2 research outputs found

    RoadText-1K: Text Detection & Recognition Dataset for Driving Videos

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    Perceiving text is crucial to understand semantics of outdoor scenes and hence is a critical requirement to build intelligent systems for driver assistance and self-driving. Most of the existing datasets for text detection and recognition comprise still images and are mostly compiled keeping text in mind. This paper introduces a new "RoadText-1K" dataset for text in driving videos. The dataset is 20 times larger than the existing largest dataset for text in videos. Our dataset comprises 1000 video clips of driving without any bias towards text and with annotations for text bounding boxes and transcriptions in every frame. State of the art methods for text detection, recognition and tracking are evaluated on the new dataset and the results signify the challenges in unconstrained driving videos compared to existing datasets. This suggests that RoadText-1K is suited for research and development of reading systems, robust enough to be incorporated into more complex downstream tasks like driver assistance and self-driving. The dataset can be found at http://cvit.iiit.ac.in/research/projects/cvit-projects/roadtext-1kComment: to be published in ICRA 202

    Object-QA: Towards High Reliable Object Quality Assessment

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    In object recognition applications, object images usually appear with different quality levels. Practically, it is very important to indicate object image qualities for better application performance, e.g. filtering out low-quality object image frames to maintain robust video object recognition results and speed up inference. However, no previous works are explicitly proposed for addressing the problem. In this paper, we define the problem of object quality assessment for the first time and propose an effective approach named Object-QA to assess high-reliable quality scores for object images. Concretely, Object-QA first employs a well-designed relative quality assessing module that learns the intra-class-level quality scores by referring to the difference between object images and their estimated templates. Then an absolute quality assessing module is designed to generate the final quality scores by aligning the quality score distributions in inter-class. Besides, Object-QA can be implemented with only object-level annotations, and is also easily deployed to a variety of object recognition tasks. To our best knowledge this is the first work to put forward the definition of this problem and conduct quantitative evaluations. Validations on 5 different datasets show that Object-QA can not only assess high-reliable quality scores according with human cognition, but also improve application performance