11,033 research outputs found

    Message and time efficient multi-broadcast schemes

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    We consider message and time efficient broadcasting and multi-broadcasting in wireless ad-hoc networks, where a subset of nodes, each with a unique rumor, wish to broadcast their rumors to all destinations while minimizing the total number of transmissions and total time until all rumors arrive to their destination. Under centralized settings, we introduce a novel approximation algorithm that provides almost optimal results with respect to the number of transmissions and total time, separately. Later on, we show how to efficiently implement this algorithm under distributed settings, where the nodes have only local information about their surroundings. In addition, we show multiple approximation techniques based on the network collision detection capabilities and explain how to calibrate the algorithms' parameters to produce optimal results for time and messages.Comment: In Proceedings FOMC 2013, arXiv:1310.459

    Distributed Service Discovery for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Service discovery in heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks is a challenging research objective, due to the inherent limitations of sensor nodes and their extensive and dense deployment. The protocols proposed for ad hoc networks are too heavy for sensor environments. This paper presents a resourceaware solution for the service discovery problem, which exploits the heterogeneous nature of the sensor network and alleviates the high-density problem from the flood-based approaches. The idea is to organize nodes into clusters, based on the available resources and the dynamics of nodes. The clusterhead nodes act as a distributed directory of service registrations. Service discovery messages are exchanged among the nodes in the distributed directory. The simulation results show the performance of the service discovery protocol in heterogeneous dense environments

    "Hierarchical routing in sensor networks using κ-dominating sets "

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    Michael Q. Rieck is an associate professor at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, USA. He holds a Ph. D. in mathematics from the University of South Florida. His primary research interests are in the areas of camera tracking and ad hoc wireless networks. He has also published results in the areas of triangle geometry, discrete mathematics, linear algebra, finite fields and association schemes.For a connected graph, representing a sensor network, distributed algorithms for the Set Covering Problem can be employed to construct reasonably small subsets of the nodes, called k-SPR sets. Such a set can serve as a virtual backbone to facilitate shortest path routing, as introduced in [4] and [14]. When employed in a hierarchical fashion, together with a hybrid (partly proactive, partly reactive) strategy, the κ-SPR set methods become highly scalable, resulting in guaranteed minimal path routing, with comparatively little overhead. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

    Joint Routing and STDMA-based Scheduling to Minimize Delays in Grid Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this report, we study the issue of delay optimization and energy efficiency in grid wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We focus on STDMA (Spatial Reuse TDMA)) scheduling, where a predefined cycle is repeated, and where each node has fixed transmission opportunities during specific slots (defined by colors). We assume a STDMA algorithm that takes advantage of the regularity of grid topology to also provide a spatially periodic coloring ("tiling" of the same color pattern). In this setting, the key challenges are: 1) minimizing the average routing delay by ordering the slots in the cycle 2) being energy efficient. Our work follows two directions: first, the baseline performance is evaluated when nothing specific is done and the colors are randomly ordered in the STDMA cycle. Then, we propose a solution, ORCHID that deliberately constructs an efficient STDMA schedule. It proceeds in two steps. In the first step, ORCHID starts form a colored grid and builds a hierarchical routing based on these colors. In the second step, ORCHID builds a color ordering, by considering jointly both routing and scheduling so as to ensure that any node will reach a sink in a single STDMA cycle. We study the performance of these solutions by means of simulations and modeling. Results show the excellent performance of ORCHID in terms of delays and energy compared to a shortest path routing that uses the delay as a heuristic. We also present the adaptation of ORCHID to general networks under the SINR interference model

    Smaller Connected Dominating Sets in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks based on Coverage by Two-Hop Neighbors

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    In this paper, we focus on the construction of an efficient dominating set in ad hoc and sensor networks. A set of nodes is said to be dominating if each node is either itself dominant or neighbor of a dominant node. This set can for example be used for broadcasting, so the smaller the set is, the more efficient it is. As a basis for our work, we use a heuristics given by Dai and Wu for constructing such a set and propose an enhanced definition to obtain smaller sets. This approach, in conjunction with the elimination of message overhead by Stojmenovic, has been shown (in recent studies) to be an excellent compromise with respect to a wide range of metrics considered. In our new definition, a node u is not dominant if there exists in its 2-hop neighborhood a connected set of nodes with higher priorities that covers u and its 1-hop neighbors. This new rule uses the exact same level of information required by the original heuristics, only neighbors of nodes and neighbors of neighbors must be known to apply it, but it takes advantage of some knowledge originally not taken into account: 1-hop neighbors can be covered by some 2-hop neighbors. We give the proof that the set obtained with this new definition is a subset of the one obtained with Dai and Wu's heuristics. We also give the proof that our set is always dominating for any graph, and connected for any connected graph. Two versions were considered: with topological and positional information, which differ in whether or not nodes are aware of links between their 2-hop neighbors that are not 1-hop neighbors. An algorithm for applying the concept at each node is described. We finally provide experimental data that demonstrates the superiority of our rule in obtaining smaller dominating sets. A centralized algorithm was used as a benchmark in the comparison. The overhead of the size of connected dominating set was reduced by about 15% with the topological variant and by about 30% with the positional variant of our new definition