358 research outputs found

    Robust Prototypical Few-Shot Organ Segmentation with Regularized Neural-ODEs

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    Despite the tremendous progress made by deep learning models in image semantic segmentation, they typically require large annotated examples, and increasing attention is being diverted to problem settings like Few-Shot Learning (FSL) where only a small amount of annotation is needed for generalisation to novel classes. This is especially seen in medical domains where dense pixel-level annotations are expensive to obtain. In this paper, we propose Regularized Prototypical Neural Ordinary Differential Equation (R-PNODE), a method that leverages intrinsic properties of Neural-ODEs, assisted and enhanced by additional cluster and consistency losses to perform Few-Shot Segmentation (FSS) of organs. R-PNODE constrains support and query features from the same classes to lie closer in the representation space thereby improving the performance over the existing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based FSS methods. We further demonstrate that while many existing Deep CNN based methods tend to be extremely vulnerable to adversarial attacks, R-PNODE exhibits increased adversarial robustness for a wide array of these attacks. We experiment with three publicly available multi-organ segmentation datasets in both in-domain and cross-domain FSS settings to demonstrate the efficacy of our method. In addition, we perform experiments with seven commonly used adversarial attacks in various settings to demonstrate R-PNODE's robustness. R-PNODE outperforms the baselines for FSS by significant margins and also shows superior performance for a wide array of attacks varying in intensity and design

    Look, Cast and Mold: Learning 3D Shape Manifold from Single-view Synthetic Data

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    Inferring the stereo structure of objects in the real world is a challenging yet practical task. To equip deep models with this ability usually requires abundant 3D supervision which is hard to acquire. It is promising that we can simply benefit from synthetic data, where pairwise ground-truth is easy to access. Nevertheless, the domain gaps are nontrivial considering the variant texture, shape and context. To overcome these difficulties, we propose a Visio-Perceptual Adaptive Network for single-view 3D reconstruction, dubbed VPAN. To generalize the model towards a real scenario, we propose to fulfill several aspects: (1) Look: visually incorporate spatial structure from the single view to enhance the expressiveness of representation; (2) Cast: perceptually align the 2D image features to the 3D shape priors with cross-modal semantic contrastive mapping; (3) Mold: reconstruct stereo-shape of target by transforming embeddings into the desired manifold. Extensive experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method in learning the 3D shape manifold from synthetic data via a single-view. The proposed method outperforms state-of-the-arts on Pix3D dataset with IoU 0.292 and CD 0.108, and reaches IoU 0.329 and CD 0.104 on Pascal 3D+

    Behind Every Domain There is a Shift: Adapting Distortion-aware Vision Transformers for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation

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    In this paper, we address panoramic semantic segmentation which is under-explored due to two critical challenges: (1) image distortions and object deformations on panoramas; (2) lack of semantic annotations in the 360-degree imagery. To tackle these problems, first, we propose the upgraded Transformer for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation, i.e., Trans4PASS+, equipped with Deformable Patch Embedding (DPE) and Deformable MLP (DMLPv2) modules for handling object deformations and image distortions whenever (before or after adaptation) and wherever (shallow or deep levels). Second, we enhance the Mutual Prototypical Adaptation (MPA) strategy via pseudo-label rectification for unsupervised domain adaptive panoramic segmentation. Third, aside from Pinhole-to-Panoramic (Pin2Pan) adaptation, we create a new dataset (SynPASS) with 9,080 panoramic images, facilitating Synthetic-to-Real (Syn2Real) adaptation scheme in 360-degree imagery. Extensive experiments are conducted, which cover indoor and outdoor scenarios, and each of them is investigated with Pin2Pan and Syn2Real regimens. Trans4PASS+ achieves state-of-the-art performances on four domain adaptive panoramic semantic segmentation benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/jamycheung/Trans4PASS.Comment: Extended version of CVPR 2022 paper arXiv:2203.01452. Code is available at https://github.com/jamycheung/Trans4PAS

    Behind every domain there is a shift: adapting distortion-aware vision transformers for panoramic semantic segmentation

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    In this paper, we address panoramic semantic segmentation which is under-explored due to two critical challenges: (1) image distortions and object deformations on panoramas; (2) lack of semantic annotations in the 360◦ imagery. To tackle these problems, first, we propose the upgraded Transformer for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation, i.e., Trans4PASS+, equipped with Deformable Patch Embedding (DPE) and Deformable MLP (DMLPv2) modules for handling object deformations and image distortions whenever (before or after adaptation) and wherever (shallow or deep levels). Second, we enhance the Mutual Prototypical Adaptation (MPA) strategy via pseudo-label rectification for unsupervised domain adaptive panoramic segmentation. Third, aside from Pinhole-to-Panoramic (PIN2PAN) adaptation, we create a new dataset (SynPASS) with 9,080 panoramic images, facilitating Synthetic-to-Real (SYN2REAL) adaptation scheme in 360◦ imagery. Extensive experiments are conducted, which cover indoor and outdoor scenarios, and each of them is investigated with PIN2PAN and SYN2REAL regimens. Trans4PASS+ achieves state-of-the-art performances on four domain adaptive panoramic semantic segmentation benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/jamycheung/Trans4PASS

    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is a novel class of deep generative models which has recently gained significant attention. GANs learns complex and high-dimensional distributions implicitly over images, audio, and data. However, there exists major challenges in training of GANs, i.e., mode collapse, non-convergence and instability, due to inappropriate design of network architecture, use of objective function and selection of optimization algorithm. Recently, to address these challenges, several solutions for better design and optimization of GANs have been investigated based on techniques of re-engineered network architectures, new objective functions and alternative optimization algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing survey that has particularly focused on broad and systematic developments of these solutions. In this study, we perform a comprehensive survey of the advancements in GANs design and optimization solutions proposed to handle GANs challenges. We first identify key research issues within each design and optimization technique and then propose a new taxonomy to structure solutions by key research issues. In accordance with the taxonomy, we provide a detailed discussion on different GANs variants proposed within each solution and their relationships. Finally, based on the insights gained, we present the promising research directions in this rapidly growing field.Comment: 42 pages, Figure 13, Table

    Behind every domain there is a shift: adapting distortion-aware vision transformers for panoramic semantic segmentation

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    In this paper, we address panoramic semantic segmentation which is under-explored due to two critical challenges: (1) image distortions and object deformations on panoramas; (2) lack of semantic annotations in the 360∘ imagery. To tackle these problems, first, we propose the upgraded Transformer for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation, ie, Trans4PASS+, equipped with Deformable Patch Embedding (DPE) and Deformable MLP (DMLPv2) modules for handling object deformations and image distortions whenever (before or after adaptation) and wherever (shallow or deep levels). Second, we enhance the Mutual Prototypical Adaptation (MPA) strategy via pseudo-label rectification for unsupervised domain adaptive panoramic segmentation. Third, aside from Pinhole-to-Panoramic ( Pin2Pan ) adaptation, we create a new dataset (SynPASS) with 9,080 panoramic images, facilitating Synthetic-to-Real ( Syn2Real ) adaptation scheme in 360∘ imagery. Extensive experiments are conducted, which cover indoor and outdoor scenarios, and each of them is investigated with Pin2Pan and Syn2Real regimens. Trans4PASS+ achieves state-of-the-art performances on four domain adaptive panoramic semantic segmentation benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/jamycheung/Trans4PASS

    Representation Separation for Semantic Segmentation with Vision Transformers

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    Vision transformers (ViTs) encoding an image as a sequence of patches bring new paradigms for semantic segmentation.We present an efficient framework of representation separation in local-patch level and global-region level for semantic segmentation with ViTs. It is targeted for the peculiar over-smoothness of ViTs in semantic segmentation, and therefore differs from current popular paradigms of context modeling and most existing related methods reinforcing the advantage of attention. We first deliver the decoupled two-pathway network in which another pathway enhances and passes down local-patch discrepancy complementary to global representations of transformers. We then propose the spatially adaptive separation module to obtain more separate deep representations and the discriminative cross-attention which yields more discriminative region representations through novel auxiliary supervisions. The proposed methods achieve some impressive results: 1) incorporated with large-scale plain ViTs, our methods achieve new state-of-the-art performances on five widely used benchmarks; 2) using masked pre-trained plain ViTs, we achieve 68.9% mIoU on Pascal Context, setting a new record; 3) pyramid ViTs integrated with the decoupled two-pathway network even surpass the well-designed high-resolution ViTs on Cityscapes; 4) the improved representations by our framework have favorable transferability in images with natural corruptions. The codes will be released publicly.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl