9 research outputs found

    On the Reproducibility and Generalisation of the Linear Transformation of Word Embeddings

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    Linear transformation is a way to learn a linear relationship between two word embeddings, such that words in the two different embedding spaces can be semantically related. In this paper, we examine the reproducibility and generalisation of the linear transformation of word embeddings. Linear transformation is particularly useful when translating word embedding models in different languages, since it can capture the semantic relationships between two models. We first reproduce two linear transformation approaches, a recent one using orthogonal transformation and the original one using simple matrix transformation. Previous findings on a machine translation task are re-examined, validating that linear transformation is indeed an effective way to transform word embedding models in different languages. In particular, we show that the orthogonal transformation can better relate the different embedding models. Following the verification of previous findings, we then study the generalisation of linear transformation in a multi-language Twitter election classification task. We observe that the orthogonal transformation outperforms the matrix transformation. In particular, it significantly outperforms the random classifier by at least 10% under the F1 metric across English and Spanish datasets. In addition, we also provide best practices when using linear transformation for multi-language Twitter election classification

    Exploring Online Novelty Detection Using First Story Detection Models

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    Online novelty detection is an important technology in understanding and exploiting streaming data. One application of online novelty detection is First Story Detection (FSD) which attempts to find the very first story about a new topic, e.g. the first news report discussing the “Beast from the East” hitting Ireland. Although hundreds of FSD models have been developed, the vast majority of these only aim at improving the performance of the detection for some specific dataset, and very few focus on the insight of novelty itself. We believe that online novelty detection, framed as an unsupervised learning problem, always requires a clear definition of novelty. Indeed, we argue the definition of novelty is the key issue in designing a good detection model. Within the context of FSD, we first categorise online novelty detection models into three main categories, based on different definitions of novelty scores, and then compare the performances of these model categories in different features spaces. Our experimental results show that the challenge of FSD varies across novelty scores (and corresponding model categories); and, furthermore, that the detection of novelty in the very popular Word2Vec feature space is more difficult than in a normal frequency-based feature space because of a loss of word specificity

    Update Frequency and Background Corpus Selection in Dynamic TF-IDF Models for First Story Detection

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    First Story Detection (FSD) requires a system to detect the very first story that mentions an event from a stream of stories. Nearest neighbour-based models, using the traditional term vector document representations like TF-IDF, currently achieve the state of the art in FSD. Because of its online nature, a dynamic term vector model that is incrementally updated during the detection process is usually adopted for FSD instead of a static model. However, very little research has investigated the selection of hyper-parameters and the background corpora for a dynamic model. In this paper, we analyse how a dynamic term vector model works for FSD, and investigate the impact of different update frequencies and background corpora on FSD performance. Our results show that dynamic models with high update frequencies outperform static model and dynamic models with low update frequencies; and that the FSD performance of dynamic models does not always increase with higher update frequencies, but instead reaches steady state after some update frequency threshold is reached. In addition, we demonstrate that different background corpora have very limited influence on the dynamic models with high update frequencies in terms of FSD performance

    Off the Beaten Path: Let's Replace Term-Based Retrieval with k-NN Search

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    Retrieval pipelines commonly rely on a term-based search to obtain candidate records, which are subsequently re-ranked. Some candidates are missed by this approach, e.g., due to a vocabulary mismatch. We address this issue by replacing the term-based search with a generic k-NN retrieval algorithm, where a similarity function can take into account subtle term associations. While an exact brute-force k-NN search using this similarity function is slow, we demonstrate that an approximate algorithm can be nearly two orders of magnitude faster at the expense of only a small loss in accuracy. A retrieval pipeline using an approximate k-NN search can be more effective and efficient than the term-based pipeline. This opens up new possibilities for designing effective retrieval pipelines. Our software (including data-generating code) and derivative data based on the Stack Overflow collection is available online

    Bigger versus Similar: Selecting a Background Corpus for First Story Detection Based on Distributional Similarity

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    The current state of the art for First Story Detection (FSD) are nearest neighbourbased models with traditional term vector representations; however, one challenge faced by FSD models is that the document representation is usually defined by the vocabulary and term frequency from a background corpus. Consequently, the ideal background corpus should arguably be both large-scale to ensure adequate term coverage, and similar to the target domain in terms of the language distribution. However, given these two factors cannot always be mutually satisfied, in this paper we examine whether the distributional similarity of common terms is more important than the scale of common terms for FSD. As a basis for our analysis we propose a set of metrics to quantitatively measure the scale of common terms and the distributional similarity between corpora. Using these metrics we rank different background corpora relative to a target corpus. We also apply models based on different background corpora to the FSD task. Our results show that term distributional similarity is more predictive of good FSD performance than the scale of common terms; and, thus we demonstrate that a smaller recent domain-related corpus will be more suitable than a very largescale general corpus for FS

    Bigger versus Similar: Selecting a Background Corpus for First Story Detection Based on Distributional Similarity

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    The current state of the art for First Story Detection (FSD) are nearest neighbour-based models with traditional term vector representations; however, one challenge faced by FSD models is that the document representation is usually defined by the vocabulary and term frequency from a background corpus. Consequently, the ideal background corpus should arguably be both large-scale to ensure adequate term coverage, and similar to the target domain in terms of the language distribution. However, given these two factors cannot always be mutually satisfied, in this paper we examine whether the distributional similarity of common terms is more important than the scale of common terms for FSD. As a basis for our analysis we propose a set of metrics to quantitatively measure the scale of common terms and the distributional similarity between corpora. Using these metrics we rank different background corpora relative to a target corpus. We also apply models based on different background corpora to the FSD task. Our results show that term distributional similarity is more predictive of good FSD performance than the scale of common terms; and, thus we demonstrate that a smaller recent domain-related corpus will be more suitable than a very large-scale general corpus for FSD

    Comparative analysis of TF-IDF and loglikelihood method for keywords extraction of twitter data

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    Twitter has become the foremost standard of social media in today’s world. Over 335 million users are online monthly, and near about 80% are accessing it through their mobiles. Further, Twitter is now supporting 35+ which enhance its usage too much. It facilitates people having different languages. Near about 21% of the total users are from US and 79% of total users are outside of US. A tweet is restricted to a hundred and forty characters; hence it contains such information which is more concise and much valuable. Due to its usage, it is estimated that five hundred million tweets are sent per day by different categories of people including teacher, students, celebrities, officers, musician, etc. So, there is a huge amount of data that is increasing on a daily basis that need to be categorized. The important key feature is to find the keywords in the huge data that is helpful for identifying a twitter for classification. For this purpose, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) and Loglikelihood methods are chosen for keywords extracted from the music field and perform a comparative analysis on both results. In the end, relevance is performed from 5 users so that finally we can take a decision to make assumption on the basis of experiments that which method is best. This analysis is much valuable because it gives a more accurate estimation which method’s results are more reliable

    Improving Text Classification with Word Embedding

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    One challenge in text classification is that it is hard to make feature reduction basing upon the meaning of the features. An improper feature reduction may even worsen the classification accuracy. Word2Vec, a word embedding method, has recently been gaining popularity due to its high precision rate of analyzing the semantic similarity between words at relatively low computational cost. However, there are only a limited number of researchers focusing on feature reduction using Word2Vec. In this project, we developed a Word2Vec based method to reduce the feature size while increasing the classification accuracy. The feature reduction is achieved by loosely clustering the similar features using graph search techniques. The similarity thresholds above 0.5 are used in our method to pair and cluster the features. Finally, we utilize Multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier, Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest classifier to evaluate the effect of our method. Four datasets with dimensions up to 100,000 feature size and 400,000 document size are used to evaluate the result of our method. The result shows that around 4-10% feature reduction is achieved with up to 1-4% improvement of classification accuracy in terms of different datasets and classifiers. Meanwhile, we also show success in improving feature reduction and classification accuracy by combining our method with other classic feature reduction techniques such as chi-square and mutual information