173 research outputs found

    FineIBT: Fine-grain Control-flow Enforcement with Indirect Branch Tracking

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    We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of FineIBT: a CFI enforcement mechanism that improves the precision of hardware-assisted CFI solutions, like Intel IBT and ARM BTI, by instrumenting program code to reduce the valid/allowed targets of indirect forward-edge transfers. We study the design of FineIBT on the x86-64 architecture, and implement and evaluate it on Linux and the LLVM toolchain. We designed FineIBT's instrumentation to be compact, and incur low runtime and memory overheads, and generic, so as to support a plethora of different CFI policies. Our prototype implementation incurs negligible runtime slowdowns (≈\approx0%-1.94% in SPEC CPU2017 and ≈\approx0%-1.92% in real-world applications) outperforming Clang-CFI. Lastly, we investigate the effectiveness/security and compatibility of FineIBT using the ConFIRM CFI benchmarking suite, demonstrating that our nimble instrumentation provides complete coverage in the presence of modern software features, while supporting a wide range of CFI policies (coarse- vs. fine- vs. finer-grain) with the same, predictable performance

    Execution Integrity with In-Place Encryption

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    Instruction set randomization (ISR) was initially proposed with the main goal of countering code-injection attacks. However, ISR seems to have lost its appeal since code-injection attacks became less attractive because protection mechanisms such as data execution prevention (DEP) as well as code-reuse attacks became more prevalent. In this paper, we show that ISR can be extended to also protect against code-reuse attacks while at the same time offering security guarantees similar to those of software diversity, control-flow integrity, and information hiding. We present Scylla, a scheme that deploys a new technique for in-place code encryption to hide the code layout of a randomized binary, and restricts the control flow to a benign execution path. This allows us to i) implicitly restrict control-flow targets to basic block entries without requiring the extraction of a control-flow graph, ii) achieve execution integrity within legitimate basic blocks, and iii) hide the underlying code layout under malicious read access to the program. Our analysis demonstrates that Scylla is capable of preventing state-of-the-art attacks such as just-in-time return-oriented programming (JIT-ROP) and crash-resistant oriented programming (CROP). We extensively evaluate our prototype implementation of Scylla and show feasible performance overhead. We also provide details on how this overhead can be significantly reduced with dedicated hardware support
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