136 research outputs found

    End-to-End Neural Ad-hoc Ranking with Kernel Pooling

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    This paper proposes K-NRM, a kernel based neural model for document ranking. Given a query and a set of documents, K-NRM uses a translation matrix that models word-level similarities via word embeddings, a new kernel-pooling technique that uses kernels to extract multi-level soft match features, and a learning-to-rank layer that combines those features into the final ranking score. The whole model is trained end-to-end. The ranking layer learns desired feature patterns from the pairwise ranking loss. The kernels transfer the feature patterns into soft-match targets at each similarity level and enforce them on the translation matrix. The word embeddings are tuned accordingly so that they can produce the desired soft matches. Experiments on a commercial search engine's query log demonstrate the improvements of K-NRM over prior feature-based and neural-based states-of-the-art, and explain the source of K-NRM's advantage: Its kernel-guided embedding encodes a similarity metric tailored for matching query words to document words, and provides effective multi-level soft matches

    MatchZoo: A Learning, Practicing, and Developing System for Neural Text Matching

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    Text matching is the core problem in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as information retrieval, question answering, and conversation. Recently, deep leaning technology has been widely adopted for text matching, making neural text matching a new and active research domain. With a large number of neural matching models emerging rapidly, it becomes more and more difficult for researchers, especially those newcomers, to learn and understand these new models. Moreover, it is usually difficult to try these models due to the tedious data pre-processing, complicated parameter configuration, and massive optimization tricks, not to mention the unavailability of public codes sometimes. Finally, for researchers who want to develop new models, it is also not an easy task to implement a neural text matching model from scratch, and to compare with a bunch of existing models. In this paper, therefore, we present a novel system, namely MatchZoo, to facilitate the learning, practicing and designing of neural text matching models. The system consists of a powerful matching library and a user-friendly and interactive studio, which can help researchers: 1) to learn state-of-the-art neural text matching models systematically, 2) to train, test and apply these models with simple configurable steps; and 3) to develop their own models with rich APIs and assistance

    Consistency and Variation in Kernel Neural Ranking Model

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    This paper studies the consistency of the kernel-based neural ranking model K-NRM, a recent state-of-the-art neural IR model, which is important for reproducible research and deployment in the industry. We find that K-NRM has low variance on relevance-based metrics across experimental trials. In spite of this low variance in overall performance, different trials produce different document rankings for individual queries. The main source of variance in our experiments was found to be different latent matching patterns captured by K-NRM. In the IR-customized word embeddings learned by K-NRM, the query-document word pairs follow two different matching patterns that are equally effective, but align word pairs differently in the embedding space. The different latent matching patterns enable a simple yet effective approach to construct ensemble rankers, which improve K-NRM's effectiveness and generalization abilities.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Ranking Significant Discrepancies in Clinical Reports

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    Medical errors are a major public health concern and a leading cause of death worldwide. Many healthcare centers and hospitals use reporting systems where medical practitioners write a preliminary medical report and the report is later reviewed, revised, and finalized by a more experienced physician. The revisions range from stylistic to corrections of critical errors or misinterpretations of the case. Due to the large quantity of reports written daily, it is often difficult to manually and thoroughly review all the finalized reports to find such errors and learn from them. To address this challenge, we propose a novel ranking approach, consisting of textual and ontological overlaps between the preliminary and final versions of reports. The approach learns to rank the reports based on the degree of discrepancy between the versions. This allows medical practitioners to easily identify and learn from the reports in which their interpretation most substantially differed from that of the attending physician (who finalized the report). This is a crucial step towards uncovering potential errors and helping medical practitioners to learn from such errors, thus improving patient-care in the long run. We evaluate our model on a dataset of radiology reports and show that our approach outperforms both previously-proposed approaches and more recent language models by 4.5% to 15.4%.Comment: ECIR 2020 (short

    Deeper Text Understanding for IR with Contextual Neural Language Modeling

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    Neural networks provide new possibilities to automatically learn complex language patterns and query-document relations. Neural IR models have achieved promising results in learning query-document relevance patterns, but few explorations have been done on understanding the text content of a query or a document. This paper studies leveraging a recently-proposed contextual neural language model, BERT, to provide deeper text understanding for IR. Experimental results demonstrate that the contextual text representations from BERT are more effective than traditional word embeddings. Compared to bag-of-words retrieval models, the contextual language model can better leverage language structures, bringing large improvements on queries written in natural languages. Combining the text understanding ability with search knowledge leads to an enhanced pre-trained BERT model that can benefit related search tasks where training data are limited.Comment: In proceedings of SIGIR 201
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