5 research outputs found

    Multiple Description H.264 Video Coding with Redundant Pictures

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    Multiple description coding (MDC) o®ers a competitive so- lution for video transmission over lossy packet networks, with a graceful degradation of the reproduced quality as the loss rate increases. This paper illustrates how redundant pictures, an error resilience tool included in H.264/AVC, can be employed in conjunction with multiple state video coding scheme, previously proposed in the literature. The proposed MDC solution is shown to provide superior perfor- mance to state-of-the-art techniques, in terms of improved average luma peak-signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR), fewer tem- poral °uctuations in the picture quality, and improved ro- bustness to bad estimation of the loss probability in the network

    End-to-End Rate-Distortion Optimized MD Mode Selection for Multiple Description Video Coding

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    Multiple description (MD) video coding can be used to reduce the detrimental effects caused by transmission over lossy packet networks. A number of approaches have been proposed for MD coding, where each provides a different tradeoff between compression efficiency and error resilience. How effectively each method achieves this tradeoff depends on the network conditions as well as on the characteristics of the video itself. This paper proposes an adaptive MD coding approach which adapts to these conditions through the use of adaptive MD mode selection. The encoder in this system is able to accurately estimate the expected end-to-end distortion, accounting for both compression and packet loss-induced distortions, as well as for the bursty nature of channel losses and the effective use of multiple transmission paths. With this model of the expected end-to-end distortion, the encoder selects between MD coding modes in a rate-distortion (R-D) optimized manner to most effectively tradeoff compression efficiency for error resilience. We show how this approach adapts to both the local characteristics of the video and network conditions and demonstrates the resulting gains in performance using an H.264-based adaptive MD video coder

    Routing-aware multiple description video coding over mobile ad-hoc networks

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    Abstract-Supporting video transmission over error-prone mobile ad-hoc networks is becoming increasingly important as these networks become more widely deployed. We propose a routingaware multiple description video coding approach to support video transmission over mobile ad-hoc networks with multiple path transport. We build a statistical model to estimate the packet loss probability of each packet transmitted over the network based on the standard ad-hoc routing messages and network parameters. We then estimate the frame loss probability and dynamically select reference frames in order to alleviate error propagation caused by the packet losses. We conduct experiments using the QualNet simulator that accounts for node mobility, channel properties, MAC operation, multipath routing, and traffic type. The results demonstrate that our proposed method provides 0.7-2.3 dB gains in PSNR for different video sequences under different network settings and guarantees better video quality for a selectably high number of users of the network. Furthermore, we examine the estimation accuracy of our proposed estimation model and show that our model works effectively under various network settings