18,696 research outputs found

    Energy-aware Adaptive Multimedia for Game-based e-learning

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    Thanks to their motivational potential, video games have started to be increasingly used for e-learning. However, as e-learning gradually shifts towards mobile learning, there is a growing need for innovative techniques to deliver rich learning material such as educational games to resource-constrained devices. In particular, the limited battery capacity of mobile devices stands out as a key issue that can significantly limit players' access to educational games. This paper proposes an Energy-aware Adaptive Multimedia Game-based E-learning (EAMGBL) framework that aims to enable energy-efficient educational games delivery to mobile devices over wireless networks. The framework builds on top of the idea to render the game on the server side and stream a recording of it to the player's device over the Internet. To reduce the mobile device energy consumption and enable the player to play for longer, the proposed framework proposes to adapt both the educational game elements as well as the game's recorded multimedia stream

    Adaptive Nonparametric Image Parsing

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    In this paper, we present an adaptive nonparametric solution to the image parsing task, namely annotating each image pixel with its corresponding category label. For a given test image, first, a locality-aware retrieval set is extracted from the training data based on super-pixel matching similarities, which are augmented with feature extraction for better differentiation of local super-pixels. Then, the category of each super-pixel is initialized by the majority vote of the kk-nearest-neighbor super-pixels in the retrieval set. Instead of fixing kk as in traditional non-parametric approaches, here we propose a novel adaptive nonparametric approach which determines the sample-specific k for each test image. In particular, kk is adaptively set to be the number of the fewest nearest super-pixels which the images in the retrieval set can use to get the best category prediction. Finally, the initial super-pixel labels are further refined by contextual smoothing. Extensive experiments on challenging datasets demonstrate the superiority of the new solution over other state-of-the-art nonparametric solutions.Comment: 11 page

    Beyond multimedia adaptation: Quality of experience-aware multi-sensorial media delivery

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    Multiple sensorial media (mulsemedia) combines multiple media elements which engage three or more of human senses, and as most other media content, requires support for delivery over the existing networks. This paper proposes an adaptive mulsemedia framework (ADAMS) for delivering scalable video and sensorial data to users. Unlike existing two-dimensional joint source-channel adaptation solutions for video streaming, the ADAMS framework includes three joint adaptation dimensions: video source, sensorial source, and network optimization. Using an MPEG-7 description scheme, ADAMS recommends the integration of multiple sensorial effects (i.e., haptic, olfaction, air motion, etc.) as metadata into multimedia streams. ADAMS design includes both coarse- and fine-grained adaptation modules on the server side: mulsemedia flow adaptation and packet priority scheduling. Feedback from subjective quality evaluation and network conditions is used to develop the two modules. Subjective evaluation investigated users' enjoyment levels when exposed to mulsemedia and multimedia sequences, respectively and to study users' preference levels of some sensorial effects in the context of mulsemedia sequences with video components at different quality levels. Results of the subjective study inform guidelines for an adaptive strategy that selects the optimal combination for video segments and sensorial data for a given bandwidth constraint and user requirement. User perceptual tests show how ADAMS outperforms existing multimedia delivery solutions in terms of both user perceived quality and user enjoyment during adaptive streaming of various mulsemedia content. In doing so, it highlights the case for tailored, adaptive mulsemedia delivery over traditional multimedia adaptive transport mechanisms