1 research outputs found

    Enhanced Time-Bound Ticket-Based Mutual Authentication Scheme for Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is a recently developed technology for complex systems with services sharing among various registered users. Therefore, proper mutual authentication is needed between users and cloud server prior to avail the services provided by cloud servers. Recently, Hao et al. [26] proposed time-bound ticketbased mutual authentication scheme for cloud computing. However, this paper shows that their scheme is vulnerable to Denial-of-Service attack and insecure password change phase. Besides, enhanced scheme is proposed to overcome these security pitfalls. Moreover, performance comparison of both the schemes proves that the enhanced scheme is more efficient in comparison with Hao et al.’s scheme. Povzetek: V tem članku je predlagana okrepljena shema medsebojne avtentifikacije aplikacij v oblaku, ki odpravi nekatere varnostne slabosti