8,303 research outputs found

    Deep learning analysis of breast MRIs for prediction of occult invasive disease in ductal carcinoma in situ

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    Purpose: To determine whether deep learning-based algorithms applied to breast MR images can aid in the prediction of occult invasive disease following the di- agnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) by core needle biopsy. Material and Methods: In this institutional review board-approved study, we analyzed dynamic contrast-enhanced fat-saturated T1-weighted MRI sequences of 131 patients at our institution with a core needle biopsy-confirmed diagnosis of DCIS. The patients had no preoperative therapy before breast MRI and no prior history of breast cancer. We explored two different deep learning approaches to predict whether there was a hidden (occult) invasive component in the analyzed tumors that was ultimately detected at surgical excision. In the first approach, we adopted the transfer learning strategy, in which a network pre-trained on a large dataset of natural images is fine-tuned with our DCIS images. Specifically, we used the GoogleNet model pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset. In the second approach, we used a pre-trained network to extract deep features, and a support vector machine (SVM) that utilizes these features to predict the upstaging of the DCIS. We used 10-fold cross validation and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) to estimate the performance of the predictive models. Results: The best classification performance was obtained using the deep features approach with GoogleNet model pre-trained on ImageNet as the feature extractor and a polynomial kernel SVM used as the classifier (AUC = 0.70, 95% CI: 0.58- 0.79). For the transfer learning based approach, the highest AUC obtained was 0.53 (95% CI: 0.41-0.62). Conclusion: Convolutional neural networks could potentially be used to identify occult invasive disease in patients diagnosed with DCIS at the initial core needle biopsy

    Deep Learning for identifying radiogenomic associations in breast cancer

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    Purpose: To determine whether deep learning models can distinguish between breast cancer molecular subtypes based on dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI). Materials and methods: In this institutional review board-approved single-center study, we analyzed DCE-MR images of 270 patients at our institution. Lesions of interest were identified by radiologists. The task was to automatically determine whether the tumor is of the Luminal A subtype or of another subtype based on the MR image patches representing the tumor. Three different deep learning approaches were used to classify the tumor according to their molecular subtypes: learning from scratch where only tumor patches were used for training, transfer learning where networks pre-trained on natural images were fine-tuned using tumor patches, and off-the-shelf deep features where the features extracted by neural networks trained on natural images were used for classification with a support vector machine. Network architectures utilized in our experiments were GoogleNet, VGG, and CIFAR. We used 10-fold crossvalidation method for validation and area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC) as the measure of performance. Results: The best AUC performance for distinguishing molecular subtypes was 0.65 (95% CI:[0.57,0.71]) and was achieved by the off-the-shelf deep features approach. The highest AUC performance for training from scratch was 0.58 (95% CI:[0.51,0.64]) and the best AUC performance for transfer learning was 0.60 (95% CI:[0.52,0.65]) respectively. For the off-the-shelf approach, the features extracted from the fully connected layer performed the best. Conclusion: Deep learning may play a role in discovering radiogenomic associations in breast cancer

    Med3D: Transfer Learning for 3D Medical Image Analysis

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    The performance on deep learning is significantly affected by volume of training data. Models pre-trained from massive dataset such as ImageNet become a powerful weapon for speeding up training convergence and improving accuracy. Similarly, models based on large dataset are important for the development of deep learning in 3D medical images. However, it is extremely challenging to build a sufficiently large dataset due to difficulty of data acquisition and annotation in 3D medical imaging. We aggregate the dataset from several medical challenges to build 3DSeg-8 dataset with diverse modalities, target organs, and pathologies. To extract general medical three-dimension (3D) features, we design a heterogeneous 3D network called Med3D to co-train multi-domain 3DSeg-8 so as to make a series of pre-trained models. We transfer Med3D pre-trained models to lung segmentation in LIDC dataset, pulmonary nodule classification in LIDC dataset and liver segmentation on LiTS challenge. Experiments show that the Med3D can accelerate the training convergence speed of target 3D medical tasks 2 times compared with model pre-trained on Kinetics dataset, and 10 times compared with training from scratch as well as improve accuracy ranging from 3% to 20%. Transferring our Med3D model on state-the-of-art DenseASPP segmentation network, in case of single model, we achieve 94.6\% Dice coefficient which approaches the result of top-ranged algorithms on the LiTS challenge

    Distilling with Performance Enhanced Students

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    The task of accelerating large neural networks on general purpose hardware has, in recent years, prompted the use of channel pruning to reduce network size. However, the efficacy of pruning based approaches has since been called into question. In this paper, we turn to distillation for model compression---specifically, attention transfer---and develop a simple method for discovering performance enhanced student networks. We combine channel saliency metrics with empirical observations of runtime performance to design more accurate networks for a given latency budget. We apply our methodology to residual and densely-connected networks, and show that we are able to find resource-efficient student networks on different hardware platforms while maintaining very high accuracy. These performance-enhanced student networks achieve up to 10% boosts in top-1 ImageNet accuracy over their channel-pruned counterparts for the same inference time.Comment: Preprint. Paper title has change

    Deep Radiomics for Brain Tumor Detection and Classification from Multi-Sequence MRI

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    Glioma constitutes 80% of malignant primary brain tumors and is usually classified as HGG and LGG. The LGG tumors are less aggressive, with slower growth rate as compared to HGG, and are responsive to therapy. Tumor biopsy being challenging for brain tumor patients, noninvasive imaging techniques like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) have been extensively employed in diagnosing brain tumors. Therefore automated systems for the detection and prediction of the grade of tumors based on MRI data becomes necessary for assisting doctors in the framework of augmented intelligence. In this paper, we thoroughly investigate the power of Deep ConvNets for classification of brain tumors using multi-sequence MR images. We propose novel ConvNet models, which are trained from scratch, on MRI patches, slices, and multi-planar volumetric slices. The suitability of transfer learning for the task is next studied by applying two existing ConvNets models (VGGNet and ResNet) trained on ImageNet dataset, through fine-tuning of the last few layers. LOPO testing, and testing on the holdout dataset are used to evaluate the performance of the ConvNets. Results demonstrate that the proposed ConvNets achieve better accuracy in all cases where the model is trained on the multi-planar volumetric dataset. Unlike conventional models, it obtains a testing accuracy of 95% for the low/high grade glioma classification problem. A score of 97% is generated for classification of LGG with/without 1p/19q codeletion, without any additional effort towards extraction and selection of features. We study the properties of self-learned kernels/ filters in different layers, through visualization of the intermediate layer outputs. We also compare the results with that of state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating a maximum improvement of 7% on the grading performance of ConvNets and 9% on the prediction of 1p/19q codeletion status

    Representation Learning on Large and Small Data

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    Deep learning owes its success to three key factors: scale of data, enhanced models to learn representations from data, and scale of computation. This book chapter presented the importance of the data-driven approach to learn good representations from both big data and small data. In terms of big data, it has been widely accepted in the research community that the more data the better for both representation and classification improvement. The question is then how to learn representations from big data, and how to perform representation learning when data is scarce. We addressed the first question by presenting CNN model enhancements in the aspects of representation, optimization, and generalization. To address the small data challenge, we showed transfer representation learning to be effective. Transfer representation learning transfers the learned representation from a source domain where abundant training data is available to a target domain where training data is scarce. Transfer representation learning gave the OM and melanoma diagnosis modules of our XPRIZE Tricorder device (which finished 2nd2^{nd} out of 310310 competing teams) a significant boost in diagnosis accuracy.Comment: Book chapte

    Deep Aesthetic Quality Assessment with Semantic Information

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    Human beings often assess the aesthetic quality of an image coupled with the identification of the image's semantic content. This paper addresses the correlation issue between automatic aesthetic quality assessment and semantic recognition. We cast the assessment problem as the main task among a multi-task deep model, and argue that semantic recognition task offers the key to address this problem. Based on convolutional neural networks, we employ a single and simple multi-task framework to efficiently utilize the supervision of aesthetic and semantic labels. A correlation item between these two tasks is further introduced to the framework by incorporating the inter-task relationship learning. This item not only provides some useful insight about the correlation but also improves assessment accuracy of the aesthetic task. Particularly, an effective strategy is developed to keep a balance between the two tasks, which facilitates to optimize the parameters of the framework. Extensive experiments on the challenging AVA dataset and Photo.net dataset validate the importance of semantic recognition in aesthetic quality assessment, and demonstrate that multi-task deep models can discover an effective aesthetic representation to achieve state-of-the-art results.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer-Aided Detection: CNN Architectures, Dataset Characteristics and Transfer Learning

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    Remarkable progress has been made in image recognition, primarily due to the availability of large-scale annotated datasets and the revival of deep CNN. CNNs enable learning data-driven, highly representative, layered hierarchical image features from sufficient training data. However, obtaining datasets as comprehensively annotated as ImageNet in the medical imaging domain remains a challenge. There are currently three major techniques that successfully employ CNNs to medical image classification: training the CNN from scratch, using off-the-shelf pre-trained CNN features, and conducting unsupervised CNN pre-training with supervised fine-tuning. Another effective method is transfer learning, i.e., fine-tuning CNN models pre-trained from natural image dataset to medical image tasks. In this paper, we exploit three important, but previously understudied factors of employing deep convolutional neural networks to computer-aided detection problems. We first explore and evaluate different CNN architectures. The studied models contain 5 thousand to 160 million parameters, and vary in numbers of layers. We then evaluate the influence of dataset scale and spatial image context on performance. Finally, we examine when and why transfer learning from pre-trained ImageNet (via fine-tuning) can be useful. We study two specific computer-aided detection (CADe) problems, namely thoraco-abdominal lymph node (LN) detection and interstitial lung disease (ILD) classification. We achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the mediastinal LN detection, with 85% sensitivity at 3 false positive per patient, and report the first five-fold cross-validation classification results on predicting axial CT slices with ILD categories. Our extensive empirical evaluation, CNN model analysis and valuable insights can be extended to the design of high performance CAD systems for other medical imaging tasks

    Deep Transfer Learning: A new deep learning glitch classification method for advanced LIGO

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    The exquisite sensitivity of the advanced LIGO detectors has enabled the detection of multiple gravitational wave signals. The sophisticated design of these detectors mitigates the effect of most types of noise. However, advanced LIGO data streams are contaminated by numerous artifacts known as glitches: non-Gaussian noise transients with complex morphologies. Given their high rate of occurrence, glitches can lead to false coincident detections, obscure and even mimic gravitational wave signals. Therefore, successfully characterizing and removing glitches from advanced LIGO data is of utmost importance. Here, we present the first application of Deep Transfer Learning for glitch classification, showing that knowledge from deep learning algorithms trained for real-world object recognition can be transferred for classifying glitches in time-series based on their spectrogram images. Using the Gravity Spy dataset, containing hand-labeled, multi-duration spectrograms obtained from real LIGO data, we demonstrate that this method enables optimal use of very deep convolutional neural networks for classification given small training datasets, significantly reduces the time for training the networks, and achieves state-of-the-art accuracy above 98.8%, with perfect precision-recall on 8 out of 22 classes. Furthermore, new types of glitches can be classified accurately given few labeled examples with this technique. Once trained via transfer learning, we show that the convolutional neural networks can be truncated and used as excellent feature extractors for unsupervised clustering methods to identify new classes based on their morphology, without any labeled examples. Therefore, this provides a new framework for dynamic glitch classification for gravitational wave detectors, which are expected to encounter new types of noise as they undergo gradual improvements to attain design sensitivity

    Auto Deep Compression by Reinforcement Learning Based Actor-Critic Structure

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    Model-based compression is an effective, facilitating, and expanded model of neural network models with limited computing and low power. However, conventional models of compression techniques utilize crafted features [2,3,12] and explore specialized areas for exploration and design of large spaces in terms of size, speed, and accuracy, which usually have returns Less and time is up. This paper will effectively analyze deep auto compression (ADC) and reinforcement learning strength in an effective sample and space design, and improve the compression quality of the model. The results of compression of the advanced model are obtained without any human effort and in a completely automated way. With a 4- fold reduction in FLOP, the accuracy of 2.8% is higher than the manual compression model for VGG-16 in ImageNet
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