15 research outputs found

    OpenCog Hyperon: A Framework for AGI at the Human Level and Beyond

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    An introduction to the OpenCog Hyperon framework for Artificiai General Intelligence is presented. Hyperon is a new, mostly from-the-ground-up rewrite/redesign of the OpenCog AGI framework, based on similar conceptual and cognitive principles to the previous OpenCog version, but incorporating a variety of new ideas at the mathematical, software architecture and AI-algorithm level. This review lightly summarizes: 1) some of the history behind OpenCog and Hyperon, 2) the core structures and processes underlying Hyperon as a software system, 3) the integration of this software system with the SingularityNET ecosystem's decentralized infrastructure, 4) the cognitive model(s) being experimentally pursued within Hyperon on the hopeful path to advanced AGI, 5) the prospects seen for advanced aspects like reflective self-modification and self-improvement of the codebase, 6) the tentative development roadmap and various challenges expected to be faced, 7) the thinking of the Hyperon team regarding how to guide this sort of work in a beneficial direction ... and gives links and references for readers who wish to delve further into any of these aspects

    A Universal Knowledge Model and Cognitive Architecture for Prototyping AGI

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    The article identified 42 cognitive architectures for creating general artificial intelligence (AGI) and proposed a set of interrelated functional blocks that an agent approaching AGI in its capabilities should possess. Since the required set of blocks is not found in any of the existing architectures, the article proposes a new cognitive architecture for intelligent systems approaching AGI in their capabilities. As one of the key solutions within the framework of the architecture, a universal method of knowledge representation is proposed, which allows combining various non-formalized, partially and fully formalized methods of knowledge representation in a single knowledge base, such as texts in natural languages, images, audio and video recordings, graphs, algorithms, databases, neural networks, knowledge graphs, ontologies, frames, essence-property-relation models, production systems, predicate calculus models, conceptual models, and others. To combine and structure various fragments of knowledge, archigraph models are used, constructed as a development of annotated metagraphs. As components, the cognitive architecture being developed includes machine consciousness, machine subconsciousness, blocks of interaction with the external environment, a goal management block, an emotional control system, a block of social interaction, a block of reflection, an ethics block and a worldview block, a learning block, a monitoring block, blocks of statement and solving problems, self-organization and meta learning block

    Affective Human-Humanoid Interaction Through Cognitive Architecture

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