2 research outputs found

    Optimization of Wireless Relaying With Flexible UAV-Borne Reflecting Surfaces

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    This paper presents a theoretical framework to analyze the performance of integrated unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) relaying system in which IRS provides an additional degree of freedom combined with the flexible deployment of full-duplex UAV to enhance communication between ground nodes. Our framework considers three different transmission modes: {\bf (i)} UAV-only mode, {\bf (ii)} IRS-only mode, and {\bf (iii)} integrated UAV-IRS mode to achieve spectral and energy-efficient relaying. For the proposed modes, we provide exact and approximate expressions for the end-to-end outage probability, ergodic capacity, and energy efficiency (EE) in closed-form. We use the derived expressions to optimize key system parameters such as the UAV altitude and the number of elements on the IRS considering different modes. We formulate the problems in the form of fractional programming (e.g. single ratio, sum of multiple ratios or maximization-minimization of ratios) and devise optimal algorithms using quadratic transformations. Furthermore, we derive an analytic criterion to optimally select different transmission modes to maximize ergodic capacity and EE for a given number of IRS elements. Numerical results validate the derived expressions with Monte-Carlo simulations and the proposed optimization algorithms with the solutions obtained through exhaustive search. Insights are drawn related to the different communication modes, optimal number of IRS elements, and optimal UAV height

    Performance of UAV-assisted D2D Networks in the Finite Block-length Regime

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    We develop a comprehensive framework to characterize and optimize the performance of a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted D2D network, where D2D transmissions underlay cellular transmissions. Different from conventional non-line-of-sight (NLoS) terrestrial transmissions, aerial transmissions are highly likely to experience line-of-sight (LoS). As such, characterizing the performance of mixed aerial-terrestrial networks with accurate fading models is critical to precise network performance characterization and resource optimization. We first characterize closed-form expressions for a variety of performance metrics such as frame decoding error probability (referred to as reliability), outage probability, and ergodic capacity of users. The terrestrial and aerial transmissions may experience either LoS Rician fading or NLoS Nakagami-m fading with a certain probability. Based on the derived expressions, we formulate a hierarchical bi-objective mixed-integer-nonlinear-programming (MINLP) problem to minimize the total transmit power of all users and maximize the aggregate throughput of D2D users subject to quality-of-service (QoS) measures (i.e., reliability and ergodic capacity) of cellular users. We model the proposed problem as a bi-partite one-to-many matching game. To solve this problem, we first obtain the optimal closed-form power allocations for each D2D and cellular user on any possible subchannel, and then incorporate them to devise efficient subchannel and power allocation algorithms. Complexity analysis of the proposed algorithms is presented. Numerical results verify the accuracy of our derived expressions and reveal the significance of aerial relays compared to ground relays in increasing the throughput of D2D pairs especially for distant D2D pairs