834 research outputs found

    Fair comparison of skin detection approaches on publicly available datasets

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    Skin detection is the process of discriminating skin and non-skin regions in a digital image and it is widely used in several applications ranging from hand gesture analysis to track body parts and face detection. Skin detection is a challenging problem which has drawn extensive attention from the research community, nevertheless a fair comparison among approaches is very difficult due to the lack of a common benchmark and a unified testing protocol. In this work, we investigate the most recent researches in this field and we propose a fair comparison among approaches using several different datasets. The major contributions of this work are an exhaustive literature review of skin color detection approaches, a framework to evaluate and combine different skin detector approaches, whose source code is made freely available for future research, and an extensive experimental comparison among several recent methods which have also been used to define an ensemble that works well in many different problems. Experiments are carried out in 10 different datasets including more than 10000 labelled images: experimental results confirm that the best method here proposed obtains a very good performance with respect to other stand-alone approaches, without requiring ad hoc parameter tuning. A MATLAB version of the framework for testing and of the methods proposed in this paper will be freely available from https://github.com/LorisNann

    Model-driven and Data-driven Approaches for some Object Recognition Problems

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    Recognizing objects from images and videos has been a long standing problem in computer vision. The recent surge in the prevalence of visual cameras has given rise to two main challenges where, (i) it is important to understand different sources of object variations in more unconstrained scenarios, and (ii) rather than describing an object in isolation, efficient learning methods for modeling object-scene `contextual' relations are required to resolve visual ambiguities. This dissertation addresses some aspects of these challenges, and consists of two parts. First part of the work focuses on obtaining object descriptors that are largely preserved across certain sources of variations, by utilizing models for image formation and local image features. Given a single instance of an object, we investigate the following three problems. (i) Representing a 2D projection of a 3D non-planar shape invariant to articulations, when there are no self-occlusions. We propose an articulation invariant distance that is preserved across piece-wise affine transformations of a non-rigid object `parts', under a weak perspective imaging model, and then obtain a shape context-like descriptor to perform recognition; (ii) Understanding the space of `arbitrary' blurred images of an object, by representing an unknown blur kernel of a known maximum size using a complete set of orthonormal basis functions spanning that space, and showing that subspaces resulting from convolving a clean object and its blurred versions with these basis functions are equal under some assumptions. We then view the invariant subspaces as points on a Grassmann manifold, and use statistical tools that account for the underlying non-Euclidean nature of the space of these invariants to perform recognition across blur; (iii) Analyzing the robustness of local feature descriptors to different illumination conditions. We perform an empirical study of these descriptors for the problem of face recognition under lighting change, and show that the direction of image gradient largely preserves object properties across varying lighting conditions. The second part of the dissertation utilizes information conveyed by large quantity of data to learn contextual information shared by an object (or an entity) with its surroundings. (i) We first consider a supervised two-class problem of detecting lane markings from road video sequences, where we learn relevant feature-level contextual information through a machine learning algorithm based on boosting. We then focus on unsupervised object classification scenarios where, (ii) we perform clustering using maximum margin principles, by deriving some basic properties on the affinity of `a pair of points' belonging to the same cluster using the information conveyed by `all' points in the system, and (iii) then consider correspondence-free adaptation of statistical classifiers across domain shifting transformations, by generating meaningful `intermediate domains' that incrementally convey potential information about the domain change

    Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination

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    This study is a result of a successful joint-venture with my adviser Prof. Dr. Muhittin Gökmen. I am thankful to him for his continuous assistance on preparing this project. Special thanks to the assistants of the Computer Vision Laboratory for their steady support and help in many topics related with the project

    Face Recognition under Varying Lighting Based on the Probabilistic Model of Gabor Phase

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    This paper present a novel method for robust illumination-tolerant face recognition based on the Gabor phase and a probabilistic similarity measure. Invited by the work in Eigenphases [1] by using the phase spectrum of face images, we use the phase information of the multi-resolution and multi-orientation Gabor filters. We show that the Gabor phase has more discriminative information and it is tolerate to illumination variations. Then we use a probabilistic similarity measure based on a Bayesian (MAP) analysis of the difference between the Gabor phases of two face images. We train the model using some images in the illumination subset of CMU-PIE database and test on the other images of CMU-PIE database and the Yale B database and get comparative results. 1

    Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006Bu çalışmada, aydınlanma değişimlerine karşı gürbüz ve yenilikçi bir yüz tanıma sistemi oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır. Eğitim aşamasında her kişi için tek bir yüz görüntüsünün olduğu varsayılmıştır. Aydınlanma değişimlerine karşı Doğrusal Ayrışım Analizi’nin (DAA) Temel Bileşenli Analizi’ne (TBA) karşı daha başarılı olduğu bilindiğinden, sistemin verimliliğini arttırmak üzere DAA kullanmasına karar verilmiştir. Sınıfsal ayrışım yaklaşımlarda görünen “Az Örnek Sayısı” sorununu çözmek üzere “Oran Görüntü” adı verilen başarılı bir yöntem, görüntü sentezlemek için uygulanmıştır. Bu yöntem kullanılarak her giriş görüntüsü için bir görüntü uzayı oluşturulmuştur. Kullanılan yöntem ayrıca, herhangi bir ışıklandırma koşulunda alınmış görüntüyü, önden ışıklandırılmış hale geri çatabilmeye izin vermektedir. YaleB veritabanı üzerinde yapılan deneysel sonuçlar, var olan yöntemlerle karşılaştırıldığında, bu yaklaşımın daha başarılı sonuçlar elde ettiğini göstermektedir.This paper proposes a novel approach for creating a Face Recognition System robust to illumination variation. Is considered the case when only one image per person is available during the training phase. Knowing the superiority of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) over Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in regard to variable illumination, it was decided to use this fact to improve the performance of this system. To solve the Small Sample Size (SSS) problem related with class-based discriminant approaches it was applied an image synthesis method based on a successful technique known as the Quotient Image to create the image space of any input image. Furthermore an iterative algorithm is used for the restoration of frontal illumination of a face illuminated by an arbitrary angle. Experimental results on the YaleB database show that this approach can achieve a top recognition rate compared with existing methods.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    QUEST Hierarchy for Hyperspectral Face Recognition

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    Face recognition is an attractive biometric due to the ease in which photographs of the human face can be acquired and processed. The non-intrusive ability of many surveillance systems permits face recognition applications to be used in a myriad of environments. Despite decades of impressive research in this area, face recognition still struggles with variations in illumination, pose and expression not to mention the larger challenge of willful circumvention. The integration of supporting contextual information in a fusion hierarchy known as QUalia Exploitation of Sensor Technology (QUEST) is a novel approach for hyperspectral face recognition that results in performance advantages and a robustness not seen in leading face recognition methodologies. This research demonstrates a method for the exploitation of hyperspectral imagery and the intelligent processing of contextual layers of spatial, spectral, and temporal information. This approach illustrates the benefit of integrating spatial and spectral domains of imagery for the automatic extraction and integration of novel soft features (biometric). The establishment of the QUEST methodology for face recognition results in an engineering advantage in both performance and efficiency compared to leading and classical face recognition techniques. An interactive environment for the testing and expansion of this recognition framework is also provided

    Information extraction techniques for multispectral scanner data

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    The applicability of recognition-processing procedures for multispectral scanner data from areas and conditions used for programming the recognition computers to other data from different areas viewed under different measurement conditions was studied. The reflective spectral region approximately 0.3 to 3.0 micrometers is considered. A potential application of such techniques is in conducting area surveys. Work in three general areas is reported: (1) Nature of sources of systematic variation in multispectral scanner radiation signals, (2) An investigation of various techniques for overcoming systematic variations in scanner data; (3) The use of decision rules based upon empirical distributions of scanner signals rather than upon the usually assumed multivariate normal (Gaussian) signal distributions