3 research outputs found

    Efectos del aprendizaje basado en problemas en la competencia instrumental traductora

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    This study sets out to establish the effects of problem-based learning on translator instrumental competence in students of the School of Translation and Interpretation of a private university in the city of Lima. Focused on the search for explanations regarding ability to know how to translate, present and absent in university students and if this competence was due to the multiple tasks assigned. Developed within the neo-positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, substantive type, non-experimental design, deductive hypothetical method. The population consisted of 233 students and the sample of 145 calculated by random probabilistic sampling, which were supplied with a battery of questions (Likert scale). Which were validated by content, the reliability of high consistency for both variables established by Cronbach's Alpha. The hypothesis test was carried out through Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient, whose value was 0.852 (p> 0.05), from which it was concluded that problem-based learning does not significantly influence the translational instrumental competence of students, however We identify that 80% of students present strategies in the elaboration of tasks as well as instrumental translation competence.El presente estudio se propuso establecer los efectos del aprendizaje basado en problemas en la competencia instrumental traductora en estudiantes de la escuela de traducción e interpretación de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Lima. Asimismo, se concentra en la búsqueda de explicaciones respecto a la habilidad en el saber traducir, habilidad presente y ausente en estudiantes universitarios, y si dicha competencia se debía a las múltiples tareas que se asignaban. Esta investigación se desarrolla dentro del paradigma neopositivista, enfoque cuantitativo, tipo sustantivo, diseño no experimental, y método hipotético deductivo. La población estuvo constituida por 233 estudiantes y la muestra por 145, calculada por muestreo probabilístico aleatorio, a los cuales se les suministró una batería de preguntas (escala tipo Likert), las cuales fueron validadas por contenido, la fiabilidad de consistencia alta para ambas variables establecida por Alpha de Cronbach. La contrastación de hipótesis se realizó a través del coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman cuyo valor fue de .852 (p > .05), del cual se concluyó que el aprendizaje basado en problemas no influye significativamente en la competencia instrumental traductora de los estudiantes; sin embargo, se identificó que el 80% de estudiantes presentan estrategias en la elaboración de tareas, así como una competencia instrumental traductora

    Empirical Study on the Computer-aided College English Translation Teaching

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    This paper aims at analyzing how to improve College English translation teaching with the aid of the computer. The research objects are 80 non-English major students from two classes of a local university in China. Based on the changes of translating abilities of the two groups in a semester and interviews, the author comparatively analyzes the influences of the computer aid on College English translation teaching. The main findings of this research can be listed as follows: (1) there exist problems about students’ using the computer to improve their translating ability. (2) using the computer to improve translating can be taught. (3) the use of computer can effectively help students improve their translating ability

    Empirical Study on the Computer-aided College English Translation Teaching

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