4 research outputs found

    The Prospect of a New Cryptography: Extensive use of non-algorithmic randomness competes with mathematical complexity

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    Randomness cannot be compressed, hence expanded randomness is ‘contaminated randomness’ where hidden pattern is used. Current cryptography uses little randomness (the key) to generate large randomness (the ciphertext). The pattern used for this expansion is subject to cryptanalysis. By contrast, Vernam and the new breed of Trans-Vernam ciphers project security with sufficient supply of genuine randomness. Having no hidden pattern in their process, they expose no vulnerability to cryptanalysis, other than brute force, the efficacy of which, is well gauged by using enough randomness to brute-force through. Unlike the original genuine randomness cipher (the Vernam cipher; US patent: 1,310,719), the new breed of Trans-Vernam ciphers (US patents: 10,541,802, 10,911,215, 11,159,317 to name a few) projects security with shared randomness (between transmitter and recipient) as well as with unilateral randomness determined ad hoc by the transmitter, thereby controlling the vulnerability of the transmitted message, including eliminating it all together, rising to Vernam grade. The new Trans-Vernam ciphers exploit new technologies for generating high-grade randomness, storing it and communicating it in large quantities. Their security is mathematically established and barring faulty implementation these ciphers are unbreakable. We are looking at a flat cyberspace, no more hierarchy based on math skills: Vernam grade security delivered through modern Trans-Vernam ciphers. Robust privacy of communication will be claimed by all – for good and for ill; law-enforcement and national security will have to adjust. It\u27s a new cryptography, and a new society

    Drone Targeted Cryptography

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    As flying, camera-bearing drones get smaller and lighter, they increasingly choke on the common ciphers as they interpret their commands, and send back their footage. New paradigm cryptography allows for minimum power, adjustable randomness security to step in, and enable this emerging technology to spy, follow, track, and detect. E.g.: to find survivors in a collapsed structure. We describe here a cryptographic premise where intensive computation is avoided, and security is achieved via non-complex processing of at-will size keys. The proposed approach is to increase the role of randomness, and to build ciphers that can handle any size key without choking on computation. Orthodox cryptography seeks to create a thorough mix between key bits and message bits, resulting in heavy-duty computation. Let’s explore simple, fast ciphers that allow their user to adjust the security of the ciphertext by determining how much randomness to use. We present “Walk in the Park” cipher where the “walk” may be described through the series of visited spots (the plaintext), or, equivalently through a list of the traversed walkways (ciphertext). The “walking park” being the key, determines security by its size. Yet, the length of the “walk” is determined by the size of the plaintext, not the size of the “park”. We describe a use scenario for the proposed cipher: a drone taking videos of variable sensitivity and hence variable required security – handled by the size of the “park”

    Pattern Devoid Cryptography

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    Pattern-loaded ciphers are at risk of being compromised by exploiting deeper patterns discovered first by the attacker. This reality offers a built-in advantage to prime cryptanalysis institutions. On the flip side, the risk of hidden math and faster computing undermines confidence in the prevailing cipher products. To avoid this risk one would resort to building security on the premise of lavish quantities of randomness. Gilbert S. Vernam did it in 1917. Using modern technology, the same idea of randomness-based security can be implemented without the inconvenience associated with the old Vernam cipher. These are Trans Vernam Ciphers that project security through a pattern-devoid cipher. Having no pattern to lean on, there is no pattern to crack. The attacker faces (i) a properly randomized shared cryptographic key combined with (ii) unilateral randomness, originated ad-hoc by the transmitter without pre-coordination with the recipient. The unlimited unilateral randomness together with the shared key randomness is set to project as much security as desired up to and including Vernam levels. Assorted Trans Vernam ciphers (TVC) are categorized and reviewed, presenting a cogent message in favor of a cryptographic pathway where transmitted secrets are credibly secured against attackers with faster computers and better mathematicians

    Pattern Devoid Cryptography

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    Pattern loaded ciphers are at risk of being compromised by exploiting deeper patterns discovered first by the attacker. This reality offers a built-in advantage to prime cryptanalysis institutions. On the flip side, risk of hidden math and faster computing undermines confidence in the prevailing cipher products. To avoid this risk one would resort to building security on the premise of lavish quantities of randomness. Gilbert S. Vernam did it in 1917. Using modern technology, the same idea of randomness-based security can be implemented without the inconvenience associated with the old Vernam cipher. These are Trans Vernam Ciphers that project security through a pattern-devoid cipher. Having no pattern to lean on, there is no pattern to crack. The attacker faces (i) a properly randomized shared cryptographic key combined with (ii) unilateral randomness, originated ad-hoc by the transmitter without pre-coordination with the recipient. The unlimited unilateral randomness together with the shared key randomness is set to project as much security as desired up to and including Vernam levels. Assorted Trans Vernam ciphers (TVC) are categorized and reviewed, presenting a cogent message in favor of a cryptographic pathway where transmitted secrets are credibly secured against attackers with faster computers and better mathematicians. A vision emerges: a cryptographic level playing field, consistent with the emerging culture of Web 3.0