1 research outputs found

    Energy-Efficient Multiple Relay Selection in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive Radios play very important role in military applications due to their capability to adapt intelligently according to the prevailing environmental conditions. Relays form the main communication enablers in infrastructure-less networks. In this paper, relay selection for increasing the energy efficiency of a cognitive radio network is considered. The proposed approach considers the multiple - relay selection scheme with strict outage probability constraints. Energy maximisation is posed as an optimisation problem, the solution to which shows that relay selection under outage constraints is different from the one without such a constraint. It can be observed from the simulations that energy efficiency and outage behaviour follows trade-off relations. Moreover, the original Branch and Bound algorithm has been re-designed for faster convergence. It has also been demonstrated that when strict outage constraints are imposed, the optimal number of relays selected will be more in comparison to the case where there is no outage consideration