5 research outputs found

    Text-based Emotion Aware Recommender

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    We apply the concept of users' emotion vectors (UVECs) and movies' emotion vectors (MVECs) as building components of Emotion Aware Recommender System. We built a comparative platform that consists of five recommenders based on content-based and collaborative filtering algorithms. We employed a Tweets Affective Classifier to classify movies' emotion profiles through movie overviews. We construct MVECs from the movie emotion profiles. We track users' movie watching history to formulate UVECs by taking the average of all the MVECs from all the movies a user has watched. With the MVECs, we built an Emotion Aware Recommender as one of the comparative platforms' algorithms. We evaluated the top-N recommendation lists generated by these Recommenders and found the top-N list of Emotion Aware Recommender showed serendipity recommendations.Comment: 13 pages, 8 tables, International Conference on Natural Language Computing and AI (NLCAI2020) July25-26, London, United Kingdo

    Sentiment Analysis in Social Streams

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    In this chapter, we review and discuss the state of the art on sentiment analysis in social streams—such as web forums, microblogging systems, and social networks, aiming to clarify how user opinions, affective states, and intended emo tional effects are extracted from user generated content, how they are modeled, and howthey could be finally exploited.We explainwhy sentiment analysistasks aremore difficult for social streams than for other textual sources, and entail going beyond classic text-based opinion mining techniques. We show, for example, that social streams may use vocabularies and expressions that exist outside the mainstream of standard, formal languages, and may reflect complex dynamics in the opinions and sentiments expressed by individuals and communities

    Sentiment Analysis in Social Streams

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    In this chapter we review and discuss the state of the art on sentiment analysis in social streams –such as web forums, micro-blogging systems, and so- cial networks–, aiming to clarify how user opinions, affective states, and intended emotional effects are extracted from user generated content, how they are modeled, and how they could be finally exploited. We explain why sentiment analysis tasks are more difficult for social streams than for other textual sources, and entail going beyond classic text-based opinion mining techniques. We show, for example, that social streams may use vocabularies and expressions that exist outside the main- stream of standard, formal languages, and may reflect complex dynamics in the opinions and sentiments expressed by individuals and communities

    Content-Based Multimedia Recommendation Systems: Definition and Application Domains

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    The goal of this work is to formally provide a general definition of a multimedia recommendation system (MMRS), in particular a content-based MMRS (CB-MMRS), and to shed light on different applications of multimedia content for solving a variety of tasks related to recommendation. We would like to disambiguate the fact that multimedia recommendation is not only about recommending a particular media type (e.g., music, video), rather there exists a variety of other applications in which the analysis of multimedia input can be usefully exploited to provide recommendations of various kinds of information