dynamics and decoherence of an atom coupled to a dissipative cavity field

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    In this paper, we investigate the entanglement dynamics and decoherence in the interacting system of a strongly driven two-level atom and a single mode vacuum field in the presence of dissipation for the cavity field. Starting with an initial product state with the atom in a general pure state and the field in a vacuum state, we show that the final density matrix is supported on C2⊗C2{\mathbb C}^2\otimes{\mathbb C}^2 space, and therefore, the concurrence can be used as a measure of entanglement between the atom and the field. The influences of the cavity decay on the quantum entanglement of the system are also discussed. We also examine the Bell-CHSH violation between the atom and the field and show that there are entangled states for which the Bell-BCSH inequality is not violated. Using the above system as a quantum channel, we also investigate the quantum teleportation of a generic qubit state and also a two-qubit entangled state, and show that in both cases the atom-field entangled state can be useful to teleport an unknown state with fidelity better than any classical channel.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Decoherence of a two-state atom driven by coherent light

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    Recent studies of the decoherence induced by the quantum nature of the laser field driving a two-state atom [J. Gea-Banacloche, Phys. Rev. A 65, 022308 (2002); S. J. van Enk and H. J. Kimble, Quantum Inf. and Comp. 2, 1 (2002)] have been questioned by Itano [W. M. Itano, Phys. Rev. A 68, 046301 (2003)] and the proposal made that all decoherence is due to spontaneous emission. We analyze the problem within the formalism of cascaded open quantum systems. Our conclusions agree with the Itano proposal. We show that the decoherence, nevertheless, may be divided into two parts--that due to forwards scattering and to scattering out of the laser mode. Previous authors attribute the former to the quantum nature of the laser field.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Entanglement, fidelity, and quantum-classical correlations with an atom walking in a quantized cavity field

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    Stability and instability of quantum evolution are studied in the interaction between a two-level atom with photon recoil and a quantized field mode in an ideal cavity, the basic model of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). It is shown that the Jaynes-Cummings dynamics can be unstable in the regime of chaotic walking of the atomic center-of-mass in the quantized field of a standing wave in the absence of any kind of interaction with environment. This kind of quantum instability manifests itself in strong variations of reduced quantum purity and entropy, correlating with the respective classical Lyapunov exponent, and in exponential sensitivity of fidelity of quantum states to small variations in the atom-field detuning. The connection between quantum entanglement and fidelity and the center-of-mass motion is clarified analytically and numerically for a few regimes of that motion. The results are illustrated with two specific initial field states: the Fock and coherent ones. Numerical experiments demonstrate various manifestations of the quantum-classical correspondence, including dynamical chaos and fractals, which can be, in principle, observed in real experiments with atoms and photons in high finesse cavities

    From Quantum Optics to Quantum Technologies

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    Quantum optics is the study of the intrinsically quantum properties of light. During the second part of the 20th century experimental and theoretical progress developed together; nowadays quantum optics provides a testbed of many fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics such as coherence and quantum entanglement. Quantum optics helped trigger, both directly and indirectly, the birth of quantum technologies, whose aim is to harness non-classical quantum effects in applications from quantum key distribution to quantum computing. Quantum light remains at the heart of many of the most promising and potentially transformative quantum technologies. In this review, we celebrate the work of Sir Peter Knight and present an overview of the development of quantum optics and its impact on quantum technologies research. We describe the core theoretical tools developed to express and study the quantum properties of light, the key experimental approaches used to control, manipulate and measure such properties and their application in quantum simulation, and quantum computing.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, Accepted, Prog. Quant. Ele

    Superradiance and Phase Multistability in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

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    By modeling the coupling of multiple superconducting qubits to a single cavity in the circuit-quantum electrodynamics (QED) framework we find that it should be possible to observe superradiance and phase multistability using currently available technology. Due to the exceptionally large couplings present in circuit-QED we predict that superradiant microwave pulses should be observable with only a very small number of qubits (just three or four), in the presence of energy relaxation and non-uniform qubit-field coupling strengths. This paves the way for circuit-QED implementations of superradiant state readout and decoherence free subspace state encoding in subradiant states. The system considered here also exhibits phase multistability when driven with large field amplitudes, and this effect may have applications for collective qubit readout and for quantum feedback protocols.Comment: Published Versio
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