5 research outputs found

    Advanced of Mathematics-Statistics Methods to Radar Calibration for Rainfall Estimation; A Review

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    Ground-based radar is known as one of the most important systems for precipitation measurement at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Radar data are recorded in digital manner and readily ingested to any statistical analyses. These measurements are subjected to specific calibration to eliminate systematic errors as well as minimizing the random errors, respectively. Since statistical methods are based on mathematics, they offer more precise results and easy interpretation with lower data detail. Although they have challenge to interpret due to their mathematical structure, but the accuracy of the conclusions and the interpretation of the output are appropriate. This article reviews the advanced methods in using the calibration of ground-based radar for forecasting meteorological events include two aspects: statistical techniques and data mining. Statistical techniques refer to empirical analyses such as regression, while data mining includes the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), data Kriging, Nearest Neighbour (NN), Decision Tree (DT) and fuzzy logic. The results show that Kriging is more applicable for interpolation. Regression methods are simple to use and data mining based on Artificial Intelligence is very precise. Thus, this review explores the characteristics of the statistical parameters in the field of radar applications and shows which parameters give the best results for undefined cases. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15012

    Necesidades y búsqueda de información de los estudiantes de la licenciatura en Bibliotecología modalidad presencial y a distancia en México

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    Summary: In the Bibliotecologico field in current times, more and more lines are developing, Extensive research to be analyzed by the professional community of the Information, which focus on studying the issues that relate to the trinomial Library-user-information This, in order to provide answers to the Demanding demands from sources and resources that the user community has to serve. This work is not the exception since it was planned to conduct a study of users The same students in the discipline who study at any of the nine schools that They imparted the disciplines in librarianship, librarianship or information sciences In the country, with the intention of identifying the needs and behavior Students who attend the first and last year of studies, I mean, what are they looking for? How are you looking for him? Where are you looking for him? Among the questions asked, a Questionnaire with open and closed questions to be able to have the opinions of the Study population and thus have a current panorama of the race

    Necesidades y búsqueda de información de los estudiantes de la licenciatura en Bibliotecología modalidad presencial y a distancia en México

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    Summary: In the Bibliotecologico field in current times, more and more lines are developing, Extensive research to be analyzed by the professional community of the Information, which focus on studying the issues that relate to the trinomial Library-user-information This, in order to provide answers to the Demanding demands from sources and resources that the user community has to serve. This work is not the exception since it was planned to conduct a study of users The same students in the discipline who study at any of the nine schools that They imparted the disciplines in librarianship, librarianship or information sciences In the country, with the intention of identifying the needs and behavior Students who attend the first and last year of studies, I mean, what are they looking for? How are you looking for him? Where are you looking for him? Among the questions asked, a Questionnaire with open and closed questions to be able to have the opinions of the Study population and thus have a current panorama of the race

    Information needs of University of South Africa students using the adult reference department at Msunduzi Municipal Library, Pietermaritzburg.

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    Master of Information Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2018.Library services are one of the critical services that are needed by scholars, students and researchers to fulfill their information needs so as to operate effectively in today’s academic world. This study sought to determine what the University of South Africa (UNISA) students using the Adult Reference Department (ARD) at Msunduzi Municipal Library (MML) need to satisfy their information needs, whether they were getting what they required from the services offered by the library, and whether any existing services needed to be amended or any new services needed to be introduced. The theoretical framework used as the background to guide this research was Wilson’s 1996 model of information behaviour. It was used in conjunction with the extension of Wilson’s model for the information behaviour of distance learners as it was found to be more relevant to distance learners. The research approach used by the researcher was a quantitative one and the collection of data was conducted using self-administered questionnaires. Multiple copies of the instrument were made and distributed. A sample of 130 students was surveyed, of which 116 completed and returned the questionnaires giving a response rate of 89%. The validity and reliability of the data collection tool were established by pre-testing the questionnaire on 10 colleagues who were studying part-time. The quantitative data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and findings were presented in the form of tables, bar graphs and pie charts. The findings of the study revealed that although respondents used textbooks regularly, there was a lack of relevant and up-to-date textbooks. It was also established that not all the respondents used the Internet, mainly due to lack of access, low bandwidth and lack of requisite search skills. It also emerged that, students need library training in order to use and explore all library services available and fulfil their information needs. Recommendations included that the library must look into extending library opening hours, the provision of a discussion area, overnight loans for reference items, the provision of both print and electronic format of scholarly articles and international journals and, in terms of the Internet, the provision of faster broadband Internet access

    Towards a conceptual decision support systems framework aimed at narrowing the tax gap in South Africa : a narrative case study

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    Revenue collection agencies across the world aim to maximise revenue collection by minimising tax noncompliance. The different types of tax noncompliance are collectively referred to as the tax gap phenomenon, which revenue collection agencies address by means of various enforcement approaches and capabilities. Much like any organisation, the resources required to execute these capabilities are finite and require accurate organisational decision-making in order to make optimal use thereof. Information technology, and specifically decision support systems (DSS), is critical in enabling this decision-making process. Using the Structuration Model of Technology, the information needs, demand and offerings of revenue collection agencies are explored given their objective of narrowing the tax gap phenomenon using DSS. Emphasis is placed on the manner in which IT is used to address taxpayer noncompliance, the way in which IT supports knowledge creation and subsequently also facilitate the decision-making process of tax practitioners, and also the different types of IT offerings made available to decision-makers in the form of DSS. In doing so, this research presents the results of a case study on the South African Revenue Service in which a conceptual decision support system framework is developed aimed at minimising the tax gap phenomenon. The research is conducted as a qualitative single case study and presented through a narrative analysis. The framework is systematically constructed as the research findings emerge and concluded by means of a framework validation and transfer ability test. The research result is a conceptual DSS framework acting as a reference point to other revenue collection agencies with the objective of addressing taxpayer noncompliance through DSS.JurisprudenceD. Phil. (Information Systems