15 research outputs found

    Experimental Studies and Dynamics Modeling Analysis of the Swimming and Diving of Whirligig Beetles (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae)

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    Whirligig beetles (Coleoptera, Gyrinidae) can fly through the air, swiftly swim on the surface of water, and quickly dive across the air-water interface. The propulsive efficiency of the species is believed to be one of the highest measured for a thrust generating apparatus within the animal kingdom. The goals of this research were to understand the distinctive biological mechanisms that allow the beetles to swim and dive, while searching for potential bio-inspired robotics applications. Through static and dynamic measurements obtained using a combination of microscopy and high-speed imaging, parameters associated with the morphology and beating kinematics of the whirligig beetle\u27s legs in swimming and diving were obtained. Using data obtained from these experiments, dynamics models of both swimming and diving were developed. Through analysis of simulations conducted using these models it was possible to determine several key principles associated with the swimming and diving processes. First, we determined that curved swimming trajectories were more energy efficient than linear trajectories, which explains why they are more often observed in nature. Second, we concluded that the hind legs were able to propel the beetle farther than the middle legs, and also that the hind legs were able to generate a larger angular velocity than the middle legs. However, analysis of circular swimming trajectories showed that the middle legs were important in maintaining stable trajectories, and thus were necessary for steering. Finally, we discovered that in order for the beetle to transition from swimming to diving, the legs must change the plane in which they beat, which provides the force required to alter the tilt angle of the body necessary to break the surface tension of water. We have further examined how the principles learned from this study may be applied to the design of bio-inspired swimming/diving robots. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.100279

    Observation and analysis of diving beetle movements while swimming

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    The fast swimming speed, flexible cornering, and high propulsion efficiency of diving beetles are primarily achieved by their two powerful hind legs. Unlike other aquatic organisms, such as turtle, jellyfish, fish and frog et al., the diving beetle could complete retreating motion without turning around, and the turning radius is small for this kind of propulsion mode. However, most bionic vehicles have not contained these advantages, the study about this propulsion method is useful for the design of bionic robots. In this paper, the swimming videos of the diving beetle, including forwarding, turning and retreating, were captured by two synchronized high-speed cameras, and were analyzed via SIMI Motion. The analysis results revealed that the swimming speed initially increased quickly to a maximum at 60% of the power stroke, and then decreased. During the power stroke, the diving beetle stretched its tibias and tarsi, the bristles on both sides of which were shaped like paddles, to maximize the cross-sectional areas against the water to achieve the maximum thrust. During the recovery stroke, the diving beetle rotated its tarsi and folded the bristles to minimize the cross-sectional areas to reduce the drag force. For one turning motion (turn right about 90 degrees), it takes only one motion cycle for the diving beetle to complete it. During the retreating motion, the average acceleration was close to 9.8 m/s2 in the first 25 ms. Finally, based on the diving beetle's hind-leg movement pattern, a kinematic model was constructed, and according to this model and the motion data of the joint angles, the motion trajectories of the hind legs were obtained by using MATLAB. Since the advantages of this propulsion method, it may become a new bionic propulsion method, and the motion data and kinematic model of the hind legs will be helpful in the design of bionic underwater unmanned vehicles

    Whirligig beetles as corralled active Brownian particles

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    We study the collective dynamics of groups of whirligig beetles Dineutus discolor (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae) swimming freely on the surface of water. We extract individual trajectories for each beetle, including positions and orientations, and use this to discover (i) a density-dependent speed scaling like v ∼ ρ−ν with ν ≈ 0.4 over two orders of magnitude in density (ii) an inertial delay for velocity alignment of approximately 13 ms and (iii) coexisting high and low-density phases, consistent with motility-induced phase separation (MIPS). We modify a standard active Brownian particle (ABP) model to a corralled ABP (CABP) model that functions in open space by incorporating a density-dependent reorientation of the beetles, towards the cluster. We use our new model to test our hypothesis that an motility-induced phase separation (MIPS) (or a MIPS like effect) can explain the co-occurrence of high- and low-density phases we see in our data. The fitted model then successfully recovers a MIPS-like condensed phase for N = 200 and the absence of such a phase for smaller group sizes N = 50, 100

    Dynamics and hydrodynamic efficiency of diving beetle while swimming

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    Diving beetle, an excellent biological prototype for bionic underwater vehicles, can achieve forward swimming, backward swimming, and flexible cornering by swinging its two powerful hind legs. An in-depth study of the propulsion performance of them will contribute to the micro underwater vehicles. In this paper, the kinematic and dynamic parameters, and the hydrodynamic efficiency of the diving beetle are studied by analysis of swimming videos using Motion Capture Technology, combined with CFD simulations. The results show that the hind legs of diving beetle can achieve high propulsion force and low return resistance during one propulsion cycle at both forward and backward swimming modes. The propulsion efficiencies of forward and backward swimming are 0.47 and 0.30, respectively. Although the efficiency of backward swimming is lower, the diving beetle can reach a higher speed in a short time at this mode, which can help it avoid natural enemies. At backward swimming mode, there is a long period of passive swing of hind legs, larger drag exists at higher speed during the recovery stroke, which reduces the propulsion efficiency to a certain extent. Reasonable planning of the swing speed of the hind legs during the power stroke and the recovery stroke can obtain the highest propulsion efficiency of this propulsion method. This work will be useful for the development of a bionic propulsion system of micro underwater vehicle

    Top-down and bottom-up models of collective motion

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    Active matter is an expanding field of physics covering a diverse range of complex and beautiful phenomena. From examples we see in our everyday lives, such as the flight of birds and organisation of insects, to more esoteric bacteria and other micro-scale biological systems. What we can learn about the physical rules that pin these diverse systems together is important not just for our understanding of physics but our ability to utilise the natural world around us. The core of our understanding of Active matter spans between out-of-equilibrium analogues of wellknown thermodynamics to the realm of complex intelligent decision-making. From a top-down view point, we observe phenomena such as aggregation, ordered motion, dynamic pattern formation, leader-follower relationships, long range interactions, collisions avoidance, and coordinated motion to name a few, and model these directly within a mathematical formalism. From a bottom-up perspective we attempt to explain the generation of these phenomena from intrinsic process driving individual agents. In this thesis we consider a data-driven analysis of collective motion in an insect system, a top-down approach, as well as developing a model of individual decision making based upon future path entropy, a bottom-up approach. The latter results in the spontaneous emergence of some basic features of collective motion seen in real world examples, lending explanatory power

    Control and Morphology Optimization of Passive Asymmetric Structures for Robotic Swimming

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    Aquatic creatures exhibit remarkable adaptations of their body to efficiently interact with the surrounding fluid. The tight coupling between their morphology, motion, and the environment are highly complex but serves as a valuable example when creating biomimetic structures in soft robotic swimmers. We focus on the use of asymmetry in structures to aid thrust generation and maneuverability. Designs of structures with asymmetric profiles are explored so that we can use morphology to `shape' the thrust generation. We propose combining simple simulation with automatic data-driven methods to explore their interactions with the fluid. The asymmetric structure with its co-optimized morphology and controller is able to produce 2.5 times the useful thrust compared to a baseline symmetric structure. Furthermore these asymmetric feather-like arms are validated on a robotic system capable of forward swimming motion while the same robot fitted with a plain feather is not able to move forward

    Tennessee Engineer Fall 2013

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    The dynamics and kinematics of bio-in swimming systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis. Page 168 blank.Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-167).The motion of biological systems in fluids is inherently complex, even for the simplest organisms. In this thesis, we develop methods of analyzing locomotion of both mechanical and biological systems with the aim of rationalizing biology and informing robotic design. We begin by building on existing visualization framework by studying an idealized swimmer: Purcell's three-link swimmer, at low Reynolds number. This framework allows us to illustrate the complete dynamics of the system, design gaits for motion planning and identify optimal gaits in terms of efficiency and speed. We extend the three-link swimmer case to include effects such as the interaction between the links. By studying several systems, we broaden the applicability of our framework. These systems include a two-link swimmer at low Reynolds number with offset centers of buoyancy and mass and a swimmer with a continuously deformable shape, the serpenoid swimmer. Drawing on the principles behind the serpenoid swimmer, we develop the kinematic decomposition, a method using a singular value decomposition (SVD) that describes the motion of complex systems in a low order manner. We show that with only two degrees of freedom, one can adequately describe an animal's motion. We apply this method to species in both high and low Reynolds number environments to elucidate different phenomena, including chemotaxing and species comparison in spermatozoa, gait changes in eels (steady versus accelerating), kinematic responses to viscosity and viscoelasticity in C. elegans (nematodes), and the Kirmin gait in trout. Combined with our visualization framework, we successfully illustrate the generalized utility of the kinematic decomposition method to explore and understand fundamental kinematics of a wide range of both natural and man-made systems.by Lisa Janelle Burton.Ph.D