2 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Short Text Clustering by Iterative Classification

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    Short text clustering is a challenging task due to the lack of signal contained in such short texts. In this work, we propose iterative classification as a method to b o ost the clustering quality (e.g., accuracy) of short texts. Given a clustering of short texts obtained using an arbitrary clustering algorithm, iterative classification applies outlier removal to obtain outlier-free clusters. Then it trains a classification algorithm using the non-outliers based on their cluster distributions. Using the trained classification model, iterative classification reclassifies the outliers to obtain a new set of clusters. By repeating this several times, we obtain a much improved clustering of texts. Our experimental results show that the proposed clustering enhancement method not only improves the clustering quality of different clustering methods (e.g., k-means, k-means--, and hierarchical clustering) but also outperforms the state-of-the-art short text clustering methods on several short text datasets by a statistically significant margin.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figure

    Approaches for the clustering of geographic metadata and the automatic detection of quasi-spatial dataset series

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    The discrete representation of resources in geospatial catalogues affects their information retrieval performance. The performance could be improved by using automatically generated clusters of related resources, which we name quasi-spatial dataset series. This work evaluates whether a clustering process can create quasi-spatial dataset series using only textual information from metadata elements. We assess the combination of different kinds of text cleaning approaches, word and sentence-embeddings representations (Word2Vec, GloVe, FastText, ELMo, Sentence BERT, and Universal Sentence Encoder), and clustering techniques (K-Means, DBSCAN, OPTICS, and agglomerative clustering) for the task. The results demonstrate that combining word-embeddings representations with an agglomerative-based clustering creates better quasi-spatial dataset series than the other approaches. In addition, we have found that the ELMo representation with agglomerative clustering produces good results without any preprocessing step for text cleaning