2 research outputs found

    Enabling human-like task identification from natural conversation

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    A robot as a coworker or a cohabitant is becoming mainstream day-by-day with the development of low-cost sophisticated hardware. However, an accompanying software stack that can aid the usability of the robotic hardware remains the bottleneck of the process, especially if the robot is not dedicated to a single job. Programming a multi-purpose robot requires an on the fly mission scheduling capability that involves task identification and plan generation. The problem dimension increases if the robot accepts tasks from a human in natural language. Though recent advances in NLP and planner development can solve a variety of complex problems, their amalgamation for a dynamic robotic task handler is used in a limited scope. Specifically, the problem of formulating a planning problem from natural language instructions is not studied in details. In this work, we provide a non-trivial method to combine an NLP engine and a planner such that a robot can successfully identify tasks and all the relevant parameters and generate an accurate plan for the task. Additionally, some mechanism is required to resolve the ambiguity or missing pieces of information in natural language instruction. Thus, we also develop a dialogue strategy that aims to gather additional information with minimal question-answer iterations and only when it is necessary. This work makes a significant stride towards enabling a human-like task understanding capability in a robot

    DeComplex: Task planning from complex natural instructions by a collocating robot

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    As the number of robots in our daily surroundings like home, office, restaurants, factory floors, etc. are increasing rapidly, the development of natural human-robot interaction mechanism becomes more vital as it dictates the usability and acceptability of the robots. One of the valued features of such a cohabitant robot is that it performs tasks that are instructed in natural language. However, it is not trivial to execute the human intended tasks as natural language expressions can have large linguistic variations. Existing works assume either single task instruction is given to the robot at a time or there are multiple independent tasks in an instruction. However, complex task instructions composed of multiple inter-dependent tasks are not handled efficiently in the literature. There can be ordering dependency among the tasks, i.e., the tasks have to be executed in a certain order or there can be execution dependency, i.e., input parameter or execution of a task depends on the outcome of another task. Understanding such dependencies in a complex instruction is not trivial if an unconstrained natural language is allowed. In this work, we propose a method to find the intended order of execution of multiple inter-dependent tasks given in natural language instruction. Based on our experiment, we show that our system is very accurate in generating a viable execution plan from a complex instruction