958 research outputs found

    Reconfiguring Household Management in Times of Discontinuity as an Open System: The Case of Agro-food Chains

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This article is based upon a heterodox approach to economics that rejects the oversimplification made by closed economic models and the mainstream concept of ‘externality.’ This approach re-imagines economics as a holistic evaluation of resources versus human needs, which requires judgement based on understanding of the complexity generated by the dynamic relations between different systems. One re-imagining of the economic model is as a holistic and systemic evaluation of agri-food systems’ sustainability that was performed through the multi-dimensional Governance Assessment Matrix Exercise (GAME). This is based on the five capitals model of sustainability, and the translation of qualitative evaluations into quantitative scores. This is based on the triangulation of big data from a variety of sources. To represent quantitative interactions, this article proposes a provisional translation of GAME’s qualitative evaluation into a quantitative form through the identification of measurement units that can reflect the different capital dimensions. For instance, a post-normal, ecological accounting method, Emergy is proposed to evaluate the natural capital. The revised GAME re-imagines economics not as the ‘dismal science,’ but as one that has potential leverage for positive, adaptive and sustainable ecosystemic analyses and global ‘household’ management. This article proposes an explicit recognition of economics nested within the social spheres of human and social capital which are in turn nested within the ecological capital upon which all life rests and is truly the bottom line. In this article, the authors make reference to an on-line retailer of local food and drink to illustrate the methods for evaluation of the five capitals model

    Ecosystem properties and principles of living systems as foundation for sustainable agriculture – Critical reviews of environmental assessment tools, key findings and questions from a course process

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    With increasing demands on limited resources worldwide, there is a growing interest in sustainable patterns of utilisation and production. Ecological agriculture is a response to these concerns. To assess progress and compliance, standard and comprehensive measures of resource requirements, impacts and agro-ecological health are needed. Assessment tools should also be rapid, standardized, userfriendly, meaningful to public policy and applicable to management. Fully considering these requirements confounds the development of integrated methods. Currently, there are many methodologies for monitoring performance, each with its own foundations, assumptions, goals, and outcomes, dependent upon agency agenda or academic orientation. Clearly, a concept of sustainability must address biophysical, ecological, economic, and sociocultural foundations. Assessment indicators and criteria, however, are generally limited, lacking integration, and at times in conflict with one another. A result is that certification criteria, indicators, and assessment methods are not based on a consistent, underlying conceptual framework and often lack a management focus. Ecosystem properties and principles of living systems, including self-organisation, renewal, embeddedness, emergence and commensurate response provide foundation for sustainability assessments and may be appropriate focal points for critical thinking in an evaluation of current methods and standards. A systems framework may also help facilitate a comprehensive approach and promote a context for meaningful discourse. Without holistic accounts, sustainable progress remains an illdefined concept and an elusive goal. Our intent, in the work with this report, was to use systems ecology as a pedagogic basis for learning and discussion to: - Articulate general and common characteristics of living systems. - Identify principles, properties and patterns inherent in natural ecosystems. - Use these findings as foci in a dialogue about attributes of sustainability to: a. develop a model for communicating scientific rationale. b. critically evaluate environmental assessment tools for application in land-use. c. propose appropriate criteria for a comprehensive assessment and expanded definition of ecological land use

    Sustainability and ecological efficiency of low-carbon power system: A concentrating solar power plant in China

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    Low-carbon power generation has been proposed as the key to address climate change. However, the sustainability and ecological efficiency of the generating plants have not been fully understood. This study applies emergy analysis and systems accounting to a pilot solar power tower plant in China for the first time to elaborate its sustainable and ecological performances. Emergy analysis covers virtually all aspects of sustainability and ecological efficiency by considering different forms of materials inputs, environmental support and human labor on the same unit of "solar joule". The input-output analysis based systems accounting is applied to trace the complete emergy embodied in the supply chain for all product materials of the given plant against the back ground of complex economic network, which improved the accuracy of accounting. This analysis illustrated unexpectedly low sustainability and ecological efficiency of this particular plant compared with the emergy analysis based on the primary materials (steel, iron, cement, etc.). Purchased emergy responses more than 95% of the total and emergy input in the construction phase is more than twice as much as that in the operation phase. Comparisons with other kinds of clean energy technologies indicate previous studies may have overestimated the sustainability and ecological benefits of low-carbon power plants. Thus, it is necessary to establish this kind of unified accounting framework. In addition, sensitivity analysis suggests that strictly controlling monetary costs of purchased inputs, extending service lifetime and improving power generation efficiency can promote higher sustainability and ecological efficiency for solar power tower plants. This study provides a more comprehensive framework for quantitative emergy-based evaluation of the sustainability and ecological efficiency for low-carbon power systems

    A Systems Approach to Process Design and Sustainability - Synergy via Pollution Prevention, Control, and Source Reduction

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    Historically, process design prioritized efficiency and profitability, often overlooking environmental and societal implications. However, given the global challenges like climate change and resource scarcity, there is a growing emphasis on embedding sustainability into process design. Adopting a systems-oriented approach provides a comprehensive view, spanning from raw material acquisition to end-of-life product management. Such an approach not only identifies potential sustainability challenges but ensures that solutions foster both environmental responsibility and economic viability. In this study, a comprehensive framework for designing industrial systems is introduced, aiming to encompass the entire lifecycle impacts of chemical processes. The research initially delves into two end-of-life scenarios: solvent recovery (as a pollution reduction intervention) and wastewater treatment systems (as a pollution control intervention). Employing graph-theoretical methods and multi-objective optimization, a thorough systems analysis which incorporates Ecological footprint and Emergy analysis, coupled with economic assessment is presented. Furthermore, a Machine Learning (ML) model (as a source reduction option) is developed to predict the cradle-to-gate impacts of chemicals. Merging the insights from this ML model with the end-of-life scenarios offers a comprehensive systems strategy, advocating for a sustainability-focused approach during the early stages of process design

    Can we break the addiction to fossil energy? : Proceedings of the 7th Biennial International Workshop Advances in Energy Studies

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    Sponsored by Obra Social "la Caixa", Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Universitat AutĂČnoma de Barcelona and LIPHE4 Scientific Association, Generalitat de Catalunya.From 1998 onwards, every other two years, the Biennial International Workshop "Advances in Energy Studies" (BIWAES) gathers experts in what can be called energy analysis to present and discuss advances, innovations and visions in energy and energy-related environmental and socioeconomic issues and models. Renowned energy experts and ecologists, such as H.T. Odum, James Kay, Charles Hall, Tim Allen, Vaclav Smil, Robert Herendeen, Jan Szargut, Joseph Tainter and Robert Ulanowicz among others, have discussed at the BIWAES the importance of energy in our society and ecosystems and the ways to better analyze and model their complex relationships. Previous editions of BIWAES have focused on energy flows in ecology and economy; analysis of the supply side; the ecological consequences of energy sources exploitation; and the role of renewable energy sources and new energy carriers. The present Book of Proceedings refers to the seventh Edition, which took place in the month of October 2010 in Barcelona and addressed society's addiction to fossil energy

    Environmental cost and impacts of chemicals used in agriculture: An integration of emergy and Life Cycle Assessment

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    Modern intensive agriculture worldwide is generating increasing environmental pressure, which prevents its sustainable development. A number of agricultural sustainability assessment approaches and methodological frameworks have been developed by research worldwide to assess the environmental costs and impacts of resources used in agricultural production. A joint use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA, to assess a process' performance and environmental impacts) and Emergy Accounting (EMA, to estimate environmental support to resource generation and provision) is proposed in this study. The goal is not only to ascertain the environmental ‘cost’ of production of selected chemical resources used in agricultural processes, but also to develop a reliable calculation procedure capable to integrate the two approaches (LCA and EMA), while considering their different allocation algebra and space-time scales of application. Specifically, the UEVs of glyphosate and urea, which are respectively the most used herbicide and nitrogen fertilizer used in worldwide agriculture, are calculated, yielding values of 2.47E+13 sej/kg and 7.07E+12 sej/kg, respectively. In order to do so, UEVs of intermediate process chemicals such as ammonia, acetic anhydride, chlorine gas, formaldehyde, phosphorous chloride, and sodium hydroxide have also been calculated or updated, thus providing at the same time a procedure and a set of values potentially useful for future studies. The LCA impacts of agro-chemicals in China are compared to worldwide averages from the Ecoinvent database, and the UEVs for several chemicals are also compared to previous estimates from published emergy literature

    Understanding and Measuring Net Positive Business Strategies

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    Despite their attempts to mitigate ecological impacts through sustainability initiatives, businesses are a major cause of the world\u27s ecological problems. Some progressive businesses are attempting to move beyond “net zero” in terms of achieving neutral environmental impacts and instead are now pursuing a goal of net positive. Net positive refers to the idea that business activities could contribute value-added benefits to earth’s ecological systems, for example, by using technologies that sequester and store carbon. However, except for a handful of high-profile corporate case studies, little is known about how companies are developing their strategies to become net positive and if it is even a realistic goal. Further, little is known regarding the measurements they are using to determine what net positive business practices are. My thesis research addressed three fundamental questions: (1) “What are the types and impacts of net positive strategies an established business might use?”; (2) “What are the measurement issues associated with evaluating the impacts of those strategies?”; and (3) What are the challenges a business faces when implementing net positive strategies? Based on data collected from an organic brewery in western Montana, Wildwood Brewing, my research evaluated two on-site negative emission technologies (NETs), short rotation coppice agroforestry (SRCA) and pyrolysis, as well as on-site energy generation through photovoltaics (PV). Using two environmental accounting methodologies—emergy analysis (EMA) and life cycle assessment (LCA)—to assess Wildwood’s ecological impact, results show that Wildwood must employ NETs over larger amounts of hectarage than it has available on-site in order to attain a net positive state. LCA proved a more useful approach to measuring net positive benefits to the environment over EMA because of its ability to express negative CO2e values from NETs. Based on in-depth interviews with the owner, the main challenges a business may face in achieving net positive include lack of personnel and infrastructure, poor cash flow to fund the initiatives, and a lack of a formal marketing and sales plan to generate greater revenue

    Power generation from slaughterhouse waste materials : an emergy accounting assessment

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    Unidad de excelencia MarĂ­a de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552The linear path "extraction-production-consumption-waste", imposed by humans to natural ecosystems, where all material flows are instead circular, has become unsustainable. Understanding the potential value of some of these "by-products", in order to exploit them effectively in a biorefinery perspective, may help overcoming resource shortages and decrease environmental impacts. This study investigates energy and resource restoration from animal by-products. The slaughterhouse waste undergoes a rendering process to separate residual meal and fat. The latter is combusted in a co-generation plant to produce electricity and heat. The process is carefully assessed using Emergy Accounting approach with the aim of evaluating benefits and environmental load of the process considering the advantages achieved compared with the demand for ecosystem services and natural capital depletion. Moreover, the case aims at exploring three different methodological assumptions referring to the upstream burdens carried by the waste management system, proposing a modified exergy-based allocation rule. The electricity generated shows performances in terms of Unit Emergy Values ranging between 2.7E+05 sej/J, 2.2E+06 sej/J and 3.1E+07 sej/J among the different cases investigated, comparable to power from fossil fuels and renewables sources, and it provides an environmentally sound alternative to conventional waste disposal
