3 research outputs found

    Matching Weak Informative Ontologies

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    Most existing ontology matching methods utilize the literal information to discover alignments. However, some literal information in ontologies may be opaque and some ontologies may not have sufficient literal information. In this paper, these ontologies are named as weak informative ontologies (WIOs) and it is challenging for existing methods to matching WIOs. On one hand, string-based and linguistic-based matching methods cannot work well for WIOs. On the other hand, some matching methods use external resources to improve their performance, but collecting and processing external resources is still time-consuming. To address this issue, this paper proposes a practical method for matching WIOs by employing the ontology structure information to discover alignments. First, the semantic subgraphs are extracted from the ontology graph to capture the precise meanings of ontology elements. Then, a new similarity propagation model is designed for matching WIOs. Meanwhile, in order to avoid meaningless propagation, the similarity propagation is constrained by semantic subgraphs and other conditions. Consequently, the similarity propagation model ensures a balance between efficiency and quality during matching. Finally, the similarity propagation model uses a few credible alignments as seeds to find more alignments, and some useful strategies are adopted to improve the performance. This matching method for WIOs has been implemented in the ontology matching system Lily. Experimental results on public OAEI benchmark datasets demonstrate that Lily significantly outperforms most of the state-of-the-art works in both WIO matching tasks and general ontology matching tasks. In particular, Lily increases the recall by a large margin, while it still obtains high precision of matching results

    A survey on the development status and application prospects of knowledge graph in smart grids

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    With the advent of the electric power big data era, semantic interoperability and interconnection of power data have received extensive attention. Knowledge graph technology is a new method describing the complex relationships between concepts and entities in the objective world, which is widely concerned because of its robust knowledge inference ability. Especially with the proliferation of measurement devices and exponential growth of electric power data empowers, electric power knowledge graph provides new opportunities to solve the contradictions between the massive power resources and the continuously increasing demands for intelligent applications. In an attempt to fulfil the potential of knowledge graph and deal with the various challenges faced, as well as to obtain insights to achieve business applications of smart grids, this work first presents a holistic study of knowledge-driven intelligent application integration. Specifically, a detailed overview of electric power knowledge mining is provided. Then, the overview of the knowledge graph in smart grids is introduced. Moreover, the architecture of the big knowledge graph platform for smart grids and critical technologies are described. Furthermore, this paper comprehensively elaborates on the application prospects leveraged by knowledge graph oriented to smart grids, power consumer service, decision-making in dispatching, and operation and maintenance of power equipment. Finally, issues and challenges are summarised.Comment: IET Generation, Transmission & Distributio