3 research outputs found

    Enhanced Neural Machine Translation by Learning from Draft

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    Neural machine translation (NMT) has recently achieved impressive results. A potential problem of the existing NMT algorithm, however, is that the decoding is conducted from left to right, without considering the right context. This paper proposes an two-stage approach to solve the problem. In the first stage, a conventional attention-based NMT system is used to produce a draft translation, and in the second stage, a novel double-attention NMT system is used to refine the translation, by looking at the original input as well as the draft translation. This drafting-and-refinement can obtain the right-context information from the draft, hence producing more consistent translations. We evaluated this approach using two Chinese-English translation tasks, one with 44k pairs and 1M pairs respectively. The experiments showed that our approach achieved positive improvements over the conventional NMT system: the improvements are 2.4 and 0.9 BLEU points on the small-scale and large-scale tasks, respectively

    Neural Networks for Modeling Source Code Edits

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    Programming languages are emerging as a challenging and interesting domain for machine learning. A core task, which has received significant attention in recent years, is building generative models of source code. However, to our knowledge, previous generative models have always been framed in terms of generating static snapshots of code. In this work, we instead treat source code as a dynamic object and tackle the problem of modeling the edits that software developers make to source code files. This requires extracting intent from previous edits and leveraging it to generate subsequent edits. We develop several neural networks and use synthetic data to test their ability to learn challenging edit patterns that require strong generalization. We then collect and train our models on a large-scale dataset of Google source code, consisting of millions of fine-grained edits from thousands of Python developers. From the modeling perspective, our main conclusion is that a new composition of attentional and pointer network components provides the best overall performance and scalability. From the application perspective, our results provide preliminary evidence of the feasibility of developing tools that learn to predict future edits.Comment: Deanonymized version of ICLR 2019 submissio

    Neural Machine Translation: A Review and Survey

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    The field of machine translation (MT), the automatic translation of written text from one natural language into another, has experienced a major paradigm shift in recent years. Statistical MT, which mainly relies on various count-based models and which used to dominate MT research for decades, has largely been superseded by neural machine translation (NMT), which tackles translation with a single neural network. In this work we will trace back the origins of modern NMT architectures to word and sentence embeddings and earlier examples of the encoder-decoder network family. We will conclude with a survey of recent trends in the field.Comment: Extended version of "Neural Machine Translation: A Review" accepted by the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR