1 research outputs found

    Multimedia Tools and Applications manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Enlightening the Sun A User Interface to Explore Music Artists via Multimedia Content

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    Abstract This article presents an approach to browse collections of web pages about music artists by means of descriptive terms and multimedia content. To this end, a user interface called Three-Dimensional Co-Occurrence Browser (3D-COB) is introduced. 3D-COB automatically extracts and weights terms from artist-related web pages. This textual information is complemented with information on the multimedia content found on the web pages. For the user interface of 3D-COB, we elaborated a three-dimensional extension of the Sunburst visualization technique. The hierarchical data to be visualized is obtained by analyzing the web pages for combinations of co-occurring terms that are highly ranked by a term weighting function. We further investigated, in a first user study, different term weighting strategies to generate the visualization. A second user study was carried out to assess ergonomic aspects of 3D-COB, especially its usefulness for gaining a quick overview of a set of web pages and for efficiently browsing within this set