2 research outputs found

    Ensemble-based Overlapping Community Detection using Disjoint Community Structures

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    While there has been a plethora of approaches for detecting disjoint communities from real-world complex networks, some methods for detecting overlapping community structures have also been recently proposed. In this work, we argue that, instead of developing separate approaches for detecting overlapping communities, a promising alternative is to infer the overlapping communities from multiple disjoint community structures. We propose an ensemble-based approach, called EnCoD, that leverages the solutions produced by various disjoint community detection algorithms to discover the overlapping community structure. Specifically, EnCoD generates a feature vector for each vertex from the results of the base algorithms and learns which features lead to detect densely connected overlapping regions in an unsupervised way. It keeps on iterating until the likelihood of each vertex belonging to its own community maximizes. Experiments on both synthetic and several real-world networks (with known ground-truth community structures) reveal that EnCoD significantly outperforms nine state-of-the-art overlapping community detection algorithms. Finally, we show that EnCoD is generic enough to be applied to networks where the vertices are associated with explicit semantic features. To the best of our knowledge, EnCoD is the second ensemble-based overlapping community detection approach after MEDOC [1].Comment: 31 pages, 7 tables, 3 figures, Knowledge-Based System

    Ensemble-Based Discovery of Disjoint, Overlapping and Fuzzy Community Structures in Networks

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    Though much work has been done on ensemble clustering in data mining, the application of ensemble methods to community detection in networks is in its infancy. In this paper, we propose two ensemble methods: ENDISCO and MEDOC. ENDISCO performs disjoint community detection. In contrast, MEDOC performs disjoint, overlapping, and fuzzy community detection and represents the first ever ensemble method for fuzzy and overlapping community detection. We run extensive experiments with both algorithms against both synthetic and several real-world datasets for which community structures are known. We show that ENDISCO and MEDOC both beat the best-known existing standalone community detection algorithms (though we emphasize that they leverage them). In the case of disjoint community detection, we show that both ENDISCO and MEDOC beat an existing ensemble community detection algorithm both in terms of multiple accuracy measures and run-time. We further show that our ensemble algorithms can help explore core-periphery structure of network communities, identify stable communities in dynamic networks and help solve the "degeneracy of solutions" problem, generating robust results