1 research outputs found

    German Workshop on Experience Management (GWEM 2002) empolis orenge — an Open Platform for Knowledge Management Applications

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    Abstract. empolis orenge 4.0, a component-based environment for knowledge management applications by empolis Knowledge Management, is a flexible and scalable Case-Based Reasoning shell for industrial applications, that also contains many components that provide functionality beyond the basic CBR paradigm. Further it can be extended easily by application-specific components, which makes it an ideal starting point for experimental CBR-oriented research projects, too. As Case-Based Reasoning has evolved into a well-established problem solving paradigm, industrial CBR applications are getting more complex and larger. Moreover, the typical CBR tasks like Retrieval are usually only a small part of the required functionality. Often the bigger challenge is to integrate the CBR tool neatly into an existing information system environment and to combine CBR with other techniques for a better solution to the problem. Also, as CBR is used for enterprise-wide knowledge management systems or for product search in huge electronic malls, the CBR tool must be able to cope with huge industria