68,817 research outputs found

    Distributed Function Computation with Confidentiality

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    A set of terminals observe correlated data and seek to compute functions of the data using interactive public communication. At the same time, it is required that the value of a private function of the data remains concealed from an eavesdropper observing this communication. In general, the private function and the functions computed by the nodes can be all different. We show that a class of functions are securely computable if and only if the conditional entropy of data given the value of private function is greater than the least rate of interactive communication required for a related multiterminal source-coding task. A single-letter formula is provided for this rate in special cases.Comment: To Appear in IEEE JSAC: In-Network Computation: Exploring the Fundamental Limits, April 201

    ShakeMe: Key Generation From Shared Motion

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    Devices equipped with accelerometer sensors such as today's mobile devices can make use of motion to exchange information. A typical example for shared motion is shaking of two devices which are held together in one hand. Deriving a shared secret (key) from shared motion, e.g. for device pairing, is an obvious application for this. Only the keys need to be exchanged between the peers and neither the motion data nor the features extracted from it. This makes the pairing fast and easy. For this, each device generates an information signal (key) independently of each other and, in order to pair, they should be identical. The key is essentially derived by quantizing certain well discriminative features extracted from the accelerometer data after an implicit synchronization. In this paper, we aim at finding a small set of effective features which enable a significantly simpler quantization procedure than the prior art. Our tentative results with authentic accelerometer data show that this is possible with a competent accuracy (7676%) and key strength (entropy approximately 1515 bits).Comment: The paper is accepted to the 13th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PIComp-2015

    Securely Outsourcing Large Scale Eigen Value Problem to Public Cloud

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    Cloud computing enables clients with limited computational power to economically outsource their large scale computations to a public cloud with huge computational power. Cloud has the massive storage, computational power and software which can be used by clients for reducing their computational overhead and storage limitation. But in case of outsourcing, privacy of client's confidential data must be maintained. We have designed a protocol for outsourcing large scale Eigen value problem to a malicious cloud which provides input/output data security, result verifiability and client's efficiency. As the direct computation method to find all eigenvectors is computationally expensive for large dimensionality, we have used power iterative method for finding the largest Eigen value and the corresponding Eigen vector of a matrix. For protecting the privacy, some transformations are applied to the input matrix to get encrypted matrix which is sent to the cloud and then decrypting the result that is returned from the cloud for getting the correct solution of Eigen value problem. We have also proposed result verification mechanism for detecting robust cheating and provided theoretical analysis and experimental result that describes high-efficiency, correctness, security and robust cheating resistance of the proposed protocol

    Linear Programming Relaxations for Goldreich's Generators over Non-Binary Alphabets

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    Goldreich suggested candidates of one-way functions and pseudorandom generators included in NC0\mathsf{NC}^0. It is known that randomly generated Goldreich's generator using (r−1)(r-1)-wise independent predicates with nn input variables and m=Cnr/2m=C n^{r/2} output variables is not pseudorandom generator with high probability for sufficiently large constant CC. Most of the previous works assume that the alphabet is binary and use techniques available only for the binary alphabet. In this paper, we deal with non-binary generalization of Goldreich's generator and derives the tight threshold for linear programming relaxation attack using local marginal polytope for randomly generated Goldreich's generators. We assume that u(n)∈ω(1)∩o(n)u(n)\in \omega(1)\cap o(n) input variables are known. In that case, we show that when r≥3r\ge 3, there is an exact threshold μc(k,r):=(kr)−1(r−2)r−2r(r−1)r−1\mu_\mathrm{c}(k,r):=\binom{k}{r}^{-1}\frac{(r-2)^{r-2}}{r(r-1)^{r-1}} such that for m=μnr−1u(n)r−2m=\mu\frac{n^{r-1}}{u(n)^{r-2}}, the LP relaxation can determine linearly many input variables of Goldreich's generator if μ>μc(k,r)\mu>\mu_\mathrm{c}(k,r), and that the LP relaxation cannot determine 1r−2u(n)\frac1{r-2} u(n) input variables of Goldreich's generator if μ<μc(k,r)\mu<\mu_\mathrm{c}(k,r). This paper uses characterization of LP solutions by combinatorial structures called stopping sets on a bipartite graph, which is related to a simple algorithm called peeling algorithm.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    The Case for Quantum Key Distribution

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) promises secure key agreement by using quantum mechanical systems. We argue that QKD will be an important part of future cryptographic infrastructures. It can provide long-term confidentiality for encrypted information without reliance on computational assumptions. Although QKD still requires authentication to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, it can make use of either information-theoretically secure symmetric key authentication or computationally secure public key authentication: even when using public key authentication, we argue that QKD still offers stronger security than classical key agreement.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; to appear in proceedings of QuantumComm 2009 Workshop on Quantum and Classical Information Security; version 2 minor content revision
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