199 research outputs found

    Perceptual texture similarity estimation

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    This thesis evaluates the ability of computational features to estimate perceptual texture similarity. In the first part of this thesis, we conducted two evaluation experiments on the ability of 51 computational feature sets to estimate perceptual texture similarity using two differ-ent evaluation methods, namely, pair-of-pairs based and retrieval based evaluations. These experiments compared the computational features to two sets of human derived ground-truth data, both of which are higher resolution than those commonly used. The first was obtained by free-grouping and the second by pair-of-pairs experiments. Using these higher resolution data, we found that the feature sets do not perform well when compared to human judgements. Our analysis shows that these computational feature sets either (1) only exploit power spectrum information or (2) only compute higher order statistics (HoS) on, at most, small local neighbourhoods. In other words, they cannot capture aperiodic, long-range spatial relationships. As we hypothesise that these long-range interactions are important for the human perception of texture similarity we carried out two more pair-of-pairs ex-periments, the results of which indicate that long-range interactions do provide humans with important cues for the perception of texture similarity. In the second part of this thesis we develop new texture features that can encode such data. We first examine the importance of three different types of visual information for human perception of texture. Our results show that contours are the most critical type of information for human discrimination of textures. Finally, we report the development of a new set of contour-based features which performed well on the free-grouping data and outperformed the 51 feature sets and another contour type feature set with the pair-of-pairs data

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    Shape-based invariant features extraction for object recognition

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    International audienceThe emergence of new technologies enables generating large quantity of digital information including images; this leads to an increasing number of generated digital images. Therefore it appears a necessity for automatic systems for image retrieval. These systems consist of techniques used for query specification and re-trieval of images from an image collection. The most frequent and the most com-mon means for image retrieval is the indexing using textual keywords. But for some special application domains and face to the huge quantity of images, key-words are no more sufficient or unpractical. Moreover, images are rich in content; so in order to overcome these mentioned difficulties, some approaches are pro-posed based on visual features derived directly from the content of the image: these are the content-based image retrieval (CBIR) approaches. They allow users to search the desired image by specifying image queries: a query can be an exam-ple, a sketch or visual features (e.g., colour, texture and shape). Once the features have been defined and extracted, the retrieval becomes a task of measuring simi-larity between image features. An important property of these features is to be in-variant under various deformations that the observed image could undergo. In this chapter, we will present a number of existing methods for CBIR applica-tions. We will also describe some measures that are usually used for similarity measurement. At the end, and as an application example, we present a specific ap-proach, that we are developing, to illustrate the topic by providing experimental results

    Multi-dimensional local binary pattern texture descriptors and their application for medical image analysis

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    Texture can be broadly stated as spatial variation of image intensities. Texture analysis and classification is a well researched area for its importance to many computer vision applications. Consequently, much research has focussed on deriving powerful and efficient texture descriptors. Local binary patterns (LBP) and its variants are simple yet powerful texture descriptors. LBP features describe the texture neighbourhood of a pixel using simple comparison operators, and are often calculated based on varying neighbourhood radii to provide multi-resolution texture descriptions. A comprehensive evaluation of different LBP variants on a common benchmark dataset is missing in the literature. This thesis presents the performance for different LBP variants on texture classification and retrieval tasks. The results show that multi-scale local binary pattern variance (LBPV) gives the best performance over eight benchmarked datasets. Furthermore, improvements to the Dominant LBP (D-LBP) by ranking dominant patterns over complete training set and Compound LBP (CM-LBP) by considering 16 bits binary codes are suggested which are shown to outperform their original counterparts. The main contribution of the thesis is the introduction of multi-dimensional LBP features, which preserve the relationships between different scales by building a multi-dimensional histogram. The results on benchmarked classification and retrieval datasets clearly show that the multi-dimensional LBP (MD-LBP) improves the results compared to conventional multi-scale LBP. The same principle is applied to LBPV (MD-LBPV), again leading to improved performance. The proposed variants result in relatively large feature lengths which is addressed using three different feature length reduction techniques. Principle component analysis (PCA) is shown to give the best performance when the feature length is reduced to match that of conventional multi-scale LBP. The proposed multi-dimensional LBP variants are applied for medical image analysis application. The first application is nailfold capillary (NC) image classification. Performance of MD-LBPV on NC images is highest, whereas for second application, HEp-2 cell classification, performance of MD-LBP is highest. It is observed that the proposed texture descriptors gives improved texture classification accuracy

    3D Object Recognition Based On Constrained 2D Views

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    The aim of the present work was to build a novel 3D object recognition system capable of classifying man-made and natural objects based on single 2D views. The approach to this problem has been one motivated by recent theories on biological vision and multiresolution analysis. The project's objectives were the implementation of a system that is able to deal with simple 3D scenes and constitutes an engineering solution to the problem of 3D object recognition, allowing the proposed recognition system to operate in a practically acceptable time frame. The developed system takes further the work on automatic classification of marine phytoplank- (ons, carried out at the Centre for Intelligent Systems, University of Plymouth. The thesis discusses the main theoretical issues that prompted the fundamental system design options. The principles and the implementation of the coarse data channels used in the system are described. A new multiresolution representation of 2D views is presented, which provides the classifier module of the system with coarse-coded descriptions of the scale-space distribution of potentially interesting features. A multiresolution analysis-based mechanism is proposed, which directs the system's attention towards potentially salient features. Unsupervised similarity-based feature grouping is introduced, which is used in coarse data channels to yield feature signatures that are not spatially coherent and provide the classifier module with salient descriptions of object views. A simple texture descriptor is described, which is based on properties of a special wavelet transform. The system has been tested on computer-generated and natural image data sets, in conditions where the inter-object similarity was monitored and quantitatively assessed by human subjects, or the analysed objects were very similar and their discrimination constituted a difficult task even for human experts. The validity of the above described approaches has been proven. The studies conducted with various statistical and artificial neural network-based classifiers have shown that the system is able to perform well in all of the above mentioned situations. These investigations also made possible to take further and generalise a number of important conclusions drawn during previous work carried out in the field of 2D shape (plankton) recognition, regarding the behaviour of multiple coarse data channels-based pattern recognition systems and various classifier architectures. The system possesses the ability of dealing with difficult field-collected images of objects and the techniques employed by its component modules make possible its extension to the domain of complex multiple-object 3D scene recognition. The system is expected to find immediate applicability in the field of marine biota classification

    A novel service discovery model for decentralised online social networks.

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    Online social networks (OSNs) have become the most popular Internet application that attracts billions of users to share information, disseminate opinions and interact with others in the online society. The unprecedented growing popularity of OSNs naturally makes using social network services as a pervasive phenomenon in our daily life. The majority of OSNs service providers adopts a centralised architecture because of its management simplicity and content controllability. However, the centralised architecture for large-scale OSNs applications incurs costly deployment of computing infrastructures and suffers performance bottleneck. Moreover, the centralised architecture has two major shortcomings: the single point failure problem and the lack of privacy, which challenges the uninterrupted service provision and raises serious privacy concerns. This thesis proposes a decentralised approach based on peer-to-peer (P2P) networks as an alternative to the traditional centralised architecture. Firstly, a self-organised architecture with self-sustaining social network adaptation has been designed to support decentralised topology maintenance. This self-organised architecture exhibits small-world characteristics with short average path length and large average clustering coefficient to support efficient information exchange. Based on this self-organised architecture, a novel decentralised service discovery model has been developed to achieve a semantic-aware and interest-aware query routing in the P2P social network. The proposed model encompasses a service matchmaking module to capture the hidden semantic information for query-service matching and a homophily-based query processing module to characterise user’s common social status and interests for personalised query routing. Furthermore, in order to optimise the efficiency of service discovery, a swarm intelligence inspired algorithm has been designed to reduce the query routing overhead. This algorithm employs an adaptive forwarding strategy that can adapt to various social network structures and achieves promising search performance with low redundant query overhead in dynamic environments. Finally, a configurable software simulator is implemented to simulate complex networks and to evaluate the proposed service discovery model. Extensive experiments have been conducted through simulations, and the obtained results have demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed model.University of Derb

    Retinal vessel segmentation using textons

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    Segmenting vessels from retinal images, like segmentation in many other medical image domains, is a challenging task, as there is no unified way that can be adopted to extract the vessels accurately. However, it is the most critical stage in automatic assessment of various forms of diseases (e.g. Glaucoma, Age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and cardiovascular diseases etc.). Our research aims to investigate retinal image segmentation approaches based on textons as they provide a compact description of texture that can be learnt from a training set. This thesis presents a brief review of those diseases and also includes their current situations, future trends and techniques used for their automatic diagnosis in routine clinical applications. The importance of retinal vessel segmentation is particularly emphasized in such applications. An extensive review of previous work on retinal vessel segmentation and salient texture analysis methods is presented. Five automatic retinal vessel segmentation methods are proposed in this thesis. The first method focuses on addressing the problem of removing pathological anomalies (Drusen, exudates) for retinal vessel segmentation, which have been identified by other researchers as a problem and a common source of error. The results show that the modified method shows some improvement compared to a previously published method. The second novel supervised segmentation method employs textons. We propose a new filter bank (MR11) that includes bar detectors for vascular feature extraction and other kernels to detect edges and photometric variations in the image. The k-means clustering algorithm is adopted for texton generation based on the vessel and non-vessel elements which are identified by ground truth. The third improved supervised method is developed based on the second one, in which textons are generated by k-means clustering and texton maps representing vessels are derived by back projecting pixel clusters onto hand labelled ground truth. A further step is implemented to ensure that the best combinations of textons are represented in the map and subsequently used to identify vessels in the test set. The experimental results on two benchmark datasets show that our proposed method performs well compared to other published work and the results of human experts. A further test of our system on an independent set of optical fundus images verified its consistent performance. The statistical analysis on experimental results also reveals that it is possible to train unified textons for retinal vessel segmentation. In the fourth method a novel scheme using Gabor filter bank for vessel feature extraction is proposed. The ii method is inspired by the human visual system. Machine learning is used to optimize the Gabor filter parameters. The experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly enhances the true positive rate while maintaining a level of specificity that is comparable with other approaches. Finally, we proposed a new unsupervised texton based retinal vessel segmentation method using derivative of SIFT and multi-scale Gabor filers. The lack of sufficient quantities of hand labelled ground truth and the high level of variability in ground truth labels amongst experts provides the motivation for this approach. The evaluation results reveal that our unsupervised segmentation method is comparable with the best other supervised methods and other best state of the art methods

    Cable Tension Monitoring using Non-Contact Vision-based Techniques

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    In cable-stayed bridges, the structural systems of tensioned cables play a critical role in structural and functional integrity. Thereby, tensile forces in the cables become one of the essential indicators in structural health monitoring (SHM). In this thesis, a video image processing technology integrated with cable dynamic analysis is proposed as a non-contact vision-based measurement technique, which provides a user-friendly, cost-effective, and computationally efficient solution to displacement extraction, frequency identification, and cable tension monitoring. In contrast to conventional contact sensors, the vision-based system is capable of taking remote measurements of cable dynamic response while having flexible sensing capability. Since cable detection is a substantial step in displacement extraction, a comprehensive study on the feasibility of the adopted feature detector is conducted under various testing scenarios. The performance of the feature detector is quantified by developing evaluation parameters. Enhancement methods for the feature detector in cable detection are investigated as well under complex testing environments. Threshold-dependent image matching approaches, which optimize the functionality of the feature-based video image processing technology, is proposed for noise-free and noisy background scenarios. The vision-based system is validated through experimental studies of free vibration tests on a single undamped cable in laboratory settings. The maximum percentage difference of the identified cable fundamental frequency is found to be 0.74% compared with accelerometer readings, while the maximum percentage difference of the estimated cable tensile force is 4.64% compared to direct measurement by a load cell

    Automatic chord transcription from audio using computational models of musical context

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    PhDThis thesis is concerned with the automatic transcription of chords from audio, with an emphasis on modern popular music. Musical context such as the key and the structural segmentation aid the interpretation of chords in human beings. In this thesis we propose computational models that integrate such musical context into the automatic chord estimation process. We present a novel dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) which integrates models of metric position, key, chord, bass note and two beat-synchronous audio features (bass and treble chroma) into a single high-level musical context model. We simultaneously infer the most probable sequence of metric positions, keys, chords and bass notes via Viterbi inference. Several experiments with real world data show that adding context parameters results in a significant increase in chord recognition accuracy and faithfulness of chord segmentation. The proposed, most complex method transcribes chords with a state-of-the-art accuracy of 73% on the song collection used for the 2009 MIREX Chord Detection tasks. This method is used as a baseline method for two further enhancements. Firstly, we aim to improve chord confusion behaviour by modifying the audio front end processing. We compare the effect of learning chord profiles as Gaussian mixtures to the effect of using chromagrams generated from an approximate pitch transcription method. We show that using chromagrams from approximate transcription results in the most substantial increase in accuracy. The best method achieves 79% accuracy and significantly outperforms the state of the art. Secondly, we propose a method by which chromagram information is shared between repeated structural segments (such as verses) in a song. This can be done fully automatically using a novel structural segmentation algorithm tailored to this task. We show that the technique leads to a significant increase in accuracy and readability. The segmentation algorithm itself also obtains state-of-the-art results. A method that combines both of the above enhancements reaches an accuracy of 81%, a statistically significant improvement over the best result (74%) in the 2009 MIREX Chord Detection tasks.Engineering and Physical Research Council U